
  • 网络industrial cluster;cluster;Industry cluster;industrialcluster
  1. 浙江发展FDI产业集群的路径选择

    The Path Selection for Development of FDI Industrial Cluster in Zhejiang

  2. 产业集群:吸引FDI的新取向

    Industrial Cluster : the New Orientation to Draw FDI

  3. 产业集群&东道国吸引FDI的特殊优势分析

    Industry Cluster : Special Advantages of Host Countries Attracting FDI

  4. FDI作用下的产业集群与网络治理模式

    Industrial Clusters Affected by FDI and Network Governance Patterns

  5. 因而,在我国加入WTO,国外大型体育用品公司大规模涌入中国市场的情况下,产业集群无疑是发展我国体育用品产业的重要战略选择。

    Hence , industrial cluster is no doubt the strategic choice for developing China 's sports goods industry .

  6. 产业集群的FDI因素分析及策略

    FDI Factor Analysis and Strategies of Industry Cluster

  7. 基于Multi-agent的区域产业集群模块化升级研究

    Modularization Upgrading of Regional Industrial Cluster Based on Multi-agent

  8. 各地都在积极创造条件吸引FDI以形成本地的产业集群,带动本地经济的发展。

    All regions actively attract FDI to develop local industry clusters so that can promote local economic development .

  9. 泸州是白酒OEM的最佳区域,建设泸州酒业集中发展区,可高效整合泸州人力资源、人才资源,节约管理成本和减少各种损失,提高泸州白酒产业集群的竞争力。

    Luzhou is considered as the best space for liquor OEM and it should develop into the economic community through the integration of human resources and materials there , which could reduce management cost and various economic losses .

  10. 本论文进行上述研究所取得的创新性成果主要有以下几点:(1)基于产业集群理论和企业成长理论构建了科技型中小企业网络化成长的资源战略能力(RSC)三维分析模型。

    The main innovation points of the dissertation are listed as below : ( 1 ) This paper constructs the RSC framework of technology-based SMEs based on cluster theory and enterprise growth theory .

  11. 产业集群;黄金珠宝首饰产业;指标体系。

    Industrial Cluster , Gold and Jewellery Industry , Index System .

  12. 基于产业集群的区域产业结构调整研究

    The Research on Region Industry Structure Adjustment Based on Industry Cluster

  13. 论专业化市场与珠三角产业集群的协调发展

    Coordinated Development between Specialized Markets and Pearl River Delta Industrial Cluster

  14. 江苏:要做强绿色光伏产业集群

    Jiangsu : Powering the Industry Mass of Green Energy-Solar to Electricity

  15. 产业集群:区域经济发展的重要战略选择

    Industrial cluster : an important strategic choice to develop regional economy

  16. 边界渗透性、企业能力与产业集群治理

    Boundary Penetrability , Enterprise Competence and the Governance of Industrial Clusters

  17. 增强比较优势,壮大产业集群;

    Buildup of compared superiority and grandness of industrial group ;

  18. 发展产业集群提升欠发达地区产业竞争力

    Developing Industry gathering improving less developed district 's industry competitiveness

  19. 成都高新技术产业集群发展研究

    The Research on the Development of Chengdu High-Tech Industrial Cluster

  20. 红色旅游区域产业集群化发展策略探讨

    Research on Development Tactic of Regional Industrial Clusters in Red Tourism Regions

  21. 长三角地区船舶产业集群与知识创新

    Knowledge Innovation & Shipbuilding Industry Group in Yangtze River Delta

  22. 南昌工业园区产业集群发展研究

    The Study on Industrial Cluster Development of Nanchang Industrial Park

  23. 重庆汽车产业集群竞争力研究

    Study on the Competitiveness of Automobile Industrial Cluster in Chongqing

  24. 以优势资源利用为核心的产业集群论。

    - Theory of group industry based on the advantage of resources .

  25. 全球商品链与地方产业集群嵌入方式研究

    GCC and the Research on the Insertion of Local Clusters

  26. 组织分析研究框架的构建总领了全文的研究范围和思路,并对规范产业集群分析有一定意义。

    Construct the frame of organizational research on industrial clusters .

  27. 原发性产业集群是浙江省产业发展的主要模式,是在开放的环境中自发形成的。

    Industrial cluster is a model of industrial development in Zhejiang province .

  28. 全球价值链下的中国电子及通信产业集群发展研究

    Research on Chinese Electronics and Communication Industrial Cluster in Global Value Chains

  29. 基于网络理论的高新技术产业集群演化机理研究

    The Research of High-tech Industry Evolution Mechanism Cluster Based on Network Theory

  30. 论上海汽车产业集群的现状及发展

    Present Situation and Development of Auto Industrial Cluster in Shanghai