
  • 网络wuchuan;Wuchuan County
  1. 武川县土地利用时空变化及原因分析

    The Land-use Changes and the Reasons for Temporal and Spatial Analysis in the Wuchuan County

  2. 内蒙古武川县耕地资源可持续利用的景观生态评价

    Landscape ecological evaluation on the land resources sustainable use in Wuchuan county , Inner Mongolia

  3. 近十年间武川县农用地面积变化整体上处于减少趋势。

    The agricultural land of Wuchuan is in the reduced tendency during near ten years .

  4. 武川县大豆铺乡土地生产潜力的研究

    Research on land production potential capacity of Da Dou Pu Township of Wu Chuan County

  5. 内蒙古武川县生态足迹分析

    Ecological footprint analysis of Wuchuan county

  6. 近47年武川县气候变化趋势及R/S分析

    The Trend of Climatic Change and R / S Analysis in Wuchuan County in Recent 47 Years

  7. 内蒙古武川县钙积干润均腐土土壤水分特征曲线的研究

    The Research of Soil water Characteristic Curves of Cal-ustic Isohumisols , Wu Chuan County , Inner Mongolia

  8. 武川县退耕还林分区评价和林业发展潜力研究

    Study on Estimation of Divided Region of Returning Farmland to Forestland and Forest Developing Potentiality in Wuchuan Country

  9. 阴山北麓缓坡丘陵不同植被类型下土壤水分空间分布特征&以武川县为例

    Spacial Distribution Characters of Soil Moisture under Different Vegetations on a Gentle Hill in the North of Yinshan

  10. 阴山北麓地区种植业产值与畜牧业产值变化关系初探&以武川县为例

    The Relationship between Crop Production and Livestock Industry Output : A Case Study in Wu Chuan County , Inner Mongolia

  11. 北方农牧交错带农田生态系统健康评价&以武川县为例

    Ecosystem Health Evaluation in Ecotone Between Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Northern China Farmland : the case of WuChuan County

  12. 武川县生态环境恶化速度最快,主要驱动因子为耕地拓展,其贡献率为62.15%。

    The eco-environment quality of Wuchuan County decreased most rapidly due to cropland expanding , with the contribution ration of62.15 % .

  13. 不同土地利用方式下土壤风蚀主要影响因子研究&以内蒙古武川县为例

    Main affecting factors of soil wind erosion under different land use patterns & A case study in Wuchuan County , Inner Mongolia

  14. 农牧交错带以农为主区科技进步和社会发展对农用地面积变化的影响&以武川县为例

    The Driving Forces of Scientific Progress and Social Development on Farming-Pastoral Transitional Zone in Farming Area & A Case of Wuchuan County

  15. 采用地理信息系统分析工具与手段,从生态需求进行系统分析,提出和确定出武川县退耕还林地域选择标准为:坡度级大于25°的耕地;

    From the point view of ecology , the selection criteria are decided by the systemic analysis using the Geographic Information System .

  16. 北方农牧交错带半干旱区种植业系统能值分析&以武川县为例

    Emergy analysis of the farming system in the semi-arid area where farming and animal husbandry crisscross & With Wuchuan county as an example

  17. 北方农牧交错带(武川县)土壤微生物数量分布及层化比率研究

    Distribution Character of Soil Microbial Numbers and Soil Microbial Stratification Ratio at Crossing Belt ( Wuchuan County ) of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

  18. 农牧交错带适度人口规模与人口再分布初步研究&以阴山北部丘陵区武川县为例

    The Primary Study on Moderate Population and Redistribution in Farming Grazing Transformation Belt & A Case of Wuchuan Country In Northern Yinshan Mountain Hilly Area

  19. 农牧交错带气候资源变异及作物结构调整分析&以武川县为例

    Study on the Adjustment of Planting Structure and the Change of Climatic Resource at Transition Zone between Agriculture and Pasture Areas & A Case of Wuchuan County

  20. 本文在众多学者研究基础上,测算了土地适度人口规模、经济适度人口规模,并进一步测算了武川县乡城人口转化的进程与规模,从理论与现实角度展示了控制人口,加快转化的必要性。

    The study calculated landing moderate population size and economical moderate population size , then calculated the proceeding and population size of transformation of rural to city .

  21. 以历史资料为依据,分析地处农牧交错带的武川县近50年的生态系统的结构变化及其对系统退化的影响。

    Eco systematical structure change and its impacts on ecological degradation have been studied according to the 50 year historical statistics and research data in the Northern Ecotone .

  22. 本论文以内蒙古自治区中部武川县为例,分析了当地农业经济特征及农村奶牛养殖业现状。

    This paper discusses the agricultural economic features and the present situation of dairy farming based on a case study at WuChuan county located in central Inner Mongolia .

  23. 应用能值分析理论和方法,分析内蒙古武川县种植业系统环境基础和经济特征。

    Using the theory and method of emergy analysis , the paper analyzes environmental basis and economic features of the farming system practiced in Wuchuan county of Inner Mongolia .

  24. 以武川县农田为研究对象,选择水分、生物量、幅宽等代表性指标,分析了不同作物覆盖下农田生态健康指数。

    Based on the case of farmland of WuChuan County , ecosystem health index was measured by appropriate targets in order to found the evaluating method of eco-fragile region .

  25. 采用国内外常用的区域可持续发展能力评价理论和方法,对武川县区域可持续发展能力进行了综合评价,评价结果表明武川县经济发展速度和发展模式还不能满足县域经济可持续发展的需要。

    The ability of sustainable development of Wuchuan county is comprehensively evaluated with theory and methods of regional sustainable development ability evaluation , which are extensively applied at home and abroad .

  26. 结果表明:武川县种植业系统不可更新资源能值投入和化肥投入能值占总能值投入的84.2%,属于典型的资源消耗型种植系统。

    The results make it clear that the emergy input of nonrenewable resources and chemical fertilizers accounts for 84.2 % of the total emergy input in the farming system of Wuchuan county and thus the farming system belongs to a typical emergy-consuming farming system .

  27. 以能值表示的总产出能值,安塞县2000年比1990年高34.5%。武川县同比增长36.1%。但是,初级生产依然是处于低投入的传统生产阶段。

    As far as total emergy output , Ansai county increased 34.5 percent in 2000 than in 1990 , and Wuchuan county increased 36.1 percent in 2000 than in 1990 , however , the primary productivity was still in the stage of traditional lower input .

  28. 提出武川县应通过控制人口,提高土地生产力,改善土地利用方式,提高资源利用效率等多种方法来减小其生态赤字,促进该地区实现可持续发展。

    Multiple approaches should be taken in this region to achieve the goal of sustainable development , such as slowing down the rate of population growth , increasing the productivity of land , changing the traditional mode of land exploitation , and improving the efficiency of resources .