
qī xī
  • Habitat;perch;rest;roost;stay;live in seclusion
栖息 [qī xī]
  • (1) [roost]∶歇息

  • 夜里,鹧鹕在残枝上、草丛下、灌木丛下栖息

  • (2) [stay]∶暂住

  • 那些旅馆已被废弃,而我们就在那里栖息

  • (3) [live in seclusion]∶隐遁

栖息[qī xī]
  1. 心若没有栖息的地方。

    If the heart has no place to perch on .

  2. 我那些从来不曾被语言捕捉到的思想栖息在我的歌舞里。

    The thoughts of mine that are never captured by words perch upon my songs and dance .

  3. 现已发现这种鸟栖息在70多个不同的地区。

    The birds are found in over 70 different localities .

  4. 老虎栖息在丛林里。

    The tiger 's home is in the jungle .

  5. 这个地区栖息着大量的鸟。

    The area has a wealth of bird life .

  6. 这所建筑物现在有鸟儿栖息。

    The building is now inhabited by birds .

  7. 两只鳄鱼的大嘴栖息在水面上。

    Two alligators rest their snouts on the water 's surface .

  8. 鲣鸟栖息在外海地区。

    Gannets are denizens of the open ocean .

  9. 孔雀栖息在附近的灌木丛里。

    The peacocks roost in nearby shrubs .

  10. 有时在松动的石头下可以同时看见栖息的陆生动物和水生动物。

    Terrestrial and aquatic fauna may sometimes be found resting together under a loose stone .

  11. 鱼栖息于海中。

    Fish inhabit the sea .

  12. 许多水鸟在岛上栖息。

    A great number of water fowls dwell on the island .

  13. 啄木鸟栖息在中空的树中。

    Woodpeckers inhabit hollow trees .

  14. 她率先将昆虫及其栖息的植物,包括它们所吃的食物,完整地呈现在同一幅生态画作中。

    She was the first to bring together insects and their habitats , including food they ate , into a single ecological composition .

  15. 直到我们栖息的那根“树枝”断裂,我们才能意识到自己可以自由高飞。

    We won 't realize we can fly so high and freely until the " branch " we are resting on breaks .

  16. 数不清的海鸥在遥远的岩石上栖息

    The gulls which haunted the outlying rocks in a prodigious number .

  17. 研究都市林生态系统对黄鹂栖息的影响

    Studying the impact of urban ecosystem on black-napped orioles in Taiwan .

  18. 鸟儿栖息在枝上。

    The bird settles on a branch .

  19. 它们在山里栖息的时候,也总是先相个地方把尾巴藏起来,然后才考虑安置身体。

    When they live in the mountains , they always find a place to hide their tails first , then their bodies .

  20. 栖息时要躲在鸟群中间;往前飞时它从不敢跑在前面,后退时也不敢落在后面;吃东西不敢抢先,只好每次都吃产羹剩饭。

    They always hide among the others while resting , dare not fly ahead while proceeding1 , dare not be left behind while retreating and always eat the food left by others .

  21. 途中,不是梧桐树它绝不栖息,不是竹子的果实必定不吃,泉水不甘美,它宁肯渴着,也不饮用。

    On its way , it would not perch2 a tree other than a parasol tree , and would not eat anything other than the fruit of bamboo , and would not drink anything other than sweet spring water .

  22. 就在狐狸将要吃掉他之前,螃蟹说:“我真是活该,我没有理由要离开海边那个天然的家,像陆地栖息的动物一样,偏要到这里来定居。”知足才能常乐。

    Just as he was going to be eaten up , the crab said , " This is just what I deserve , for I had no business to leave my natural home by the sea and settle here as though I belonged to the land . " Be content with your lot .

  23. 对栖息于季节变化明显、年温差较大的北方小型啮齿类而言,BAT对动物的生存尤为重要。

    Thus , BAT is very important for small rodents inhabiting the North with obviously seasonal changes of climates .

  24. 总平均栖息密度明显地在1月和7月出现两个高峰,总体和软体动物的栖息密度出现显著的季节变化(P<0.01)。

    The value of total mean density of this fauna displayed two apparent peaks in July and January respectively , and the densities of whole fauna and mollusc revealed significantly seasonal fluctuations ( P < 0.01 ) .

  25. 部分中国鹅品种(系)的RAPD分析人们正在想方设法使这些野天鹅种群回到传统的栖息之地&北美洲大部分地区。

    Genetic Diversity In Local Geese of Chinese by RAPD Technique ; Efforts are under way to restore the species to its traditional range covering most of North America .

  26. 用室内生测和刺探电位仪(EPG)研究了亚麻荠对蚜虫取食的影响。在取食选择实验中,在有选择的情况下,甘蓝蚜更趋向于在甘蓝上栖息和取食;

    Cabbage aphids prefer resting and feeding on leaves of cabbage to false flax in feeding choice test .

  27. 在没有选择的情况,接虫的第1天(24h),栖息在甘蓝叶片上的甘蓝蚜数量要高于亚麻荠,两者相比差异显著;

    In no-choice test , the number of cabbage aphids resting on cabbage leaves was significant higher than that resting on false flax leaves after 24 hours .

  28. 鸟岛中鸟类栖息密度达1&2只/m2,而鸥类可达10.只/m2。

    The density of the bird in the islands is very hight with 1-2 indiv . / m , especially the Gulls density come up 10 indiv . / m.

  29. 优势种更替率R值分析结果表明,黄海南部及东海调查区中小型桡足类群落所栖息的环境从夏季转至秋季的变化较大,从冬季转至夏季的变化相对较小。

    The calculated value of alternative rate R for dominant species showed that the habitant environment for meso small copepods community in the investigated area varied greatly in summer turning to autumn and relatively less in winter turning to summer .

  30. 该区生物数量较高(生物量为80.88g/m2,栖息密度为655个/m2),以软体动物为主要类群;

    Both biomass and individual density are relatively high , with an annual average of 80 . 88 g / m2 and 655 d / m2 , and dominated by mollusc .