
  • 网络ANALOG
  1. 前向通道电路的功能是对DSP控制电路产生的控制信号进行处理,产生输入到变频器的模拟电压信号。

    The function of forward channel circuit is changing the control signals made by CPU control circuit to analog voltage signal which is the input of the transducer .

  2. 置换式ADC,以组成m级×n位ADC为例,仅需一套n位的全并行式ADC,直接将模拟电压信号转换成数字信号;

    The replacement type ADC , formed by m grades × n bits ADC , it needs just one set of n bit full parallel type ADC and converts the analog voltage signal into the digital signal .

  3. 使用PCI插槽则使控制器的安装、拆卸很不方便;并且控制器输出的模拟电压信号在传输线上易受到干扰,造成打标精度下降。

    Using the PCI slot make the installation and dismantle of the controller not very convenient ; and the analog voltage output of the controller in the wire are vulnerable to interference , making the accuracy of marking decrease .

  4. 操作平台的操作输出为模拟电压信号,控制机通过I/O地址采入数采卡上数据并处理后,用RS-232与视景机串行通信,适时发送控制和音像播放指令。音像材料;

    The control computer accesses data of data acquisition card via I / O and deals with data , and communicates with scenery-view computer by RS-232 , sends out control and media play commands timely .

  5. 该电路能将蓝硅SPD输出的0.1~100μA范围光电流转换成0~3V的模拟电压输出,方便地实现了与MCU的连接。

    In the proposed circuit , the SPD output photo-current is converted from 0.1 ~ 100 μ A into analog output voltage from 0 ~ 3V , and thus , it is easily to be connected with the analog port of MCU .

  6. 阐述了AD7710的模拟电压输入、基准电压输入以及与微处理器的数字接口电路。

    The circuit of analog input , reference input and the serial digital interface with microcomputer of AD7710 is presented .

  7. 指出了在振幅mzi的调制中心区域可实现输出光脉冲振幅与模拟电压信号的线性关系,并在∑-△型光adc的系统结构增加了相位调制模块。

    It is pointed that the linear relationship of output optical pulse amplitude and analog voltage signal could be realized in the center modulation area of amplitude MZI . A phase modulation modular is added into the ∑ - △ optical ADC .

  8. 提出了新颖的光谱编码全光模数转换方案。利用级联两臂差倍增非对称M-Z调制器的可调谐滤波特性,将模拟电压与其峰值透射波长建立起线性关系。

    A novel approach to realize spectral encoding is presented , using the tunable filtering characteristic of cascaded unbalanced M-Z modulators with doubling path imbalances . Different amplitudes of electrical analog signal will be linearly converted to different transmitted peak wavelengths of the cascaded modulators .

  9. 多功能芯片ADT14既是一种输出逻辑电平控制信号的多点温度监控器,又是一种输出模拟电压信号的温度传感器,可广泛应用于各种嵌入控制系统中。

    The multi-functional chip ADT14 is a kind of multi-point temperature monitor of outputting logic level control signal , It is also a kind of temperature sensor of outputting simulated voltage signal .

  10. 称重系统模拟电压&频率比变换电路

    Analogue voltage - to - frequency ratio converter in weighing system

  11. 设计了一种新型模拟电压可切换无触点开关电路。

    A new analog voltage contact-less switch circuit is designed .

  12. 一种中速高精度模拟电压比较器的设计

    Design of a moderate-speed and high precision analog voltage comparator

  13. 精密高速模拟电压开关电路的设计

    Design of Precision and High-speed Analog Voltage Switch Circuit

  14. 一种新的模拟电压分类器

    A New Analog Voltage Sorter

  15. 而陀螺仪信号则是通过对陀螺仪输出的模拟电压信号采样,由A/D转换成相应的数字信号。

    The gyroscope output signal is digital signal by A / D sampled analog voltage signal and converted .

  16. 用一个动态阻抗作为负荷模型,模拟电压崩溃过程。

    The dynamic impedance is used as the load model to simulate the transient processes of voltage collapse .

  17. 同时,实现了探头内部所需模拟电压的数字化设置以及一个主机可识别多个不同模块的功能。

    The setting of analog voltage is achieved by digital and a host can identify a number of different modules .

  18. 该系统控制、采集、处理和显示外部输入的模拟电压量、频率量和时间间隔量,可以自动校正零点和满量程。

    It is used for control-ling , acquisition , processing and displaying the analogue , frequency and time-interval signals input from the external devices .

  19. 它可以根据正交输出型编码器信号的相位关系,输出具有正负极性的模拟电压信号。

    The circuit can output analog voltage signals with positive and negative polarity according to the phase relation of encoder signals of orthogonal output type .

  20. 分析了模拟电压一频率比变换电路原理,给出了元件参数的设计要求及其计算方法。

    After the analyses of circuit theory of analogue voltage-to-frequency ratio converter , the design requirement of component parameters and the calculation method are presented .

  21. 电路中专门设计了一种倒数式A/D用转换方案,使心电周期T的模拟电压直接转换为心率数字量。

    In the circuitry a reciprocal type A / D conversion method is used that converts directly analog voltage of ECG cycle T into digital value of H.

  22. 利用配置向导工具快速生成了系统初始化代码,实现了多通道模拟电压信号的同时采集和采集结果的初步处理和存储。

    Software tool for crossbar configuration is used for generating initialization code quickly . Simultaneous acquisition of multi-channel analog voltage signal with preliminary processing and storage of results is implemented .

  23. 该运动控制卡能同时采集四轴的编码器脉冲信号,输出四路模拟电压控制伺服电机,同时能控制I/O信号的输入和输出。

    The card can collect four axes ' encoder pulse signals simultaneously , and control servo motor by four output analog voltage . Furthermore , it can control input and output I / O signals .

  24. 由于单片机所处理的信号是数字信号,对模拟电压信号进行检测处理时首先要用A/D转换器件对其进行A/D转换,然后再进行处理。

    Since the signal which is disposed by the SCM usually is the Digital Signals , before the Analog signals are checked by the processor , they must be conversed by the A / D converter .

  25. 第二部分为第三章节,针对探测读出设计驱动电路,包括基准电压源、时钟电路、数字控制电路,提供必须的模拟电压和数字信号,实现芯片的集成化、智能化和小型化。

    The second part is the third chapter , design driver circuit , including voltage reference , clock circuit and digital control circuit to provide the necessary analog voltage and digital signal to achieve chip integration , intelligence , and miniaturization .

  26. 首先设计一套数据采集系统,次声波信号通过传感器被转换成模拟电压信号,通过A/D板将其转换为离散的数字序列,输入计算机。

    Firstly , a system was developed in functions to collect infrasound data , to transform analog voltage signal from detector into discrete signal by A / D card and to process the data by using methods of Digital Signal Process .

  27. 计算机发出使支撑座椅的3个作动筒移动到指定位置的模拟电压信号,此信号与作动筒位置传感器的输出位置电压信号的差值作为伺服阀的控制电压信号。

    The analogue voltage signals are generated by computer , which make three cylinders supported chairs move to assigned position . The difference between this voltage and the output voltage of cylinder position transducer will be used as the control voltage of servovalve .

  28. 探讨了在计算机设备和自动化控制系统中,模拟电压信号和对应的频率信号间相互转换的实现原理,以及实际应用和变换函数式。

    The essay studies the realization of the interconversion between simulate voltage signal and the related frequeney singal in the computer equipment and the system of automation controlling , and it also studies the utilization of this principle and the function formula of the conversion .

  29. 主要介绍了采用两只常规的电压负荷箱来模拟电压互感器实际二次负荷的原理及负荷箱的选取原则和误差分析。

    A method of simulating the actual secondary load of voltage transformer with two general load boxes of voltage transformer is described and the principle of choosing the load box and the standard load on the box is documented . The error from simulation is analyzed .

  30. 本文中,我们设计了一套数显电子绝对气压计,其分辨率高,测压准确可靠,具有数字显示,模拟电压量输出功能,能为自动检测控制系统提供绝对气压电压信号。

    In this paper , we design a set of electric absolute pressure meter with digital display , which is high in measuring pressure . And it has functions of digital display and analog voltage output , and can provide absolut pressure voltage signals for automatic check and control system .