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  1. 三种杨木的pH值、缓冲容量及其对脲醛树脂胶固化时间的影响

    The pH data buffer capacity of three poplar and their effects on the setting time of UF resin

  2. 六种沙生灌木pH值、缓冲容量及对脲醛树脂胶(UF)固化时间的影响

    PH Value and Buffering Capacity of 6 Shrub Species and Relevant Effects on Curing Time of UF Resin

  3. UF树脂胶预压性能的研究

    A study on the Prepressing Property of UF Resin Adhesive

  4. 将A和B组树脂胶按一定比例进行混合,搅拌均匀后倒入模盒内,安装完成;

    Mix the resin adhesive of groups A and B in certain proportion , stir uniformly , then pour into the mold box , now the installation is finished ;

  5. 特殊的奖励品杨木胶合板专用UF树脂胶的研究

    A study on Urea-formaldehyde Resin Adhesive for Special Use in Production of Poplar Plywood

  6. 介绍在采用E1级脲醛树脂胶的情况下,生产E1级刨花板对设备、胶粘剂、刨花制备、热压工艺及检测的要求。

    An account is given of the requirements for equipment , adhesive , particle preparation , hot-pressing technology and testing methods when producing Grade E_1 particleboard with E_1 UF resin .

  7. 集成材用PRF树脂胶的研究

    Study on PRF resin for integrated timber

  8. Fe~(2+)/H2O2催化氧化脲醛树脂胶中游离甲醛及其对性能的影响

    Removing Free Formaldehyde From Urea-Formaldehyde Resin Adhesive By Means of Fe ~ ( 2 + ) / H_2O_2 Catalytic Oxidation and Its Effects on Performance of the Adhesive

  9. 采用异氰酸酯(ISO)改性的脲醛树脂胶制造低密度稻壳-木材复合材料。

    This work employed isocyanate ( ISO ) / urea formaldehyde ( UF ) resin system with different ratio to develop low-density rice husk / wood composite .

  10. 针对UF树脂胶合成和应用中易出现的两个问题,采用在制备过程中添加自制复合改性剂和稳定剂的办法,明显提高了UF树脂胶的稳定性和降低了游离甲醛的含量。

    In this paper two problems in the synthesis and applications of Urea-Formaldehyde resin . Application method of adding the composite modifier and stabilizer in the preparation .

  11. E-44环氧树脂胶液的净化

    Purification of E-44 Epoxy Resin Solution

  12. 目前,市场上销售的绝大部分中密度纤维板(MDF)在生产过程中都使用脲醛树脂胶(UF)或酚醛树脂胶(PF)作为黏结剂。

    Currently , the vast majority of medium density fiberboard sold in the market using urea-formaldehyde resin ( UF ) or phenolic resin ( PF ) as the binder .

  13. DN-1号刨花板用低毒性脲醛树脂胶的耐老化性能

    The aging-resistant property of DN-1 low-toxic urea-formaldehyde resin glue for particle board

  14. 刨花板用DN-6号低毒性脲醛树脂胶的研制

    Synthetic dn-6 lower toxic urea formaldehyde resin for particle board

  15. 通过显微观察及板内结合强度测试,结果表明,蒸汽冷凝水对水溶性PF树脂胶有稀释作用,改变胶的流动和渗透性能。

    The results of microscopic observation on the glue line and internal bond testing of the board showed that the condensed water would dilute PF and thus increase its flow and penetration into flakes .

  16. DN-4号冷压脲醛树脂胶的研制

    Research on the lower-poisonous dn-4 urea-formaldehyde resin for cold hardening

  17. 试验研究了粉状落叶松单宁酚醛树脂胶(TPF)的调胶工艺和胶合板胶合工艺。

    The preparation of powder larch ( Larix ) tannin phenol formaldehyde ( TPF ) adhesive and technology of hot pressing of plywood were studied .

  18. 本文探讨了脲醛树脂胶中甲醛与尿素摩尔比(F/U)对胶粘剂和刨花板性能的影响,从而优选出生产E1级刨花板所用的胶粘剂。

    The effect of the molar ratio of formaldehyde to urea on the properties of UF resin adhesive and particleboard was investigated . Based on the results , the optimum adhesive used for grade E1 particleboard was determined and presented .

  19. 研究了在室温条件下,空气、氮气或真空气氛中,γ射线对127-环氧树脂胶及其组分:E-44环氧树脂、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯和无水乙二胺的辐射效应。

    Epoxy resin adhesive and its components : E-44 epoxy resin , dibutyl-o-phthalate and anhydrous ethylenediamine were irradiated with γ ray in air , nitrogen or vacuum at ambient temperature respectively .

  20. 研究表明:如果硬铝板表面采用砂纸打磨处理时,采用黏度较低的TC-1环氧树脂胶或者在黏度较高的J-22环氧树脂胶中添加2%的硅烷偶联剂KH-560可以获得优异的粘接效果;

    The results show that if the duralumin plate surface is treated with sand papers , the epoxy adhesive TC-1 with lower viscosity or the epoxy adhesive J-22 with higher viscosity where 2 % wt silane coupler KH-560 is added provides good adhesive ability ;

  21. 本论文是以玉米秸秆为原料,以异氰酸酯(PMDI)改性脲醛树脂胶作为胶黏剂来压制符合地板基材标准的玉米秸秆皮板的研究。

    Using the skin of corn straw as the raw material , urea-formaldehyde ( UF ) resin modified by isocyanate ( PMDI ) as the adhesive , the technology of corn straw skin composite that can be used as the floor substrate was studied in this article .

  22. 刨花板阻燃酚醛树脂胶及其制板工艺

    Study on Fire-retardant PF Resin for Particleboard and Panel Manufacturing Technology

  23. 沙柳刨花板及低毒脲醛树脂胶研究

    Study on Low Poison UF Resin and Particleboard of Salix Mongolia

  24. 介绍了无毒脲醛树脂胶的合成工艺。通过调整工艺参数,加入改性剂甲醛捕集剂;

    This paper described the synthesis process of Urea-formaldehyde resin adhesive .

  25. 127-环氧树脂胶及其组分的辐射效应研究

    The study of radiation effect on 127-EPOXY resin adhesive and its components

  26. 脲醛树脂胶稻草中密度纤维板的性能

    Properties of Medium Density Fiberboard of Rice - straw with UF Resin

  27. 脲醛树脂胶指接材强度性能

    Study on intensity property of joined timber with urea-formaldehyde resin

  28. 摩尔比对脲醛树脂胶和刨花板性能影响的研究

    Research on Effect of Molar Ratio on Properties of UF and Particleboard

  29. 竹材液化物酚醛树脂胶固化及固化动力学研究

    Study on the Curing Characteristics and Kinetics of Bamboo Liquefaction Phenolic Resin

  30. PF-1~低毒快固酚醛树脂胶的研制与应用

    Study and Application for PF-1 ~ # Low-Poison and Fast-Cured Phenolic Resin