
  • 网络Product Liability Insurance;PLI
  1. 乙方在协议期间,应该始终按照这份协议条款中规定的“产品责任险”的政策,以乙方认为合理的投保范围来投保合同相关产品。

    Party B shall maintain at all the times during the term of this Agreement a policy of Products liability insurance in respect of the Products at level of cover to be reasonably determined by Party B.

  2. 第二,产品责任险是切实保障消费者权益的有力措施。

    Second , it can be strong measure to ensure consumer 's rights and interests .

  3. 以往有无保险公司退保或拒保贵司产品责任险?若有,请说明。

    Has any insurer ever cancelled or declined your products liability ? If yes , please explain .

  4. 当前我国的出口产品责任险市场,保费规模还很小,与目前我国大力发展外向型经济不相匹配;

    The exports liability insurance is quite underdeveloped in China which is not in sync with the vigorous development of foreign-related economy .

  5. 在美加是否以您的名义安排了产品责任险?如是,请提供保险公司的详情、赔偿限额、保单到期日。

    Is insurance arranged on your behalf in the USA or Canada in respect of products liability ? If yes , please provide details of the insurers , indemnity limit and expiry date .

  6. 为药品以外其他产品投保的最低限额(产品)责任险500万美元。

    A minimum liability of $ 5,000, 000.00 for products other than pharmaceuticals .