
sǐ xì bāo
  • dead cell
  1. 正常细胞中水的极化程度最高,癌细胞次之,死细胞最低。

    The degree of polarization of cell water in normal living cell is the highest , that in cancer cell is higher and that in dead cell is low .

  2. 排除PI阳性细胞,有助于减少死细胞非特异染色,提高染色质量。

    Excluding PI positive cells helped to reduce the unspe-cific staining of dead cells .

  3. 结果PI摄入试验显示,死细胞可大量摄取染料,DNA含量直方图上其相对荧光强度明显较活细胞高;

    Results Death cells absorbed a mass of PI . The relative fluorescence intensity was higher in death cells than in live cells on DNA histogram .

  4. 而N-PVP的存在使台盼蓝不能对死细胞染色。

    For N PVP , an interesting phenomena observed is that dead cells can not be dyed by trypan blue in the medium containing N PVP .

  5. 培养12h后吸取少量实验细胞,加入等体积的0.1%台盼蓝染液,5min后在血球计数板上计数,被染成深蓝色的细胞为死细胞;

    Twelve hours later , a few cells were extracted and 0.1 % trypan blue in the same volume was added .

  6. 花生细胞经trypanblue-SDH双重染色或Hoechst-PI-SDH三重染色,在荧光显微镜下,可快速分辨出活细胞、凋亡细胞抑或死细胞;

    And there was a stress threshold in stress on cells . 2 . The live cells , cells undergoing apoptosis and those undergoing necrosis could be distinguished under fluorescence microscopy , using Trypan blue-SDH double-staining or Hoechst-PI-SDH triple-stain .

  7. 探针的应用浓度为75nM,预染时间为30min。在流式细胞仪测定过程中,死细胞和细胞团通过前向散射与侧散射被淘汰,未经处理的细胞作为对照。

    The final concentration of the probe used was 75 nM and the pre-loading time was 30 min. In the flow cytometry measurements , dead cells and clumps were eliminated based upon Forward Scatter vs. Side Scatter measurement , and untreated cells provided a source of comparison.11 .

  8. 死细胞细胞组织死了或被破坏后留下的残骸。

    The fragmented remains of dead or damaged cells or tissue .

  9. 加胰酶消化后,死细胞数略有减少。

    After adding pancreatin , the dead cells decrease slightly .

  10. 它可以去除脸上的死细胞,而且有助于促进循环。

    It rids your face of dead cells and helps stimulate circulation .

  11. 特点:柔和的祛除皮肤表层死细胞,嫩白肌肤。

    Properties : softly thoroughly remove dead epidermal cells , whiten skin .

  12. (植物学)树皮组织外部的;由死细胞组成的保护层。

    ( botany ) outer tissue of bark ; a protective layer of dead cells .

  13. 那也死细胞建立能成为引起痤疮的毛孔的封锁的因素。

    The build up of dead cells can also contribute to blockage of the pores causing acne .

  14. 结论1.FDA/Hoechst染色法能很好的区分活细胞和死细胞。

    FDA / Hoechst dying method can distinguish between living cells and dead cells well . 2 .

  15. 角质层主要由围绕脂膜分布的死细胞构成调节通透性的屏障。

    The stratum corneum is composed of dead cells surrounded by lipid membranes which mediate the permeability barrier .

  16. 含有能刮掉皮肤表面死细胞的微粒的去角质产品也变得越来越温和。

    Exfoliators , which contain particles that scrape dead cells from the surface of the skin , are getting gentler , too .

  17. 在定期去除皮肤表层死细胞的基础上让底层的皮肤再生。

    Removing the dead cells on the outermost layer of the skin on a regular basis lets the skin underneath regenerate itself .

  18. 研究表明睡眠对细胞再生很重要,这会帮助更替全体肌肉组织和死细胞。

    Studies show that sleep is important for cellular renewal , helping to replace muscle tissue and dead cells throughout the body .

  19. 在死细胞、培养液滤出液和相关物种的提取液中发现生长中的细菌可以证明转化现象的存在。

    This may be demonstrated by growing bacteria in the presence of dead cells , culture filtrated , or extracts of related strains .

  20. 为了避免病毒的感染,植物会在感染位点形成一个死细胞区域,这种地带能够阻止感染的扩散。

    To protect themselves from viruses , plants create a zone of dead cells around an infection site that prevents the infection from spreading .

  21. 有效祛除油脂和各种污垢,净化肌肤的同时疏通毛孔,温和清除皮肤已经脱落的死细胞,令皮肤白皙柔滑;

    Perfectly removes sebum and cleanses skin , purifies skin and deep cleanses pores , removes the dead cells , let skin white and delicate .

  22. 许多兰科植物的根和一些附生植物的死细胞鞘以及根被都可以帮助植物从空气中吸收水分。

    The roots of many orchids and other epiphytes developed a sheath of dead cells , the velamen , which helps to absorb water from the atmosphere .

  23. 越来越多的证据表明,锻炼有助于抵御大脑老化,促进死细胞代谢。

    The findings add to a growing body of evidence which links exercise with helping protect the brain against ageing and also aiding it replace dying cells .

  24. 皮肤保养大法:去死皮(这样可以清除最表层含有黑色素的死细胞)并配合用增亮肤色的产品。

    Skin solution : Exfoliate skin - this removes the dead , top layer of cells that contain some pigment - and use a product to lighten dark patches .

  25. 这些废物在细胞利用食物或排除溶解的死细胞时产生。他们从细胞进入血流。

    These waste products result from the use of food in the cells or from the removal of dissolved dead cells . They come from the cells into the blood stream .

  26. 当然你身体的大部分是由皮肤来保护,皮肤外层是由死细胞和角蛋白(即一种不透明的防护物质)组成。

    Most of your body is protected by skin of course , and your outer layer of skin is made of dead cells and keratin , an opaque , protective substance .

  27. 有些初生树脂道的鞘细胞为薄壁的生活细胞,而有些初生树脂道和次生树脂道的鞘细胞为厚壁的死细胞。

    Surrounding the epithelium there were usually one or two layered sheath cells , which were parenchyma cells in some primary resin ducts and dead cells with thick walls in other primary resin ducts and secondary resin ducts .

  28. 英国皇家外科医师学会的理事会成员杰利柯克说,他发现这个装置非常振奋人心,因为全息图显示的是活生生的细胞,而不是外科医生目前不得不使用经过化学处理的死细胞。

    Jerry kirk , who is on the Council of the Royal College of surgeons in britain , said he finds the new instrument very exciting , because the holograms would show living cells rather than chemically treated dead cells which surgeons are forced to use at the moment .

  29. 笑一个,会死很多细胞吗?问声好,要很多力气吗?

    A smile costs nothing , and a greeting takes little effort .

  30. 随着温度上升,在春天,死的细胞脱落,肌肤重焕新生。

    As the temperatures start to rise , sloughing off dead cells can renew and refresh and your skin for spring .