
  • 网络Cash and Carry Arbitrage;cash-and-carry arbitrage;Cash and Carry
  1. 然后介绍套利的基本原理和方法及融资融券业务,阐述中小投资者如何利用ETF实现股指期货正向套利与反向套利,并制定一套简单可行的套利策略。

    Then describes the basic principles and methods of arbitrage and margin trading business , explain how to use the ETF to achieve small investors stock index futures arbitrage and reverse arbitrage forward and develop a simple and feasible arbitrage strategies .

  2. 沪深300指数优化复制方法的实证研究&基于股指期货的正向套利实验模拟视角

    An Empirical Study on Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index Optimum Replication : Based on the Perspective of Experimental Simulation about the Positive Arbitrage of Index Futures