
  • 网络Imitation Strategy
  1. 中小企业模仿战略下的技术兼容性分析

    Analysis on Small-Medium firms ' Technical Compatibility of Imitation Strategy

  2. 中国本土企业的模仿战略&基于外商投资企业在华竞争的研究

    The Imitation Strategy of Chinese Indigenous Firms & Research Based on Competition from MNEs in China

  3. 基于技术竞争态势,企业可以采取领先战略或跟随和模仿战略。

    Technology-based competitive situation , enterprises can take the leading strategies or the strategy of follow and imitate .

  4. 根据可持续的内生经济增长模型可以判定,我国转型经济整体上已经越过了技术模仿战略主导与技术创新战略主导转换临界点。

    It can be assumed from the endogenous economy growth model that , the transition economy in China had passed over the critical state from the technological imitation to creation .

  5. 并结合这一特点提出了适应我国高新技术企业发展的对策,包括国际标准化策略,避开模仿战略的陷阱及鼓励国内企业直接跨越壁垒的策略。

    This paper holds that the high-technology industry in our country should adopt these strategies , consisting of the international standardization , avoiding the imitating trap and the immediate surmounting barriers .

  6. 论产业集群创新与模仿的战略选择

    Strategy Choice of Industry Cluster between Creation and Imitation

  7. 我国中小企业技术模仿创新战略分析

    Analysis on the Technological Imitative Innovation Strategy in the Medium and Small-sized Enterprises of Our Country

  8. 要积极地推进中小企业技术模仿创新战略的进程,必须加大中小企业人力资本的投资,建立和完善中小企业的网络设施,完善和优化对中小企业的机构服务以及采取虚拟技术模仿创新形式等举措。

    It includes enlarging the investment of human capitals , establishing and perfecting the network facilities , improving and optimizing the organizational services and applying computer techniques to imitative innovation .

  9. 现在,在韩国通过“快速模仿”战略占据主导地位的行业,中国在以同样的模式威胁韩国,比如在造船、半导体和智能手机领域。

    China is now using the same model to threaten South Korea in the industries it has dominated through the " fast follower " strategy : shipbuilding , semiconductor and smartphones .

  10. 面对挑战,选择和实施技术模仿创新战略是我国中小企业以最小的代价、最快的速度追赶世界先进水平的现实途径。

    To meet this challenge , implementing technological imitative innovation strategy is a realistic way for the medium and small-sized enterprises to catch up with the world 's advanced level at least cost and highest speed .

  11. 但技术创新并不只是实力强大、技术先进企业的专利,技术模仿引进战略和技术自主创新战略在各个企业发展过程中不是绝对的,受外部一系列约束条件的影响。

    But also the self-innovation is not the patent of the big company . Imitation and self-innovation are two strategies which are not absolute unchanged with the development of the corporation and which are influenced by some constraints .

  12. 在具备了一定的跨国经营实力、积累了足够的跨国经营经验以后,再扩展国际规模:在技术创新战略上,中国工业企业应该由模仿创新战略逐步向自主创新战略过渡。

    After possessing certain strength of transnational management and accumulating enough experience of transnational management , the enterprises could expand international scale . Second , in the respect of technology innovation strategy , Chinese industrial enterprises should transit from imitational innovation strategy to independent innovation strategy progressively .

  13. 这个词却很贴切地描述了一种本质为“模仿”的战略。

    These two words accurately describe a strategy whose nature is " imitation " .

  14. 第一,价值战具体细分为三种状态:竞争博弈状态、相互难以模仿状态及战略互动状态。

    First , value war can be classified into three conditions specifically : competition gaming , mutually inimitable and strategic interaction .

  15. 第五章是汽车产业后发优势的形成路径,路径包括技术模仿创新、战略联盟、承接产业转移、利用外资优势。

    Chapter five is the paths of advantage of backwardness in auto industry , including technical innovation , strategic alliances , following the transfer of industries , foreign investment advantages .

  16. 其中采用技术模仿创新是重要战略选择。

    There by using imitating innovation is a very important strategy .

  17. 其次,在对西部地区中小企业技术创新战略的三大目标进行梳理的基础上,对可供选择的自主型技术创新战略、模仿型技术创新战略以及合作型技术创新战略进行了细致分析。

    Secondly , it summarizes the three major goals of SMEs ' technological innovation strategic in the western region , analyses the selection of independent innovation strategy , imitative technology innovation strategy and cooperative technical innovation strategy in detail .