
jìnɡ zhēnɡ lì
  • competitiveness;competitive power;competitive edge
  1. 这些数字夸大了竞争力的丧失。

    These figures exaggerate the loss of competitiveness

  2. 法国人认为不能以提高竞争力为由进行贬值,他们是有道理的。

    The French are on solid ground when they argue that competitiveness is no reason for devaluation

  3. 改革使公司更精干,更有竞争力。

    The changes made the company leaner and more competitive .

  4. 公司必须提高它的竞争力。

    The company needs to improve its competitive edge .

  5. 伦敦城被指责过于奢华和缺乏竞争力。

    The City was criticised for being too exclusive and uncompetitive .

  6. 你们的产品和服务有竞争力吗?营销又怎么样呢?

    Are your products and services competitive ? How about marketing ?

  7. 该公司说他们能够使定价保持竞争力。

    The company say they 're able to keep pricing competitive

  8. 英国公司如果想要保持竞争力就不得不面对严峻的选择。

    UK companies face a stark choice if they want to stay competitive

  9. 这场经历很有可能使日本更具竞争力。

    The betting is that the experience will make Japan more competitive still .

  10. 我们现在必须减少开支以降低营运费用,保持竞争力。

    We are having to cut our costs to reduce overheads and remain competitive .

  11. 我们的产品在质量、可靠性,尤其是品种方面颇具竞争力。

    Our goods compete in terms of product quality , reliability and above all variety

  12. 这是旨在增强公司竞争力的新一轮裁员。

    This is the latest round of job cuts aimed at making the company more competitive

  13. 我们的行业要想保持竞争力,就必须对价格加以控制。

    If our industry is to remain competitive it must mean keeping a lid on prices .

  14. 日本公司的支出使得它们比其他国家的公司更具竞争力。它们将在竞争中轻而易举地取胜。

    Spending by Japanese companies has left them more competitive than companies in other nations . They will be cutting through the competition like a hot knife through butter .

  15. 这种产品没有竞争力,只好下课。

    This product is not competitive and has been terminated .

  16. 如果公司要具有竞争力,我们必须鼓励创新。

    We must encourage innovation if the company is to remain competitive .

  17. 她说,“这样做将在加强两国经济竞争力的同时,为我们两国的千百万人民创造工作岗位和机会”。

    Doing so will " create jobs and opportunity for millions of our people while strengthening both of our nations ' economic competitiveness ," she said .

  18. 个人技术的确比以往任何时候更具有吸引力,毋庸置疑,科技公司在不断把他们的产品和服务设计的更加具有竞争力和吸引力。

    Personal technology is indeed more engaging than ever , and there 's no doubt companies are engineering their products and services to be more compelling and attractive .

  19. 最值得注意的是,乔尔玛•奥利拉曾带领诺基亚从工业公司转型为技术巨头,但是她对之前的成功过于着迷,没有意识到维持竞争力所需的变革。

    Most notably , Jorma Ollila , who had led Nokia 's transition from an industrial company to a technology giant , was too fascinated by the company 's previous success to recognize the change that was needed to sustain its competitiveness .

  20. 报道的作者指出,美国对改善基础设施的不作为不仅会影响房地产市场的健康发展,还会影响其国际竞争力。

    The report 's writers state that America 's failure to invest in infrastructure impacts not only the health of the real-estate market , but also our ability to remain globally competitive .

  21. 但是创新,广泛地定义为所有经济进步的关键要素——给国家带来更快的发展,让公司拥有更多有竞争力的产品,给个人带来更兴旺的事业。

    But innovation , broadly defined , is the crucial ingredient in all economic progress — higher growth for nations , more competitive products for companies , and more prosperous careers for individuals .

  22. 当被问及为什么选择访问中国时,他们说这是因为他们经常谈论中国的悠久历史和美丽景观,以及这个国家在世界上是多么的有竞争力。

    When they were asked why they chose to visit China , they said it was because they often talked about its long history and beauty and how much of the country is competitivein the world .

  23. 有竞争力的长跑运动员喜欢保持低体重。

    Competitive distance runners like to keep their weight low .

  24. 此货的定价有(无)竞争力。

    The goods are ( not ) competitively priced .

  25. 你方价格有竞争力(无竞争力)。

    Your price is competitive ( not competitive ) .

  26. 使企业现代化,从而达到增加利润,增强竞争力的目的,是一件复杂的事情。

    Modernizing a business to increase its profitability and competitiveness is a complicated affair .

  27. 他害怕自己在这样一个稳定的环境中会失去竞争力。

    He was afraid that he would lose his competitiveness in such a secured environment .

  28. 它们的科学知识、革新和技术能力对于保持本国的竞争力和生产率来说都是至关重要的

    Their scientific know-how , innovation and technical capability are critical to maintaining the nation 's competitiveness and productivity .

  29. 也就是说最不鼓励竞争的芬兰教育体系,却培养出了最具有竞争力的孩子。

    In other words , Finland 's education system , which least encourages competition , cultivates the most competitive children .

  30. 该计划提出,到2020年,传统工艺行业的管理水平和市场竞争力有明显提升。

    It calls for better management of the industry and increased market competitiveness , with substantial improvements to be made by 2020 .