
  • 网络competitive landscape;Competition;Competition pattern
  1. 在本文作者合著的《拉动力》(ThePowerofPull)一书中,我们解释了深化的全球化和技术的迅速进步如何带来一个变化愈演愈烈的新的竞争格局。

    In our book , the power of pull , we explain how increased globalization and rapid advances in technology have brought about a new competitive landscape of increasingly volatile change .

  2. 中国3G时代的来临,导致移动通信市场竞争格局发生了革命性的的变化。

    With the arrival of China ' s3G mobile phone era , it triggers dramatic changes in the competitive landscape of the mobile communications market .

  3. 加入WTO之后,我国银行业的市场竞争格局正在逐渐发生着变化。

    Entering WTO has made the competition situation of Chinese banks change gradually .

  4. 尤其是中国进入WTO之后,企业不可避免地面临前所未有的竞争格局。

    Enterprise is confronted with the hitherto unknown competition pattern afterwards especially China enters WTO , inevitability .

  5. 而且3G的市场竞争格局也将发生巨变,竞争将更加充分和有效。

    And 3G market competition will result in significant changes in patterns , competition will be more fully and effectively .

  6. 随着我国企业融入全球经济一体化的激烈竞争格局,以及加入WTO对企业产生的深远影响.在这种情况下,研究如何搞好企业的国际市场营销工作,是关系到企业生存和发展的重大问题。

    With the development of our national enterprises enter into the competitive globe market , and the deep influence to the enterprises arised by China enter into the WTO .

  7. 讨论了国内手机零售业的发展历程并进行了行业的五力分析,在此基础上探讨WTO对行业竞争格局、竞争方向的影响和行业生命周期分析。

    Discuss the industry life cycle and the influence of WTO , as the domestic mobile phone retail industry undergoes great changes in the aspects of competitive structure and direction .

  8. 随着我国加入WTO和电信体制改革的深化,全面开放的电信市场、多元化的竞争格局将给电信运营商带来良好的发展机遇和严峻的挑战。

    Along with China joining in WTO and the reformation of China telecom industry deepened , the telecom companies are facing the good chance to develop and the severe challenge .

  9. 随着全业务竞争格局的形成和3G时代的来临,电信行业正经历着巨大的变化和将面临更为激烈的竞争。

    With the formation of the entire service competition and the approaching of 3G era , Telecommunication Industry is undergoing tremendous change and facing fiercer competition .

  10. 我国进入WTO以后,通信行业改制重组的进程日益加快,多家通信运营商的出现逐渐形成了激烈的竞争格局。

    After China entered WTO , With the daily speed up of reorganization process for Chinese communication business , the appearance of several communication business venders gradually forms the situation of intensive competition .

  11. 随着3G牌照的发放以及产业结构的优化,中国原有的通信市场竞争格局与竞争模式发生了重大的改变。

    With the 3G licenses issued and the optimization of the industrial structure , the Chinese original communications market competition and competitive pattern has a great change .

  12. 但随着中国入世及电信业改革重组使得电信市场的竞争格局发生了重大改变,近年来DG公司的客户流失严重,效益逐年下滑。

    Along with China entering WTO and reform of China telecommunication industry , competition structure of China telecommunication market changed largely .

  13. 我国加入WTO后,岩土工程面临新的社会环境,新的市场形势,新的经济技术体制,新的竞争格局,从而进入全面创新的新时代。

    Joined the WTO , geotechnical engineering is faced with new social environment , new market situation , new economic technology system , new pattern of competition , going to the new times of overall innovations .

  14. 本文首先从国外ATM市场发展趋势入手,对成熟ATM市场特征进行了分析,仔细剖析了成熟市场下的利益机制与竞争格局。

    This paper start with the expatiating development trend of aboard ATM market , then analyzes the trait of mature ATM market , such as profit mechanism and circumstance of competition .

  15. WTO入世文件中涉及到电信业的文件对我国电信法制建设、电信管制机构的监管能力提出了新要求,对我国电信市场的竞争格局也将产生深远影响。

    The WTO rules concerning telecom industry put forward new requirement to our telecom legal construction and the regulation ability of telecom regulation institutions , meanwhile they will bring significant influence on the competition pattern of our telecom market .

  16. 其次,本文分析了上海港集装箱运输的竞争格局,使用SWOT分析法对上海港的竞争战略展开了研究,并提出了相应的建议。

    Then , Shanghai 's container transport competitive pattern was analyzed . By adopting the SWOT method , the research carried out the competitive strategy of Shanghai and gave some suggestions .

  17. 加入WTO后中外金融机构之间将形成激烈竞争格局,竞争焦点集中在经营范围、创新机制、人才资源、服务对象等几个方面。

    After joining WTO , Chinese finance will meet the heated competition with the world financial setups . The competition mainly lies in the operation scopes , the innovation mechanisms , the personnel resources , and the service targets , etc.

  18. 然后,针对当前态势,着重通过对厦门市利用外商直接投资的外部环境及其所处的竞争格局与内部条件进行分析,绘制出相关的SWOT矩阵,并进行了组合分析。

    Then , in view of the present situation , the external general environment , the competitive rivalry and the internal resource capability are treated as the main subject to get SWOT analysis .

  19. 2008年我国电信业重组以来,由于产业融合的冲击、3G等全业务的市场竞争格局的形成,通信企业已步入规模运营黄金时代。

    Since the restructuring of the telecommunications industry in 2008 , due to the formation of the impact of industrial integration and 3G business market competition , communications companies have entered the golden age of operations .

  20. 本论文全面总结了目前中国电信增值业务发展现状,详尽分析了该业务各关键因素,并对其市场竞争格局与主要运营商市场竞争力进行了SWOT分析。

    This article summarizes the current situation of value-added service development , analyses every key point of it and makes a SWOT analysis of China 's market competition situation and the main operators ' competitiveness .

  21. 2007年中国手机市场洗牌加剧,手机行业进入整合期,随着3G牌照的发放,竞争格局更加激烈。

    Since the reshuffle in China cell phone industry intensified in 2007 , there has been a new round of industry optimization . With the release of 3G licence , cell phone market competition will become more furious .

  22. 新世纪来临,面对加入WTO后新的国际竞争格局,民营企业需要应对更为强劲的挑战,同时改革开放的进一步深入,国民经济现代化大业的推进都需要民营企业发挥更大的作用。

    With stepping into new century , facing up the new international competition pattern after attending to WTO , facing up the further deepening of reform and opening up , those enterprises will play an more and more important role in advancing the modernized great cause of national economy .

  23. 排量100ml及125ml系列的摩托车产品已成为我国摩托车行业及市场上的两大主流产品。生产这类产品的厂家之间的竞争格局已悄然形成,这两个系列产品之间的激烈竞争已迫在眉睫;

    These two series of motorcycles are becoming the main products on Chinese motorcycle market and the competition among the manufacturers who are making the above ones is appearing .

  24. 随着现阶段中国电信业的整合,移动3G牌照发放,中国电信运营业已形成了以中国电信、中国移动、中国联通三家运营商的全业务竞争格局业。

    With the integration of Chinese Telecommunications industry and the license grant of 3G mobile business , the telecommunication industry in China formed a pattern of full service access rival among the three operators of China Telecommunications , China Mobile , and China Unicom .

  25. 本论文以严谨的内容、详实的数据、直观的图表、从宏观与微观等多个角度进行研究分析,准确把握PCB行业发展趋势,洞悉此行业竞争格局。

    In this paper , with the rigorous content full and accurate data , intuitive charts , it makes research and analysis from the macro and micro aspects to have an accurate grasp on PCB industry development trends and understand the industry competition pattern .

  26. 欧盟贸易专员凯瑟琳阿什顿(CatherineAshton)表示:中国对原材料的限制还在继续扭曲竞争格局,推高全球价格,在这种经济气候下,这令我们的公司更加举步维艰。

    China 's restrictions on raw materials continue to distort competition and increase global prices , making conditions for our companies even more difficult in this economic climate , said Catherine Ashton , the EU 's trade commissioner .

  27. 新环境下的中国航空货运竞争格局

    New Competition Situation of Chinese Air Cargos in the New Environment

  28. 我国城市燃气市场的竞争格局与对策

    Competition situation and strategies on the urban gas market in China

  29. 我国醋酸行业竞争格局及竞争策略

    Competitive Advantage and Strategy of Acetic Acid Industry in China

  30. 文章进一步运用迈克尔波特的五力模型来分析中国银行业的竞争格局。

    Further , the Michael Porter 's five forces model is adopted .