
  1. 人异体骨软骨移植物保存方法的研究

    The Study on Preservation Methods of Human Osteochondral Allograft

  2. 湖北珍稀危植物保存现状及对今后开展研究的建议

    The present state of preservation of the precious , rare and threatened plants in hubei , as well as the proposition for studying further these plants

  3. 鄂陵湖浅层深2m的冻结湖相沉积物中埋藏植物屑保存完好,植物屑均来源于同一种沉水植物&龙须眼子菜(Potamogetonpectinatus)。

    The plant tissues , which were well - preserved in 2 m - thick shallow frozen lacustrine sediments of Ngoring , came from the same species of submersed plant , Potamogeton pectinatus .

  4. 西双版纳热带植物园保存的国家珍稀濒危植物

    The state rare and endangered plants protected in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

  5. 珍稀濒危植物引种保存的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the introduction and preserving of the rare and endangered plants

  6. 马铃薯主要病毒保毒植物试管保存技术及其效果的研究

    Effect of maintenance of main potato viruses source plants by using in vitro culture technique

  7. 是中国低纬度高海拔地区植物资源保存比较完整而原始的地区。

    Moreover , it is the primitive region , in which plant re source s of low latitude and high elevation preserved integrated .

  8. 是一个以热带雨林为主,集科研、植物种质保存、科普和生态旅游等为一体的中国最大植物园。

    Is a tropical rain forest , scientific research , plant germplasm conservation , science and eco-tourism as one of the largest botanical garden .

  9. 介绍了药用植物种质保存的多种方法:就地保存,迁地保存,种质库保存等等。对我国药用植物资源保护中的一些问题提出了积极可行的建议。

    This paper presents a number of methods for conserving germplasm of medicinal plants : in situ and ex situ conservation , germplasm depots and so on , thus making some suggestions about the protection of medicinal plant resources in our country .

  10. 离体保存技术在植物种质资源保存中的应用

    Application of Conservation Technique in vitro in Plant Germplasm Resources Conservation

  11. 贵州特有植物及其种质保存研究

    Study on endemic plant of Guizhou and it 's germ plasm conservation

  12. 关于维管植物大化石保存方式术语的商榷

    Terminology of the Modes of Preservation of Vascular Plant Megafossils : A Discussion

  13. 药用植物种质的保存方法

    Conservation Methods for Germplasm of Medicinal Plants

  14. 常温干燥贮藏是植物种质资源保存的重要方式之一。

    Dry and common temperature storage is one of the main storage methods of plants germplasm .

  15. 这类植物将氮保存到根部,豆类尤其擅长于这样固氮。

    The plants hold the nitrogen in their roots . Legumes are especially good at this nitrogen-fixing .

  16. 传统植物文化的保存及寻找传统知识流失的原因已成为全世界密切关注的问题。

    Conservation of ethnobotanical culture and searching for the reasons of traditional knowledge losing have been paid more attention by the world .

  17. 玻璃化法超低温保存生物材料是一门新兴的生物技术,已成为目前最为理想的植物种质资源保存方法。

    Vitrification as a new biological technology has been thought the most ideal preservation technique of plant culture and their genetic integrity .

  18. 摘要我国植物种质资源保存越来越受到重视,不少单位正在筹备建设植物种质资源库。

    With more attention paid to the preservation of plant germplasm resources in china , many institutions are preparing to build plant germplasm banks .

  19. 这些多态性位点将是黄精属植物的种质保存、遗传多样性、种群遗传学、繁育系统等研究的有用工具。

    These markers would be the useful tools for analyzing questions concerning germplasm preservation , genetic diversity , population genetics and mating system of Polygonatum .

  20. 本文从动植物遗传资源保存的角度出发,系统地介绍了影响有限群体中基因频率偏离平衡状态系统性效应和分散性效应。

    This paper , starting off with the point of view that the resource of animal and plant reserves , systematically introduces systematic and dispersive effect that influences deviation - balance state of frequency of gene in the limited colony .

  21. 应用无菌取材、新鲜冰冻技术制备异体骨-前十字韧带-骨移植物,-80℃保存14d以上待用。

    The sterilized fresh-frozen allograft of bone-anterior cruciate ligament-bone were prepared and reserved for more than 14 days under - 80 ℃ .

  22. 同时讨论了药用植物品种资源的保存方法。

    Methods of varietal preservation of these plants are also discussed .

  23. 植物基因资源异境保存遗传抽样策略

    Genetic Sampling Strategies for the Plant Gene Resource Ex Situ Conservation

  24. 但植物愈伤组织在保存过程中会逐渐丧失胚性能力。

    However , embryogenic capability may be gradually lost during the preservation of calli .

  25. 植物种质超低温保存研究进展

    The Study Progresses of the Preservation of the Plant Plasm Germ under the Supercold Conditions

  26. 本研究对胡枝子属植物种质资源的保存和育种利用有一定参考价值。

    This study will provide a reference to the preservation of germplasm resources and breeding for Lespedeza Michx .

  27. 本文综述了国内外植物种质离体保存技术最新研究进展。

    The latest advances of techniques for in vitro preservation of plant germplasm resources are summarized in this paper .

  28. 大蒜属无性繁殖植物,传统的保存方法需要每年进行种质更新,不仅需要耗费大量的人力、财力,还容易受到病虫害和自然灾害的影响。

    Garlic is one of the vegetative plant and conserved with the traditional method which needs renewing every year .

  29. 植物种质资源的保存对于生物多样性保护和新品种选育均具有十分重要的意义。

    The conservation of plant germplasm resources has extremely vital significance for the biology biodiversity conservation and plant breeding of the new cultivar .

  30. 通过对海子坪自然保护区天然毛竹林的现状进行分析总结,指出海子坪天然毛竹林具有有利于竹类植物种质资源的保存;

    Through analyzing and summarizing the situation of natural bamboo forest in the reserve , it showed that there are five kinds of values to conserve the natural bamboo forest .