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  1. 梁陈边塞诗试析

    An Analysis of Frontier Poetry in the Liang and Chen Dynasties

  2. 梁陈时期是骈文臻于成熟之时。

    Liang Chen was a period when parallel prose went into maturity .

  3. 论梁陈边塞诗的盛况及其汉代情结

    Pomp of Liang-Chen Frontier Poetry and Its Han Dynasty Complex

  4. 梁陈边塞诗创作心理浅解

    Tentative Psychological Analysis of Frontier Poetry in the Liang and Chen Dynasties

  5. 徐陵是梁陈时代追随简文帝萧纲的重要作家,历来都认为他的诗轻靡淫艳,是一个典型的宫体诗人。

    Xu Ling was an important writer during the Liang and Chen Dynasties .

  6. 论北宋初文臣的梁陈文学观&以《文苑英华》选取陈代作品的态度为中心

    On the Viewpoints of Literary Officials of Song Dynasty to the Literature of Chen

  7. 从梁陈之际开始,南方内地的土豪,也成为割据的一方势力。

    Beginning at the time of the Xiao Liang and the Chen , the southern landlords also became overwhelming local powers .

  8. 第四章分别概要论述了刘宋及齐梁陈两个时期散体文的创作成就。

    The fourth chapter generally described the achievements of the free prose in Liu Song and Qi , Liang , Chen .

  9. 隋代诗人群体主要来自西魏北周、东魏北齐和梁陈。随着隋朝版图的统一,隋代诗人组织或参与了周隋之际文化整合运动。

    The groups of poets in Sui Dynasty chiefly come from West Wei , North Zhou , East Wei , North Ji , Liang and Chen .

  10. 边塞诗在先秦就已萌芽,但直到梁陈时代才得以全面地发展,并在思想和艺术上达到了一定的高峰。

    Frontier poetry , which firstly appeared in pre-Qin period , gained a rapid and full development in Liang-Chen Dynasty and made a breakthrough in art and thought .

  11. 梁陈边塞诗与拟乐府的范围扩大和武将地位上升有密切关系。

    The flowerishing of frontier poetry in the Liang and Chen Dynasties had a close connection with the widening of the imitation of Yue Fu and going up of warriors'status .

  12. 通过分析和比较,本文认为,梁、陈时期的很多诗人,在诗歌创作实践上受永明体声律要求的影响,其诗歌作品又为后世近体诗格律的定型提供文本依据。

    Through analysis and comparison , this paper argues that , Liang , Chen period many poets , in the practice of poetry creation by sun life rhythm demands influence , his poetry and for future generations of modern style poetry styling text evidence .

  13. 公元557年,陈霸先灭梁,建立陈。

    In 557 , Chen Baxian replaced Liang with Chen .