
  • The Bridge;Golden Gate Bridge;Golden Bridge
  1. 玛丽·居里(MaryCurrie)就职于金门大桥高速公路和运输区。

    Mary Currie works for the Golden Gate Bridge , Highway and Transportation District .

  2. 许多人渴望去迪士尼乐园(Disneyland),在好莱坞标志以及旧金山的金门大桥(GoldenGateBridge)等标志性建筑旁拍照。

    Many are eager to visit Disneyland and snap photographs at landmarks such as the Hollywood sign and San Francisco 's Golden Gate Bridge .

  3. 就来到著名的金门大桥(GoldenGateBridge)景观带。

    and Golden Gate Park , miles of winding trails leading to the famously scenic stretch of Golden Gate Bridge .

  4. 约瑟夫·施特劳斯(JosephStrauss)是金门大桥项目总工程师。

    Joseph Strauss was the chief engineer of the Golden Gate Bridge project .

  5. “星耀五洲”的设计意图是容纳10万居民,提供一个室内滑雪场、一座旧金山金门大桥(GoldenGateBridge)的复制品,以及一家七星级酒店。

    The World was designed to house 100000 people , an indoor ski dome , a replica of San Francisco 's Golden Gate Bridge and a seven-star hotel .

  6. 这位Ins用户好像是在世界著名地标金门大桥旁边过夜的。

    This user appears to have spent the night next to one of the world 's most famous landmarks .

  7. 驶过金门大桥后,GPS就引导我们顺着101高速公路,沿着荒凉的太平洋海岸一路向北,驶过参天的红杉林,来到俄勒冈州威拉米特河谷那规划得整整齐齐的葡萄园。

    After crossing the Golden Gate Bridge , GPS guided us North on Highway 101 along the wild Pacific coast , then through giant stands of redwoods and in to the geometrically precise vineyards of the Willamette Valley in Oregon .

  8. 比如,您可以将金门大桥的图片标签为SanFrancisco、bridge、GoldenGate、fog(该桥大部分处于大雾之中)等。

    For instance , you could tag a photograph of the Golden Gate Bridge with San Francisco , bridge , Golden Gate , fog ( that bridge is in the fog a lot ), and so on .

  9. 谷歌的无人驾驶汽车已经从加州北部的山景城(MountainView)驶到了南加州的好莱坞林荫大道和太平洋海岸高速公路,跨过金门大桥,驶过太平洋海岸高速公路,环绕了太浩湖(LakeTahoe)。

    Its automated cars have driven from mountain view in Northern California to Santa Monica and Hollywood Boulevard in Southern California , crossed the Golden Gate Bridge , navigated the Pacific coast highway , and circumnavigated Lake Tahoe .

  10. 新普雷西迪奥风景公路(PresidioParkway)是一条拟建的连接旧金山市和金门大桥(GoldenGateBridge)的六车道收费公路,一些私人投资者团体正在考虑这个项目。

    The Presidio Parkway , a six-lane toll road that will connect the city of San Francisco to the Golden Gate Bridge , is one project that some private investor groups are considering .

  11. 片中真正让人感兴趣的事发生在破损的金门大桥另一侧的马林县,在那里,我们进化之路上的表亲们正在建立自己的文明,他们仁慈的领导者名叫凯撒(Caesar),是一个会直立行走的黑猩猩。

    The real interest lies across the battered Golden Gate Bridge , in Marin County , where our evolutionary cousins , under the benevolent guidance of an upright-walking chimpanzee named Caesar , have built their own civilization .

  12. 他和另外一名创业者杰夫·利恩(JeffLeane)创办了非盈利组织MVGate,把Code.org开发的适用于小学生和家庭的编程课程带给米尔谷。米尔谷是一个富裕的郊区,与旧金山之间隔着金门大桥。

    He and another entrepreneur , Jeff Leane , have started a nonprofit , MV Gate , to bring youth and family coding courses developed by Code.org to Mill Valley , an affluent suburb across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco .

  13. 在金门大桥没有全面传感器健康监测系统喜欢新来的I-35安东尼瀑布桥在明尼阿波利斯,它确实有地震传感器。

    While the Golden Gate Bridge does not have an overall sensor-based health monitoring system like the new I-35 Anthony Falls Bridge in Minneapolis , it does have earthquake sensors .

  14. 金门大桥之所以特别,其实有几个原因。

    The Golden Gate is special for a number of reasons .

  15. 这是橙红色金门大桥横跨海上的壮观场面。

    The spectacular vermilion orange span of the Golden Gate Bridge .

  16. 骑自行车穿越金门大桥。出现在意大利电视台上。

    Bicycled across the Golden Gate Bridge . Appeared on Italian TV .

  17. 金门大桥,够雄伟吧!

    The Golden Gate Bridge , isn 't that great ?

  18. 除了你的确弄坏了金门大桥

    Except you did just destroy the Golden Gate Bridge .

  19. 金门大桥迎来了它的77岁生日。

    The Golden Gate Bridge is celebrating its seventy-seventh anniversary .

  20. 金门大桥看上去就像是一条回家的路。

    The Golden Gate Bridge looked just like the one back home too .

  21. 你知道这座桥梁为什么取名为金门大桥吗?

    Do you know how it got its name ?

  22. 你观光过旧金山的金门大桥吗?

    Have you ever been to the Golden Gate Bridge in San francisco ?

  23. 因为金门大桥是由钢丝建成的,

    because the bridge was built with steel cables ,

  24. 然而,命名为金门大桥并不是其颜色,

    But the Golden Gate Bridge was not named for its orange color .

  25. 你看,前面是金门大桥。

    Ahead you see the Golden Gate bridge .

  26. 金门大桥漆上的颜色被称为“国际标准橘”。

    The bridge has always been painted the color called " International Orange . "

  27. 5.开车上班的通勤者对金门大桥上的行程有何感觉?

    Question 5.How do commuters feel about crossing the Golden Gate Bridge by car ?

  28. 到那儿的第一天我们就去看了金门大桥。

    On the first day of our visit wewent to the Golden Gate Bridge .

  29. 金门大桥建造时花了三千二百万美金。

    The Golden Gate Bridge was built at the cost of thirty-two million dollars .

  30. 金门大桥于1937年开通,

    The Golden Gate Bridge opened in 1937 .