
jīn diāo
  • golden eagle
金雕[jīn diāo]
  1. 幸运的话,会有一只光彩夺目的金雕飞入你的视野。

    If you 're lucky , a splendid golden eagle may soar into view

  2. 金雕有绝种的危险。

    The golden eagle is in danger of dying out .

  3. 岛上的野猪引来了大陆的金雕,这些飞行的捕食者们导致岛屿灰狐的数量大幅下降。

    Wild pigs attracted golden eagles from the mainland , and those flying   predators   crashed the fox population .

  4. 浅析俄罗斯战斗机CY-37金雕前掠翼三翼面气动布局的先进性

    Simple Analysis the Advantage of Russia 's CY-37 " Jin Diao " Forward-Swept Wing and Triplanar Aircraft on Aero Configuration

  5. 所有鸟当中,我最喜欢金雕。

    I like golden eagles best of all the birds .

  6. 金雕不得不费力控制好飞行。

    And the eagle has to struggle to control it .

  7. 然后,金雕出现,在我的掌纹间孤独歌吟。

    Then , golden eagle came out , lonely chanted among my palm prints .

  8. 金雕成对配合,将年轻的鹤从鹤群中分离出来。

    The eagles work in pairs to separate a young crane from the flock .

  9. 金雕正等着它们。

    The golden eagles have been expecting them .

  10. 在这些小哺乳动物中,有的是被捕食者,使像金雕这样的大鸟得以生存。

    Some of those small mammals help to sustain such big birds as golden eagles .

  11. 问题18:关于像埃特纳山的金雕这样的大鸟,他们说了些什么?

    Question 18 What does the speaker say about big birds like golden eagles at Mount Etna ?

  12. 这位仁慈的明星大方允许幸运游客手握自己的金雕奖杯,还和他们一起自拍。

    The gracious star let the lucky tourists hold his gold statuette and posed for selfies with them .

  13. 其中有国家一级保护动物褐马鸡,二级保护动物金钱豹、黑颧、金雕等。

    Among them , the protection of animals at the national level Crossoptilon II protected animals leopard , black malar , such as golden eagles .

  14. 展望未来、金雕仍将秉持一贯宗旨,以高品质产品,周到服务为消费者提供更有品味的优质产品。

    Looking forward to the future , our company always keeps the aim of keeping high quality and excellent service to provide more taste and best products for consumers .

  15. 在我来后的第6天,亚瑟在高空中盘旋了一阵,然后如离弦的箭一般冲向一只比它身材大好几倍的金雕,试图将它驱逐出这片领地。

    On my sixth day , he circled high in the air , then shot like an arrow toward a golden eagle many times his size to drive this enemy from his territory .

  16. 巴比蒂蹦蹦跳跳地离开庭院远去了,从那以后,一座洗衣妇的金雕像一直竖立在那个树桩上,王国里也再没有巫师遭到迫害。

    Babbitty hopped out of the grounds and far away , and ever after a golden statue of the washerwoman stood upon the tree stump , and no witch or wizard was ever persecuted in the kingdom again .

  17. 过去15年在该校开展的研究发现,北大校园内共存活着300种不同动物和470种不同植物,其中包括金雕、褐鹰鸮、东方角鸮等濒危动物。

    Research at the university for the past 15 years has determined there are 300 different species of animals and 470 different varieties of plants living on the campus , including endangered animals such as Golden Eagles , Ninox Scutulata and Otus Sunia .