
chǎn pǐn shuì
  • product tax
  1. 巴拉曾在谷歌(Google)的管理层任职,他说小米正在和至少六家巴西制造企业进行“极为深入的探讨”,但没有透露这些企业的名称。这将有助于小米规避巴西约60%的进口电子产品税。

    The company is in " extremely advanced discussions " with at least half a dozen manufacturing partners there , Barra , a former Google executive , said without revealing names , which will help it side-step a roughly 60 percent tax on foreign electronics .

  2. 进出口税则应当公布直接税为出口税和产品税提供了另一个方案。

    The tariff shall be made known to the public . Direct taxes offer another alternative to export or output taxes .

  3. 此外,还就征收农药产品税以及发挥价格杠杆作用控制农药污染问题作了探讨。

    The issues about using pesticide product ( taxes and the ) role of the price lever to control pesticide pollution are also discussed .

  4. 污染产品税也是一种基于刺激的环境税,也是以污染者付费为征收原则。

    Pollution-product tax is also a kind of product tax based on stimulating environment tax ; impose tax on product which may bring pollution .

  5. 正如表01-08所列,农业产品税作为第一个关税,将从2004年1月1日起下降,在2006年1月1日降至百分之零。

    The first tariff was agricultural products as the tariff on 01-08 had been reduced since 1st January 2004 and decrease to 0 percentage on 1st January 2006 .

  6. 如果这些部门的增加值是按购买价格计算的,按要素价格计算的总增加值等于国内生产总值减去产品税净值。

    If the value added of these sectors is calculated at purchaser values , gross value added at factor cost is derived by subtracting net product taxes from GDP .

  7. 我们在全国范围内取消了农业税和特殊农产品税,结束了征收了2600多年的农作物税。

    We rescinded the agricultural tax and taxes on special agricultural products nationwide , ending a tax that had been collected on grain farmers in China for more than 2,600 years .

  8. 海关按照进料加工的有关规定,以实际加工出口数量,免征进口关税和进口环节产品税、增值税。

    The customs shall exempt import duties , tax for the import products and tax on the added value of products in accordance with the provisions on processing imported raw materials and parts and the real export volume of the processed products .

  9. 软件产品增值税优惠政策实施中存在的问题及改进措施

    Preferential Policy on Software Products : Problems and Countermeasures in Implementation

  10. 完善农产品增值税制度的构想

    Ideas on How to Perfect VAT System of Agri-Products

  11. 本文以中国烟草行业卷烟产品消费税政策为研究对象,结合国内烟草行业的具体特点,对中国烟草行业现行卷烟消费税政策进行具体的分析和研究。

    Combining the characteristic of domestic tobacco industry , this paper analyzes and studies consumption tax on cigarette in China .

  12. 应课税的工农业产品资源税的应纳税额,按照应税产品的课税数量和规定的单位税额计算。

    The tax payable for Resource Tax shall be computed in accordance with the assessable volume of the taxable products and the prescribed unit tax amount .

  13. 直接销售的变种是多层传销,因销售产品增值税由公司统一交纳,只对销售人员个人交纳税款作节税设计。

    Because the version of the direct sale is multiple-level sale and its added value tax is handed in by the company all together , only consider of the private pay for tax .

  14. 中间产品反倾销税的适度征收研究

    Research on Appropriate Collection of Anti-dumping Duty of Semifinished Products

  15. 我国税制绿化的主要措施在于提高和完善资源税、环境相关产品的消费税及排污收费体系改革。

    The green taxation reform should be focused on resource taxes , environmental-related consumption taxes and the pollution levy system .

  16. 第一,根据污染者付费原则,对高碳产品征收碳税符合环境治理要求。

    First , according to the Polluter Pays Priciple , imposing carbon tax on high-carbon products is consistent with environment protection requirement .

  17. 进行全国野生动植物贸易调查;争取某些产品的特惠税制度等。

    Popularization of quota and price fixation , survey of the wildlife trade throughout China and strive for preferential taxation on some products .

  18. 因此探讨中间产品反倾销税的适度征收问题更具有理论意义和经济意义。

    So it is of certain meaning of theory and economics to study in appropriate collection of the anti-dumping duty of the semifinished products .

  19. 除政府有特别规定的项目外,对外资企业生产的用于出口的产品免收增值税和消费税。

    And no VAT and consumption tax levies for export products turned out by foreign-funded enterprises , with the exception of items covered by specific government stipulations .

  20. 减少或取消黄麻,茶叶,虾及其他农产品的出口税,促进了农产品出口的持续增长。

    It reduced or abolished export taxes on jute , tea , shrimp , and other agricultural exports , which helped to sustain growth in agricultural exports .

  21. 科奇勒先生可以采取一些非大众化的措施来协助其妻子,如在今后的数月中提高人们的日常开销并加大农产品的出口税。

    Mr Kirchner could do his wife a favour by taking some unpopular measures , such as raising utility tariffs and export taxes on farm products , over the next month .

  22. 商务部发言人姚建星期二说中国强烈不满欧盟关于延期对中国皮鞋类产品征收倾销税的决定。

    China is " strongly dissatisfied " with European Union 's decision to extend dumping duties on leather footwear from China , Yao Jian , spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce , said Tuesday .

  23. 正是以上因素的存在,导致了目前农产品企业增值税税收流失较重,行业税收负担率较低,因而有必要对目前的农产品增值税税收政策进行调整。

    It is the existence of the above factors , have led to the present agricultural industry tax loss value added tax is heavier , industry tax rate is low , it is necessary for the current agricultural industry VAT tax policy adjustment .

  24. 中国制鞋企业昨日表示,它们将就欧盟(EU)对它们的产品征收反倾销税提出起诉。

    Chinese shoemakers yesterday said they would sue the European Union over anti-dumping duties imposed on their products .

  25. 上个月,美国就中国向主要产自俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州的某些高科技钢铁产品征收反倾销税和反补贴税向wto提起诉讼,wto裁定美国胜诉。

    Last month , the WTO ruled in favour of the US in its challenge to antidumping and countervailing duties imposed by China on a certain kind of high-tech steel product manufactured mostly in Ohio and Pennsylvania .

  26. 他们还呼吁对中国输美产品征收反补贴税。

    They called for countervailing duties to be imposed on Chinese imports .

  27. 从量税是按每件或每磅产品征收一定的税。

    Specific duties are levied at the rate of so much per unit or pound .

  28. 请告知贵方的价格是否包括使用此产品的专业权税。

    Please let us know if the price includes royalties on applicable patents to this product .

  29. 关税、对提供的服务收取的规费和费用、对出口产品征收的国内税

    Customs Tariffs , Fees and Charges for Services Rendered , Application of Internal Taxes to Exports 31

  30. 一个国家也可以对接受了补贴的进口产品征收反补贴税,但似乎又偏离了自由贸易的轨道。

    A nation can also impose anti-subsidy tax on a subsidized import product , which violates the spirit of free trade .