
sǐ dàng
  • overdue and unredeemable pawned item
死当 [sǐ dàng]
  • [be unable to redeem sth. pawned since it is overdued] 当在当铺里的东西超过赎取期限,就不能再赎取,称死当

  1. adj.死的当唯一的继承人死了之后没儿子,那这个姓就要绝迹了。

    defunct A family name becomes defunct when the only heir dies without any son .

  2. 特斯拉死后当它们被送回南斯拉夫时俄罗斯人重新得到了他的论文。

    The Russians retrieved Tesla ´ s papers when they were returned to Yugoslavia after his death .

  3. 他问起了你妈妈的死,当他知道你妈妈怎么死的时候,他就产生了恐惧。

    He has asked your mother 's death , when he knew how your mother does die , he has had the fear .

  4. 他宁愿死也不愿当囚犯。

    He would rather die than be a convict .

  5. 在我的死,是当我有几十亿美元。

    In my death , is when I have billions of dollars .

  6. 死主决定当至,无缘能令退却。

    The Lord of death will inevitability come and no circumstances at all can prevent this .

  7. 他几乎马上就死了,当他们俯视着他的尸体时,他们的脸像纸一样苍白。

    He died almost immediately . The men 's faces were white as they looked down at his body .

  8. 在科利昂,孩子时候我们一起玩儿,现在你会让我死吗,当我为我的罪恶害怕地狱的时候?

    In Corleone we played together as children and now will you let me die when I fear hell for my sins ?

  9. 相当奇怪的案件打开当一个下士找到死在汽车当从事一个暗中进行的使命。

    A rather strange case opens when a Petty Officer is found dead in a car while working on an undercover mission .

  10. 这些无翅无鳞、为可憎的,你们不可吃他的肉;死的也当以为可憎。

    They shall be even an abomination unto you ; ye shall not eat of their flesh , but ye shall have their carcases in abomination .

  11. 这个世界上最远的距离不是生与死,而是当我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。

    The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death , but when I stand in front of you , Yet you don 't know that I love you .

  12. 我们可能会说,反正现在不是真的,死亡现在对我来说没有坏处,我现在又没死,也许当我死的时候死亡对我有坏处?

    We might say , well , it 's not true now Death isn 't bad for me now I 'm not dead now ? Maybe death is bad for me when I 'm dead ?

  13. 厉王死后,武王当了国王。

    After King Li died , King Wu became the king .

  14. 武王死后,文王当了国王。

    After King Wu died , King Wen succeeded to the throne .

  15. 丹尼尔死的那天,当我听到撞车声时。

    The day Daniel died , when I heard the crash .

  16. 妻子死后他出家当了和尚。

    He went to a temple to be a monk after his wife died .

  17. 谁死了轮到你当将军了?

    Who died and made you general ?

  18. 一个穿越沙漠即将渴死的男人,当一头骆驼从他身边经过并停下了的时候。

    A man was crawling across the desert dying of thirst , when a camel raced up and stopped .

  19. 主耶和华说,我不喜悦那死人之死,所以你们当回头而存活。

    As surely as I live , declares the Sovereign LORD , you will no longer quote this proverb in Israel .

  20. 你上床睡觉了,我感到非常难过,于是拿出一块梧桐树皮,在上面写道:‘我们没有死,只是去当海盗了。’还把它放在桌子上的蜡烛旁边;

    And you went to bed , and I was so sorry that I took and wrote on a piece of sycamore bark , 'we ain 't dead & we are only off being pirates , 'and put it on the table by the candle ;

  21. 苔丝同挨近她的妹妹相差四岁多,在这段时间空白里,还有两个孩子在襁褓中死了,因此当她单独同弟弟妹妹相处时,她身上的态度就像一个代理母亲。

    There was an interval of four years and more between Tess and the next of the family , the two who had filled the gap having died in their infancy , and this lent her a deputy-maternal attitude when she was alone with her Juniors .