- subsystem

Kinematical Analysis for the Second Suspension System of the High Speed Maglev Vehicle
The financial committee should prepare a written financial / auditing report to present to the departmental committee during the first departmental meeting held that semester .
This paper establishes the kinematic model of the secondary suspension system of the high speed maglev on the basis of the Denavit-Hartenberg multi rigid body modeling method .
It is almost as if the computer is a small child , and you are telling the child how to do something like tie his shoes for the first time .
Because it was the first time that NES-C3 was used as a test for the workers exposed to manganese , we tried to select some sensitive subtests to detect the subclinical impairment of workers exposed to manganese .
The results showed that the 300 MWt pebble bed GFR based on the deep burn-up concept could effectively raise the availability of the uranium resources and decrease the pile-up of minor actinide .
Study of Transmutation of Minor Actinides in Accelerator Driven Sub critical Fast Reactor
Feature and distribution of Carboniferous surface fault in different tectonic movements in Junggar Basin
The comet is not bound and makes but one visit to the solar system .
As an important part of Medical Facilities Planning in Guangzhou , this study aimed at seeking for theoretical basis for reasonable allocation of health resources in Guangzhou .
Organizer : Drama Rainbow , British Council This workshop is part of the " China-UK drama and theatre education forum " . Please follow our activities through the web page as below .
Unconditional multiple logistic regression analyses : ORs for the variances of model ( age , BMI , parity , urinary tract infection , constipation ) more than 1 . Conclusion : The prevalence of female urinary incontinence in Gynecologic clinic is 29.4 % and is increased with age .
Progress in Studies of Manganese Cathode Materials for Lithium-ion Secondary Batteries
Wondering what colour tie to wear to your next meeting ?
This is my first elective in your department .
Study on the improvement of reservoir producing condition of secondary infilling series of strata
A Type of Complete Systems of Homogeneous Solutions in Two-Dimensional Anisotropic Problems and Related Matters
But what if we could take our planets on a journey through the galaxy ?
This would be the second time that Dr. Brown has upended the map of the solar system .
Numerical analysis of the development of secondary flow vortices and aerodynamic characteristics of a small aspect ratio turbine rotor cascade
As if its first fender-bender with the Milky Way wasn 't enough , the Smith Cloud is coming back for more .
This paper gives the method of homogeneous projection coordinates system that is established by original element turning to natural coordinates system under the projective change .
Of the millions of rocks it throws out of orbit at each visit , some hurtle Earthwards & and have several times nearly wiped out life on Earth .
The infection rate was 12.50 % and 10.34 % if the bladder was washed 1-3 times and 4 - 8 times respectively , there was no statistical difference .
When using CNC machines to process the part , it can set the part reference frame ( the origin of programming ) once to complete the process if the outline of part is simple .
The investigation is only the first ecological study for Heze Peony Garden in academic circles which I hope can help flowers and plants manufacture and prevent and cure plant diseases and insect pests in a given range .
A type of complete systems of homogeneous solutions of the fundamental differential equation is discussed for the bending problem of anisotropic thin plates and the plane problem of anisotropic materials , and the simplified systems are derived under various symmetric and antisymmetric conditions .
The results had showed that activity of multiwalled carbon nanotubes , which were treated by acid and modified by coupling agent respectively , then followed by twice support titanium , was about 2.0 × 10 ~ 3 g / ( g · h ) .
According to the finite element method of structural dynamics , the free frequency and response displacement of enforced vibration are given for the high pressure inlet compression engine pipe system . The analysis results are compared with measured results , then the support stiffness is determined .
Stress structural analysis of piping system based on ANSYS secondary development