
zhí wù jiǎn yì
  • plant quarantine
  1. 据动植物检疫机关称,韩国被遗弃的动物数量从2016年的89732只增加到了2020年的130401只。

    Animal abandonment rose to 130401 in 2020 from 89732 cases in 2016 , the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency said .

  2. 论WTO规则下中国出入境植物检疫制度改革

    On Chinese Entry-exit Plant Quarantine System Innovation under the WTO Regulation

  3. 杨干象是杨树重要的蛀干害虫,为全国性森林植物检疫对象。

    Cryptorrhynchus lapathi is an important trunk borer of poplar and nationwide object of forest plants quarantine .

  4. 但检查一旦开始,这个花农每天将必须支付100多欧元,请一名检查员来签发所谓的植物检疫证书,然后才能将花卉出口到英国。贾普·摩尔曼�

    But when they do kick in , this grower will have to pay more than a hundred euros every day for an inspector3 to come and issue a so-called phytosanitary certificate to allow him to export to the UK .

  5. 浅谈加入WTO对基层植物检疫工作的影响

    Talking about Impact of WTO Entry on Basic Level Plant Quarantine on working

  6. PCR技术在植物检疫性病害鉴定中的应用

    Application of PCR Techniques to Identification of Plant Quarantine Disease

  7. 实蝇监测体系的完善和技术的提高是我国植物检疫应对WTO挑战的一项重要任务。

    It is regarded as an important quarantine task to improve the systems and techniques of fruit fly monitoring dealing with the challenges of entry WTO .

  8. 研究了在植物检疫中利用蚧虫残体提取DNA并应用PCR技术快速鉴定虫种的方法。

    A new method of total DNA extraction from the incomplete body of scale insects and PCR technique for rapid identification of species in plant quarantine was studied .

  9. 根据SPS协议要求进行的中欧植物检疫立法的比较

    Compare of Quarantine of Plant Legislation between China and European Union According to Agreement of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

  10. 世贸组织《卫生和植物检疫》(SPS)协议对于规范国际贸易中SPS措施的使用起了非常积极的作用。

    SPS agreement has played a very positive role in standardizing the use of SPS measures in international trade .

  11. SPS协议对我国动植物检疫和食品安全立法影响及法律对策研究

    The Probable Effect of SPS Agreement to Chinese Quarantine of Animals and Plants Food Safety Legislation and the Corresponding Legal Solution

  12. WTO成员要想成功援引《卫生和动植物检疫措施协定》必须满足以国际标准为基础、以科学证据为基础的风险评估、保护水平适当和有关同等待遇的规定等适格性条件。

    The successful adoption of SPS for members of WTO requires such proper conditions as the risk evaluation based on the international ( criterions ) and scientific evidence , the proper protection level and the regulations as to the equal treatment .

  13. 提出了建立植物检疫的GMP制度,利用CCP风险过程控制与产品分级分类管理等措施对检疫风险实行综合控制的策略。

    This article also put forward establishing GMP regulations of phytosanitary and practicing integrated control management for phytosanitary risk using these measures such as CCP , products classification management etc.

  14. 首先论述了WTO《农产品协议》的主要内容,包括市场准入、国内支持承诺、出口竞争承诺、卫生与动植物检疫措施等;

    This paper discusses the main content of " WTO agreement on agriculture " at first , which consists of market accession , domestic support commitment , export allowance to agricultural products , sanitary and plants and animals phytosanitary measures , and so on .

  15. 在QPM中,LucID检索表有昆虫目检索表、植物检疫性病害检索表、植物检疫性昆虫检索表和植物检疫性杂草检索表。

    There are four LucID Keys , i.e. key to insect orders , key to plant quarantine insect pests , key to plant quarantine diseases and key to plant quarantine weeds in China .

  16. 栗疫菌(Endothiaparasitica)引起的板栗疫病是森林植物检疫对象之一。

    Chestnut blight caused by Endothia parasitica , is one of forest plant quarantine pests . Toxin is one of important pathogenic factors to plants .

  17. 因此,对其疫区国家输华木材、木质包装采取紧急的植物检疫措施是必要和紧迫的,完全符合SPS协议原则和国际惯例。

    Consequently , it is necessary and urgent to take emergency measures to wood and wooden packages imported into China from quarantine areas , at the same time it is in accordance with the principle of SPS ' and international practice .

  18. 进境植物检疫性病害的疫情评述

    A Reviews of the Quarantine Disease Pest of Plants from Different Countries

  19. 试论我国森林植物检疫工作的组织与管理

    Discussion on the organization and management of forest plant quarantine in China

  20. 四川省植物检疫地理信息系统的建立及应用

    Establishment and Application of GIS of Plant Quarantine in Sichuan

  21. 基于工作流技术的全国森林植物检疫管理系统的设计

    Design of the Forest Plant Quarantine Management System Based on Workflow Technology

  22. 国内外植检专家有关植物检疫定义的论述

    Expositions of domestic and foreign experts on the definition of plant quarantine

  23. 刍议逃避动植物检疫罪

    Discussions on the Crime of Dodging Animal and Plant Quarantine

  24. 利用这一研究成果,将提高植物检疫决策的科学性和预见性。

    It increased the science and prediction of phytosanitary decision .

  25. 植物检疫是防止该病发展的重要措施。

    Plant quarantine is one of important methods to prevent the disease .

  26. 但是,处理此类问题应完全从植物检疫角度而不是贸易保护主义角度出发。

    But these should be addressed on purely phytosanitary not protectionist grounds .

  27. 关于我国植物检疫性有害生物分子鉴定标准化的思考

    Prospect on the Molecular Identification Standardization for Plant Quarantine Pests in China

  28. 植物检疫对构建环境友好型社会的重要意义

    Significance of Plant Quarantine in Constructing An Environmental Friendly Society

  29. 森林植物检疫管理系统的关键技术

    The Key Technique to Forest Plant Quarantine Management Information System

  30. 内蒙古自治区补充森林植物检疫对象信息数据

    Supplementary Information Data of Quarantine Objects for Forest Plant in Inner Mongolia