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  • European Space Agency
  1. 欧洲航天局(ESA)的负责人约翰-迪特里希·韦尔纳已经公布了国际“月球村”的想法,这个计划将联合全世界航天水平先进的国家的力量。

    Head of the European Space Agency , Johann-Dietrich Woerner has revealed ideas for an international ' Moon Village ' that combines the capabilities of space-faring nations around the world .

  2. 前英国陆军航空队(BritishArmyAirCorps)军官蒂莫西·皮克(TimothyPeake)目前是欧洲航天局(EuropeanSpaceAgency)驻国际空间站(InternationalSpaceStation)宇航员。他周四给家里打电话时拨错了电话号码。

    Timothy Peake , a former British Army Air Corps officer and current European Space Agency astronaut aboard the International Space Station , phoned home to a wrong number on Thursday .

  3. 去年9月,欧洲航天局还用太空中的LISAPathfinder探测器开展了一个试点任务。

    The European Space Agency is also launching a pilot mission for a space-based detector , called LISA Pathfinder , this September .

  4. 几年以后,欧洲航天局计划推出自己的望远镜,笨拙地plato(首字母缩写词)&用于探测过境行星和恒星震动。

    A couple of years after that the European Space Agency plans to launch a telescope of its own , the awkwardly acronymed Plato ( planetary transits and oscillations of stars ) .

  5. 这一任务的目标是Vespa,是欧洲航天局2013年发射织女星火箭留下的残骸。

    The target in this case is called Vespa , a leftover remnant from ESA 's Vega rocket launch in 2013 .

  6. 经过特殊制备的板岩被连接在俄罗斯的宇航飞船上送入到了太空,这项计划是Aberdeen大学去年9月参与的欧洲航天局的一项任务的一部分。

    The specially prepared slab of rock was launched into space attached to a Russian spacecraft by University of Aberdeen experts in September last year as part of a European Space Agency mission .

  7. 综述了美国、俄罗斯和欧洲航天局在21世纪初期(20001/2015)使用RTG的空间和太阳系探索计划,展现了RTG的广阔应用前景。

    The space and solar system exploration programs with RTG for USA , Russia and ESA early in the 21st century ( 2001 / 2015 ) are generally described . It shows that the wide prospect of RTG 's application .

  8. 顺便说一句,这正是欧洲航天局正在研究的。

    incidentally , that 's exactly what the ESA is working on .

  9. 欧洲航天局也对此事件进行了跟进。

    The ESA also had a set of eyes on the event .

  10. 之前只有欧洲航天局和美国航天局发送过探测器到那里。

    Only the European Space Agency and the US have previously sent probes there .

  11. 韦尔纳在欧洲航天局最近发布的一段视频中描述了这个提议中的“月球村”。

    Woerner describes the proposed Moon Village in a recent video released by the Esa .

  12. 自八月起,欧洲航天局的罗斯塔飞船便一直在监测该彗星。

    Since August , the European Space Agency 's Rosetta spacecraft has been monitoring the comet .

  13. 欧洲航天局正式开启英国新研究中心。

    The European Space Agency ( Esa ) has officially opened its new British research centre .

  14. 来自欧洲航天局的研究人员声称这个发现已经天文学期刊中发表。

    Researchers from the European Space Agency announced the finding in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters .

  15. 它是由荷兰的欧洲航天局实施。

    LEAF , for sure . It 's operated by the European Space Agency in the Netherlands .

  16. 这些苏联太空船上的科学仪器是由其他8个国家和欧洲航天局提供的。

    The scientific instruments on the Soviet spacecraft were provided by eight other countries and the European Space agency .

  17. 如果你仔细看的话,就能看出它的形状。这一图像已经提交给了美国宇航局、欧洲航天局和哈勃望远镜遗产团队。

    You know , if you look really hard.The image is credited to NASA , ESA , and the Hubble Heritage Team .

  18. 欧洲航天局将两个太空望远镜发射进入轨道,将帮助科学家理解宇宙信息。

    The European Space Agency has launched into orbit , two space observatories that will help scientists understand the information of the universe .

  19. 欧洲航天局评定世界冰覆盖量的任务将要于明年二月实施。

    The European space agency 's mission to assess the state of the world 's ice cover is likely to launch in February .

  20. 欧洲航天局计划下周开展第二次试验,观察在太空中失重对骨髂和肌肉的影响。

    The European Space Agency plans a second experiment in the coming months to test the effects of weightlessness in space on bone and muscle tissue .

  21. 欧洲航天局计划加入进来,和阿联酋航空公司、美国以及中国一起,在目前这一发射窗口内向火星发射一个强大的探测器。

    The European Space Agency had planned to join Emirates , the United States and China , sending a powerful rover to Mars during the current window .

  22. 美国航空航天局表示,希望在本世纪30年代在火星建立殖民地。欧洲航天局则希望能更早重返月球。

    Nasa has said that it wants to establish a Mars colony by the 2030s while the European Space Agency is hoping to return to the Moon even sooner .

  23. 影像由十个月的数据构成,接着是另外三个将在2012年结束的欧洲航天局任务中的全宇宙调查。

    The image is made from ten months of data and will be followed by three more all-sky surveys by the end of the European Space Agency 's mission in2012 .

  24. 来自欧洲航天局的宇航员维托里在国际空间站呆了八天,沙里波夫和焦立中则从去年10月起就呆在轨道实验室里了。

    Vittori , a European Space Agency astronaut , had spent eight days on the international space station , while Sharipov and Chiao had been on the orbiting lab since October .

  25. 在格林威治时间周三下午4点后不久,欧洲航天局任务总部的科学家们爆发出热烈掌声,“飞来号”从距离地球5.11亿公里的地方发来的一个无线信号证实,这个洗衣机大小的探测器已在彗星表面着陆。

    Scientists at ESA mission headquarters erupted in applause shortly after 4pm GMT as a radio signal from Philae 511m km away confirmed that the washing-machine-sized probe had reached the surface .

  26. 但最近,欧洲航天局被迫暂停发射,要等到下一个窗口了,主要是因为帮助探测器降落到火星表面的降落伞出了故障。

    But ESA recently was forced to stand down until the next window , primarily because of problems with the parachutes needed to help lower the rover to the martian surface .

  27. 这位欧洲航天局负责人称,“月球村”将联合美国、俄罗斯、中国、印度和日本的航空机构,其他一些国家也将贡献自己的微薄之力。

    The ESA Director General says the Moon Village would join American , Russian , Chinese , Indian , and Japanese space agencies , along with smaller contributions from other countries .

  28. 虽然欧洲航天局以前设法在冰冷的彗星上降落,但这是第一个将机器人探测器成功降落在小行星表面的航天器。

    While the European Space Agency had previously managed to land on an icy comet , this is the first spacecraft to place robot rovers on the surface of an asteroid .

  29. 通过与欧洲航天局及其他国家的科学家合作,美国宇航局正在建造次世代的太空望远镜,也许能够发现生命迹象。

    In cooperation with the European Space Agency and scientists from other nations , NASA is building the next generation of space telescopes that may be able to find evidence of life .

  30. 对航天器遥控体制的发展作了简要回顾和分析,重点研究了欧洲航天局定义的包应用标准。

    In this thesis , a brief review and analysis of the development of spacecraft telecommand system has been given and Packet Utilization Standard ( PUS ) suggested by ESA has been studied .