
  • 网络Death Valley National Park;Death Valley NP;The Death Valley
  1. 据某些权威人士表示,原因就出在所谓的“死亡谷综合症”(DeathValleySyndrome)上。

    The answer , according to some pundits , is the so-called death valley syndrome .

  2. 在死亡谷还有一个奇观,就是七彩石山。

    The other nice view in Death Valley is colorful rock mountains .

  3. 一齐杀进死亡谷,六百马背英雄。

    Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred .

  4. 此外,死亡谷中还开有其他较常见的野花。例如深紫色的钟穗花;

    Some of the other more common flowers include the deep purple phacelia ;

  5. 死亡谷是他的最爱之一。

    Death valley is one of his favorites .

  6. 其中一场特别艰苦的超级马拉松比赛,就是在加利桶尼亚死亡谷举行的135英里坏水河超级马拉松。

    A notoriously3tough ultra-marathon is the 135-mile Bad water in Death Valley , California .

  7. 在美洲西部的死亡谷。

    Death Valley in the western United states .

  8. 而今的人去房空的“鬼城”散落在死亡谷上。

    Today the remains of these " ghost towns " are scattered about Death Valley .

  9. 在死亡谷,探险家和开拓者面临干渴和灼热两方面的死亡威胁。

    In Death Valley , pioneers and explorers faced death from thirst and the searing heat .

  10. 一位乐队成员正卸下演出所用的设备,这场演唱会将在死亡谷国家公园这个不太靠谱的地方举行。

    Band members unload equipment before a show in the somewhat unlikely venue of Death Valley National Monument .

  11. 死亡谷的年降雨量仅在两英寸(约合50毫米)左右,有时甚至终年干旱。

    The Valley 's annual rainfall is just two inches - sometimes it gets no rain at all .

  12. 据说死亡谷上一次鲜花开放是在2005年,在这之前一次是1998年。

    The last time there was a bloom of this magnitude was in 2005 , and the time before that was in 1998 .

  13. 死亡谷向来以天气炎热见称,1913年7月10日,当地温度曾达到134华氏度(约57摄氏度),并一度成为世界最高温度纪录的保持者。

    Death Valley holds the world record for hottest temperature ever recorded - a whopping 134 degrees Fahrenheit on July 10 , 1913 .

  14. 伤亡过半,伤亡过半,半支队伍向前猛冲,一齐杀进死亡谷,六百马背英雄。

    Half a league , half a league , Half a league onward , All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred .

  15. 花开最盛的地点位于死亡谷国家公园的南端,沿着火炉溪南部的恶水路一直走就可以走到。

    Now , the best flower show is at the south end of Death Valley National Park along Badwater Road , south of Furnace Creek .

  16. 在死亡谷的很多地方,你都可以轻而易举地看到哪里的地面曾被地底深处的运动猛烈推起。

    In many areas of Death Valley it is easy to see where the ground has been pushed up violently by movement deep in the Earth .

  17. 如果说黄石公园的各色热矿泉是画师们的调色板,那末死亡谷的七彩山石应该就是现代的水彩画了。

    If Yellowstone 's colorful hot springs could be called artist 's palette , then Death Valley 's beautiful rock mountains should be a modern watercolor art .

  18. 加州死亡谷是最炎热的地区之一,据悉该地区的历史最高温度为一百年前达到的华氏134度。

    One of the hottest areas , Death Valley , California , it 's said the area 's hottest temperature record a century ago at 134 degrees .

  19. 在夏季,死亡谷的气温能够达到摄氏57度,但在冬天,这里又是极度危险之地,而且山上的暴雨所产生的洪流会突然冲进这个死亡谷。

    During the summer the temperature in Death Valley can reach fifty-seven degrees Celsius . But , it can be dangerously cold in the winter there , too .

  20. 在死亡谷的其他地方,岩石上的纹路清楚地表明该区域在几千年前位于大洋深处。

    In other parts of Death Valley there are lines in the rock that show clearly that this area was deep under an ocean for many thousands of years .

  21. 美国夏威夷大学的一名科学家日前称其在加州东部死亡谷地下的盐晶体中充满液体的小细胞中发现了一种细菌,其寿命高达34000岁。

    34,000-year-old bacteria have been found inside tiny , fluid-filled chambers within the salt crystals below Death Valley in Eastern California , according to a scientist at the University of Hawaii .

  22. 但是由于去年秋季降水量相对较多,美国加利福尼亚的死亡谷国家公园居然开出了漫山的花朵,景象实属罕见,可能每十年才有幸见到一次。

    But thanks to last autumn 's above-average rainfall , California 's Death Valley National Park ? is experiencing a " super bloom " of wildflowers - a rare occurrence that happens just once every 10 years .

  23. 在死亡之谷这样干热的地区!

    In a place as hot and dry as Death Valley .

  24. 让我穿过死亡之谷的阴影。

    Let me go through the shadow of the valley of death .

  25. 风险投资界把绿色能源投资称为“死亡之谷”。

    In the world of venture capital they call it the valley of death .

  26. 可你真的就没死,是复仇的欲望,帮你穿越了死亡之谷;

    Was it the desire for revenge that hauled you out of the valley of death ?

  27. 但加利福尼州的死亡之谷令人惊异的正是在那里存在着许多生物。

    But what 's amazing about California 's Death Valley is that there 's lots of life around .

  28. 雅虎,一家成立于互联网时代的公司,目前就处于死亡之谷。

    Yahoo , a founding company of the internet era , is now in the valley of death .

  29. 跑道干湖是坐落在加利福尼亚国家公园死亡之谷中的一个干涸的湖床,海拔3608米。

    Racetrack Playa is a dry lake bed located 3,608 feet above sea level in Death Valley National Park , California .

  30. 这一年并非只有白兰度的家族将白兰度和考克斯的骨灰分散洒在了死亡之谷。

    The ashes of Brando and Cox were not the only remains scattered in Death Valley by the Brando family this year .