
cì ɡuān
  • under-secretary
次官 [cì guān]
  • [undersecretary] 旧时中央政府所属各部的副部长的职务;次于部长的职位

  1. 外交和联邦事务常务次官

    Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

  2. 当财政部政务次官。

    Be parliamentary Under-Secretary to the treasury .

  3. 此番谈话对这位次官产生了深远的影响。

    The conversation had a profound effect on the minister .

  4. 冈比亚外交部政务次官

    Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs of Gambia

  5. 在哈罗德麦克米伦政府内,她入主议会的第一个职位是年金和国民保险部政务次官。

    Her first parliamentary post was junior minister for pensions in Harold Macmillan 's government .

  6. 日本厚生省次官涉及招生丑闻面临下台命运

    Japanese Vice Minister of Health May Resign Due to His Involvement in College Admission Scandal

  7. 冈比亚外交部政务次官外交部长常设委员会

    Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs of Gambia Standing Committee of Ministers responsible for Foreign Affairs

  8. 就这样,我终生不曾得到一次赏识,也没有做过一次官。”

    Thus I have never won recognition in my whole life and have never held an official post . "

  9. 联合政府提出的高铁项目将穿过十六个保守党选区,其中四个选区席位由内阁大臣占据,还有六个由次官占据。

    The proposed railway slices through sixteen Conservative constituencies four of which are cabinet ministers seats and six more junior ministers .

  10. 阿姆斯特朗的嘴很紧,只对我讲了一句我已经知道的话:各位常务次官坚决支持沃德尔。

    Armstrong betrayed little himself , beyond telling me what I already knew , that the Permanent secretaries were firmly behind Waddell .

  11. 皇权的日益扩张&北魏及唐几次官定姓族之共性

    Imperial Authority Day-by-day Expansion & General character of the Northern Wei and the Tang Dynasty ' Several the Official Arrangement of the Important Family

  12. 她在作政务次官时学到的一个经验是,对各种意见的可靠性都要核实,否则不能轻易采纳。

    One of the many bitter lessons she learnt in her years as a junior minister was never to accept advice without double checking it herself .

  13. 几年前,当时负责所有日元相关事务的日本财务次官与助手外出到东京一家餐馆就餐。

    A few years ago , the then Japanese vice-finance minister in charge of all things yen was out with his aide at a Tokyo restaurant .

  14. 年仅38岁时,他就成为英国财政部第二常务次官。他拒绝了垂涎其数学才华和人际关系网的投资银行的邀请。

    Second Treasury permanent secretary at the age of just 38 , he has rejected overtures from investment banks anxious to tap his mathematical mind and contacts book .

  15. 他是日本财务省次官,虽然这是个非常有实权的位子,但一般来说,身居此位的人并不能对美国总统竞选产生多大影响。

    He is vice-minister in Japan 's Ministry of Finance-a very powerful position , but not one that usually gives its holder much influence over the US presidential race .

  16. 薮中现年64岁,曾任外务省亚洲大洋洲局局长、外务审议官,最高官至事务次官,相当于副外长,是外务省级别最高的“官僚”,即公务员。

    Yabu-naka served as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ' Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau Director-General . He has been a diplomat for nearly forty years . Sato joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1974 .

  17. 据有些官员透露,新的继任人包括外务省前事务次官薮中三十二和现任驻泰国大使佐藤重和。

    Some officials have been reported as saying the candidates for that position are Mi-toji Yabu-naka , the current Japanese Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs in charge of administration and Shi-ge-kazu Sato , the current Japanese ambassador to Thailand .

  18. 联合新闻社引述南韩财政经济部次官金永道?音?的话说,北韩最近推动经济改革的行动让我们相信,这个国家可能参加明年的会议。

    Yonhap news agency quoted the words of South korea 's Deputy Minister of Finance and economy Kim yong-duk , who said North korea 's recent efforts to promote economic reforms " lead South Korea to believe the country might attend next year 's meeting " .