
wǔ qì shì yàn
  • weapon test
  1. 我们成功地进行了一次新的核武器试验。

    We have conducted a new nuclear weapon test successfully .

  2. 本文提出了一种武器试验靶场外弹道测量方法。

    The papers put forward a measure method of outside trajectory in weapon test range .

  3. 也有关于核武器试验的协议。

    There are also protocols on the testing of nuclear weapons .

  4. 在核武器试验中他们暴露在放射性尘埃之下。

    They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests .

  5. 政府已要求暂停武器试验。

    The government has called for a moratorium on weapons testing .

  6. 这项任务原本很简单——将大量没有弹药的AGM-129ACM巡航导弹运送到武器试验场地。

    The mission was supposed to be pretty simple - deliver a load of unarmed AGM-129 ACM cruise missiles to a weapons graveyard .

  7. 序贯分析法在舰炮武器试验中的应用

    The Application of Sequential Analysis in Shipborne Gun Weapon System Test

  8. 停止核武器试验条约小组委员会

    Subcommittee on a Treaty for the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon Tests

  9. 全面彻底禁止核武器试验条约

    Treaty on the Complete and General Prohibition of Nuclear Weapon Tests

  10. 当核武器试验在60年代被禁止后,碳14的含量水平便下降了。

    When testing was banned in the '60s , C-14 levels dropped .

  11. 朝鲜称其已进行了一次地下核武器试验。

    North Korea says it 's conducted an underground nuclear weapons test .

  12. 美陆军制导武器试验半实物仿真技术综述

    Evaluation of HWIL Simulation Technology for Guided Weapons of the US Army

  13. 在交易去除了国际武器试验场附近的土地后,鹏欣再次竞标;

    Pengxin rebid after excluding lands near an international weapons testing ground ;

  14. 日内瓦停止核武器试验问题会议

    Geneva Conference on the Discontinuation of Nuclear Weapon Tests

  15. 他们无视禁令继续做化学武器试验。

    They are continuing to test chemical weapons in defiance of the ban .

  16. 例如,中国曾经批评过朝鲜的核武器试验。

    For example , China has criticized North Korea 's nuclear weapons tests .

  17. 动态数据录取系统在水下武器试验中的应用研究

    Application of Dynamic Data Access System in Underwater Test

  18. 重采样技术在武器试验中的应用

    Application of resampling technique to heavy weapon experiment

  19. 武器试验远程分布式测试与诊断体系结构分析与研究

    Study and Analysis of Remote Distributed Testing and Diagnosis Architecture for Weapon Equipment Trial

  20. 应对信息化武器试验需要建设数字化发射场

    Building a Digital Launching Site According to the Need of Armament Trial of Information

  21. 美国海空军制导武器试验的半实物仿真技术

    HWIL Simulation Technology for Guided Weapons Experiment at the US Navy and Air force

  22. 日本在北韩于2006年进行核武器试验后对北韩进行制裁。

    Japan imposed sanctions against North Korea after it tested a nuclear weapon in2006 .

  23. 平壤上个月进行核武器试验,加剧了地区紧张。

    Tensions in the region spiked last month when Pyongyang tested a nuclear weapon .

  24. 关于全面彻底禁止核武器试验条约的基本条款;

    Basic provisions of a treaty on the complete and general prohibition of nuclear weapon tests ;

  25. 在这样一个敏感的时刻做这样一个高难度的战略武器试验?

    Do you want to test such an hi-tech strategic weapon at such a sensitive moment ?

  26. 这是一个武器试验,你得带上那份文件

    It 's a weapons test . I need you to take that file and meet me

  27. 此前,朝鲜分别于2006、2009、2013年进行了地下核武器试验。

    North Korea has previously conducted underground nuclear tests respectively in 2006 , 2009 and 2013 .

  28. 美国继续向朝鲜施压,要求其停止核武器试验项目。

    The US continues its pressure on North Korea to stop work on a nuclear weapons program .

  29. 印度在1998年5月进行核武器试验后,已经成为事实上的核国家。

    After its nuclear test on May 1998 , India has become a de facto nuclear weapon state .

  30. 禁止在任何地方、任何环境进行一切方式的释放核能的核武器试验保爆炸。

    Prohibit any nuclear weapon test explosion which releases nuclear energy at any place and in any environment .