
  1. 植物抗逆相关ERF转录因子研究综述

    ERF Transcription Factors Related to Plant Stress-Tolerance

  2. SAMS对植物抗逆、衰老、代谢和调控起重大作用。

    SAMS plays an important role in anti-stress , aging , metabolism and regulation of plant .

  3. 脱落酸(ABA)可以调节植物抗逆(包括干旱、冷害、盐害等)的多种生理反应和分子生物学效应。

    Abscisic acid ( ABA ) can regulate a variety of physiological and molecular responses for plant against stresses , including drought , chilling , salinity , and so forth .

  4. 植物抗逆诱导剂IPT和SA对水稻RCI-1基因表达状况的影响

    The Effect of Plant Resistance Inducer IPT and SA on the Expression of RCI-1 Gene in Rice Seedlings

  5. ABA作为干旱信号物质在植物抗逆生理反应过程中起着至关重要的作用,揭示ABA合成及其信号转导机制对于探明植物干旱信息的感受机制尤为重要。

    ABA plays an important role in the process of drought resistance as a drought signal molecular , so it 's necessary to investigate the mechanism of ABA synthesis and it 's signal transduction .

  6. 甜菜碱醛脱氢酶(BADH)在植物抗逆反应中发挥着重要作用。

    Plant betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase ( BADH ) is a physiologically important enzyme in response to salt or drought stress .

  7. 通过对所有已知功能基因的分析发现,数据库中与己知植物抗逆相关的蛋白有66类。

    It was found that 66 proteins were associated with plant resistance .

  8. 稀土对植物抗逆作用的自由基机制

    The free radical mechanism of rare earth elements in anti-adversity for plants

  9. 基因芯片技术在植物抗逆机理研究中的应用

    Application of Gene Chip Technology in the Mechanism Study of Plant Resistance

  10. 植物抗逆相关基因的分离及功能分析

    Isolation and Function Analysis of Plant Stress Tolerance-related Genes

  11. 植物抗逆基因分离策略

    Strategy of Cloning the Adversity Gene in Plant

  12. 胁迫诱导型启动子在植物抗逆基因工程中的应用

    Application of Stress-Induced Promoter in Plant Genetic Engineering

  13. 叶绿素荧光动力学及其在植物抗逆生理研究中的应用

    The application of chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics in the study of physiological responses of plants to environmental stresses

  14. 氨基酸作为一种生物保护剂在植物抗逆过程中起关键作用。

    Amino acid which acts as a bio-antifreeze plays a very important role in plant resistance to cold .

  15. 多胺是一类具有较强生理活性的低分子量脂肪族含氮碱,在植物抗逆反应中发挥着重要作用。

    Polyamines ( PAs ) are low-molecular-weight biologically active compounds , playing important roles in plants response to environmental stresses .

  16. 转录因子的分离、功能鉴定是开展植物抗逆机制研究的重要途径。

    Isolation and the subsequently functional study of transcription factors is a major approach in the research of plants defense mechanism .

  17. 本文对该技术在植物抗逆、抗病机理研究中的应用进行了综述。

    This paper review the applications of the technique on the mechanism of plant resistance to adverse and disease in recent years .

  18. 内生真菌不仅能增强植物抗逆、抗病虫害能力,还能提高植物光合作用,促进植物生长。

    Endophytic fungi not only can enhance plant stress tolerance and pest resistant ability , but also improve plant photosynthesis and promote plant growth .

  19. 一氧化氮(NO)作为植物抗逆/抗病反应的第二信使,通过蛋白S-亚硝酰化修饰完成整个信号转导过程。

    Nitric oxide ( NO ) as a plant second messenger of disease-resistance / resistance response , complete the signal transduction by the S-protein nitrosylation .

  20. 在植物抗逆基因工程中,许多基因包括转录因子都由组成型启动子或胁迫诱导启动子驱动。

    In genetic engineering of plant resistance , many genes including transcription factors have been expressed in transgenic plants using either constitutive or stress-inducible promoters .

  21. 研究其生理生态学适应机制,对当前植物抗逆育种、生态环境恢复和作物抗旱性能评价等都具有重要意义。

    Studying the eco-physiological adaptation mechanisms of these plants has great significance for areas including current plant breeding for drought resistance , eco-environment restoration and drought resistance evaluation for crops .

  22. 因此,进一步深入了解不同耐旱性相关基因互作及其调控机制十分必要,从而为拟订出针对性强易于操作的植物抗逆基因工程提供策略。

    Therefore , it is necessary to deeply understand the stress-related polygenic interactions and its regulatory mechanisms , which will help in making strategies for stress-tolerance genetic engineering in plants .

  23. 根据数据库中已有的植物抗逆基因的种类,我们对这些植物抗逆性进行了初步的分类,方便研究人员检索数据。

    According to the plant stress genes existed in our database , we made a primary category of the plant stresses , which could help the researchers to search for our database more efficiently .

  24. 在植物抗逆基因工程中,组成型启动子已经被广泛应用,虽然组成型启动子驱动外源基因表达可以提高转基因植物的抗逆性,但会导致转基因植物生长迟缓甚至不育。

    Constitutive promoter was widely used in plant stress resistance genetic engineering to improve stress tolerance of transgenic plants . But constitutive expression of exogenous gene influences plant growth and even leads to infertility .

  25. 为了进一步探讨植物抗逆反应机理,本文以羊草、烟草和拟南芥作为主要实验材料,开展了植物耐逆分子机制和相关基因工程研究,主要结果如下。

    In this research , for further study the mechanism of stress tolerance in plant , Arabidopsis thaliana , tobacco and Leymus Chinensis were used as the main experimental materials to study the molecular mechanism of stress tolerance in plant and do some researches on the gene engineering .

  26. 另外29个EST主要涉及植物的抗逆应答、RNA加工、蛋白质的翻译与加工、光合作用、能量代谢等。

    Twenty-nine of them involve in response to abiotic stresses , RNAs processing , proteins translation and processing , photosynthesis , energy metabolism and other pathways .

  27. 抗坏血酸(ascorbicacid,AsA)在高等植物的抗逆、抗病等过程中具有重要作用。

    Ascorbic acid ( AsA ) has been found to play important roles in many physiological processes of higher plants including resistance to abiotic stresses and pathogen attack .

  28. 这一发现有可能从一个侧面解释菌根植物的抗逆机制和AMF在镉污染环境中的生物修复作用的应用潜力。

    This finding may possibly explain the mechanisms of the tolerance of mycorrhizal plant to polluted heavy metals for example Cd .

  29. 5种水生植物去污抗逆能力的试验研究

    Experimental Study of Decontamination and Resistance Ability of Five Hydrophytes

  30. 通过对有机酸与铝的络合能力的调查,探讨了对植物抗铝逆性强弱的影响。

    The complexing capabilities of organic acids to aluminum were determined to probe their effects on plant aluminum resistance .