
sǐ huǒ shān
  • extinct volcano
死火山[sǐ huǒ shān]
  1. 而且,他还把那座死火山当作脚凳。

    And he used the extinct volcano as a footstool .

  2. 死火山又重新喷发,对这座城市来说意味着大难临头。

    The extinct volcano 's eruption would mean a cataclysm for the city .

  3. 他还有一座死火山,他也把它打扫干净。

    He also had one volcano that was extinct .

  4. 虽然珠穆朗玛峰是地球上距海平面最高的山峰,但世界最高峰却是夏威夷的一座死火山&莫纳克亚山(MaunaKea)。

    Although Mount Everest is the highest point on Earth from sea level , Mauna Kea , an inactive Hawaiian volcano , holds the record as the world 's tallest mountain .

  5. 虽然珠穆朗玛峰是地球上距海平面最高的山峰,但世界最高峰却是夏威夷的一座死火山——莫纳克亚山(MaunaKea)。

    It 's Not The Tallest Mountain Although Mount Everest is the highest point on Earth from sea level , Mauna Kea , an inactive Hawaiian volcano , holds the record as the world 's tallest mountain .

  6. 死火山已失去爆发能力。

    An extinct volcano has ceased to be able to explode .

  7. 我们去日本旅行途中看到了好几座死火山。

    We saw several extinct volcanoes on our trip to Japan .

  8. 他曾经使用那座死火山当做脚凳。

    And he used the extinct volcano as a foot-stool .

  9. 他们来到了一个死火山口。

    They came to the lip of a dead crater .

  10. (第一大城)克兰计画将污物填到境内许多死火山的其中一座。

    Auckland plans on filling one of its many extinct volcanoes with sewage .

  11. 我每周在一座死火山旁野餐。

    I picnic by an extinct volcano every week .

  12. 许多山峰时死火山。

    Many of the peaks are extinct volcanoes .

  13. 有些山峰是死火山。

    Some of the mountains are dead volcanoes .

  14. 喀麦隆西部的一座死火山;西非海岸最高山。

    An inactive volcano in western Cameroon ; highest peak on the West African coast .

  15. 这座火山是座死火山。

    The volcano is extinct .

  16. 旅馆的背景是奥梅特佩岛的马德拉斯死火山,山顶映衬着绵延起伏的雨林。

    Ometepe 's extinct volcano , Maderas , with itsjagged rainforest-covered peak , formed the lodge 's backdrop .

  17. 美国俄勒冈州西南部的火山口湖,在一座死火山口上。

    Crater Lake in southwestern Oregon of the United States lies in the crater of an extinct volcano .

  18. 他们处于没精打采的状态,用一位医生的话来说,“犹如一座座死火山”。

    They existed in a state of profound apathy ," like extinct volcanoes ," in the words of one doctor .

  19. 虽然说夏威夷已历经了一百万年的岁月,但是,在西北端考艾岛的死火山却已是其五倍了。

    While Hawaii is about a million years old , theextinctvolcano of Kauai on the north-west end is five times older .

  20. 墨西哥的位于墨西哥城河韦拉克鲁斯之间的一座死火山;墨西哥最高山。

    An extinct volcano in S Mexico between Mexico City and Veracruz ; the highest peak in Mexico ( 18,695 feet ) .

  21. 美国俄勒冈西南边的火山口湖,是在一个地坑中形成的。这个地坑覆盖在一座死火山的顶部。

    Crater Lake in southwestern Oregon of the United States was formed in a depression that covers the top of a dead volcano .

  22. 山东昌乐地区死火山群火山通道相节理非常发育,形态独特,引人注目。

    There are many noticeable and well-developed joints in the volcanic crater group in the Changle area , and they are unique in shape .

  23. 他时常夸口,说他的心已成了一座死火山,可是奇怪,这颗心怎么会喷出了烈火呢!

    In an extinct volcano , such as he boasted that his breast was , it was wonderful how he should feel such a flame !

  24. 爱丁堡古堡是该城的标志,它高高矗立在一座死火山的山颠,超拔于城市之上。

    The central feature of the capital city is the Edinburgh Castle , which is high above the city atop an extinct ( 7 ) volcano .

  25. 一个神秘的城镇升起在湖中央的小岛上-是一个死火山山口形成的天池。

    A mysterious town rose on an island in the middle of a lake - a lake that formed in the crater of a huge extinct volcano .

  26. 大多数热区移动非常缓慢,有时,板块滑过这些热区,就会留下死火山的痕迹。

    Most of the hot spots move only slowly , and in some cases the movement of the plates past them has left trails of dead volcanoes .

  27. 因此,西北端考艾岛上的火山都是很老的死火山,然而,位于夏威夷东南边的火山却是世界上活动最频繁的活火山。

    Because of this , the volcano on north-west Kauai is old and extinct , while the volcanos on Hawaii 's south-east edge are the most active in the world .

  28. 官方认为,从海平面算起,珠穆朗玛峰的最高点要高于其它的山。但如果从山底算起,莫纳克亚山(夏威夷岛的死火山)是世界上最高的山。

    The summit of Qomolangma is officially higher above sea level than the summit of any other mountain , but Mauna Kea is the tallest when measured from base to summit .