
  • 网络Qixia district
  1. 南京市栖霞区羁押和看守人员HIV感染状况调查

    Investigation on HIV Infection among Prisoners in Qixia District of Nanjing City

  2. 栖霞区实施人才发展战略的现状、目标与对策

    Reality , Objectives and Countermeasures of Talent Development Strategy in Qixia District

  3. 栖霞区三江河混凝土护坡控制血吸虫病效果观察

    Effectiveness of schistosomiasis control by concreting banks in the Sanjiang river , qixia District

  4. 1991-2001年南京市栖霞区血吸虫病疫情动态

    Trends of schistosomiasis prevalence in Qixia district , Nanjing city from 1991 to 2001

  5. 2006~2008年南京市栖霞区七里村血吸虫病疫情监测

    Surveillance of schistosomiasis in Qili Village , Qixia District , Nanjing City , 2006-2008

  6. 南京市栖霞区学生血防健康教育效果

    Effect of health education of schistosomiasis control among students in Qixia District , Nanjing City

  7. 南京市栖霞区2005&2008年饮食业餐具检测结果分析

    Analysis on Detection Results of Tableware in Catering Trade in Qixia District of Nanjing City during 2005-2008

  8. 快速城市化地区城市用地扩展的生态环境效应评价&以南京市栖霞区为例

    Assessment of Ecological Environment of Urban Land Expansion in Rapid Urbanization Area : A Case Study of Qixia District in Nanjing

  9. 通过调查发现,栖霞区农村居民点用地规模实际是呈现下降趋势,人均居民点用地面积快速上升,居民点闲置率较高。

    It is found that Qixia rural residential areas were decreased , the amount of land per capita residential rising fast , higher rates of residential idle .

  10. 最后以南京市栖霞区为例,对栖霞区各小城镇的成长机制进行了个案分析,并对栖霞镇的发展进行了可持续发展的综合评价。

    In the end , this paper takes QiXia district of Nanjing as an example to analyze the growth mechanism of individual small cities and towns of QiXia district and make comprehensive sustainable evaluation of QiXia-Town .

  11. 南大科学园文化创意产业园工程项目位于南京市栖霞区仙林新市区白象片区内,北临韦地路,南临南京大学仙林校区。

    Nanjing University Science Park Cultural and Creative Industry Park project located in Nanjing Qixia District Xianlin new urban white elephant chip area , north to Wei Di Road , south to Xianlin Campus of Nanjing University .

  12. 通过对栖霞区人才队伍的现状分析,解析了栖霞区人才的发展状况和存在问题,并从未来栖霞区人才发展的目标任务出发,提出了栖霞区人才发展的对策思路。

    In this article the writers not only analyze reality and problems of talent development in Qixia district , but also propose , in accordance with the objectives and tasks for talent development , some countermeasures for Qixia district .