
  • 网络transverse fracture
  1. 从骨折固定力学角度明确了髌骨横形骨折应首选张力钢丝固定法。

    It was conclusive that the transverse fracture of patella ought to select the tensive wire fixation .

  2. 结论前路空心螺钉是治疗新鲜的Ⅱ型和浅Ⅲ型横形骨折的最佳方法。

    Conclusion The anterior approach hollow screw is the best for the treatment of the fresh Type ⅱ and ⅲ transverse fracture .

  3. 结果:X线、CT表现为椎体高度减低,椎体纵或横形骨折崩解,终板骨折移位并突入椎管,椎管狭窄,椎板骨折,棘突间或椎弓间距增大;

    Results : X ray and CT findings were decreased vertebral height , vertically or horizontally burst crack , displaced fractured end plate with protruding into the spinal canal , narrowed canal , laminar fracture , increased interspinous and interpediculate distance .

  4. 髋臼横形骨折内固定稳定性的生物力学评估

    Biomechanical evaluation of transverse acetabular fracture fixation

  5. 从生物力学角度探讨斜形与横形骨折对骨折愈合的影响

    Influence on fracture healing by the oblique and transverse types of fractures from the view point of biomechanics

  6. 目的探讨髋臼横形骨折和横形伴后壁骨折的诊断步骤和治疗方法。

    Objective : To explore diagnosis procedure and treatment of acetabular transverse fractures and transverse associated with posterior wall fractures .

  7. 骨折分类:横形骨折8例,粉碎性骨折4例,髌骨下极骨折1例。

    There were 8 patients with across fracture , 4 with comminuted fracture and 1 with base fracture of patella .

  8. 前言:目的:在髂内、外动脉控制下用松质骨拉力螺钉治疗成人髋臼横形骨折。

    Objective : To treat adult acetabular transverse fracture by using lag-screw of cancellous bone after controlling the internal and external iliac arteries .

  9. 骨折类型以完全性骨折多见,其中斜行骨折占43.55%、横形骨折占38.71%、粉碎性骨折占17.74%。

    The primary type was complete fracture , consisted of oblique type 43.55 % , transverse type 38.71 % and comminuted fracture 17.74 % .

  10. 髂内外动脉血管控制下手术治疗髋臼横形骨折(附21例报告)

    Acetabular transverse fracture treated surgically by controlling the blood vessels of the internal and external iliac arteries ( a report of 21 cases )

  11. 对于髋臼横形骨折,视骨折移位是以前柱或后柱为主,分别采用前或后入路;

    The anterior or the posterior approach was used depending on whether the anterior column or the posterior column dominates the displacement for the transverse acetabular fracture .

  12. 在猪的离体髌骨上模造髌骨横形骨折并采用了三种术式固定,作为力学试样。

    In this research , the porcine patella to have generated transverse fracture were fixed with three kinds of fixations , and regarded as the test samples .

  13. 与评价指标相关的因素为:骨折类型(横形骨折/非横形骨折)、患者类别、软组织损伤情况和钢板类型。

    The union period and presence of consolidation problems were correlated with fracture pattern ( transverse / non-transverse ), presence of soft tissue injury , patients ' profession and type of plate .

  14. 方法选24个尸体髋关节,按内侧顶弧角30°、40°、50°和60°截骨,分为4组,每组6髋,建立髋臼横形骨折模型。

    Methods Twenty-four cadaveric hip joints were divided into four groups 60,50,40 , and 30 degrees of medial roof-arc angle , each group consisting of six joints . The models were established by osteotomy .

  15. 结论钢丝法不应作为常规治疗和首选,仅适合于掌指骨横形骨折;

    Conclusion : Steel wire fixation should not be selected firstly as a regular method for the treatment of metacarpophalangeal fractures , but can be used to treat transverse fractures of metacarpal bone and phalanx .

  16. 目的采用三维有限元法比较横形骨折、斜形骨折在同一部位、相同条件下骨折愈合的速度,为临床判断骨折愈合解除外固定时间提供理论依据。

    Objective To provide theoretical basic for clinical judge of bone healing and to determine the removing time of the outer fixator by comparing the healing speed of transverse fracture with that of oblique fracture in the same locality under the same condition .

  17. 术后胫骨骨折组小鼠在体重、活动能力及步态恢复均快于股骨骨折组小鼠。结论:改良的小鼠开放性胫骨骨干横形骨折髓内针固定模型是一种较为理想的小鼠骨折模型。

    The recover period from fracture in terms of average body weights , mobility and gait changes was shorter in mice operated by tibial fracture . Conclusion : The refined unilateral open tibial transverse fracture with intramedullary needle fixation model is ideal for bone fracture healing studies .

  18. 方法根据骨骼压电效应原理、临床观察、骨折临床愈合标准,并经电子计算机有限元计算,比较斜形与横形不同骨折形状骨折愈合的快慢。

    The clinical observation ? the standard of the fracture clinical healing and the finite element calculation by EC , the fracture healing speed in different fracture forms were analyzed .

  19. 三维有限元法分析横形斜形骨折对骨折愈合的影响

    Analysis of the affects by transverse or oblique fractures on the bone healing with 3-D limited elementary method

  20. 微创手术治疗尺骨鹰嘴横形或斜形骨折

    Minimally invasive operation in treatment of fracture of ulna olecranon

  21. 旋转臂自锁式髓内钉静力型固定股骨干横形和粉碎性骨折,患者在术后早期患肢可部分负重。

    Part weight-bearing is permitted at early stage after the fixation of transverse or comminuted fractures of femoral shaft with RBSN .

  22. 不同骨折类型中,横形和螺旋形骨折较斜形和粉碎性骨折更易于并发桡神经麻痹(P<0.0001)。

    Transverse and spiral fractures were more likely to sustain RNP than oblique and comminuted fracture patterns ( P < 0.0001 ) .

  23. 于髌骨纵向中点横形锯开,造成横形骨折。

    A transverse fracture was produced at the middle of the patella .