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  • cormorant;shag
鸬鹚 [lú cí]
  • [cormorant] 水鸟名,俗叫鱼鹰,羽毛黑色,有绿光,善捕鱼,生活在海滨,用树叶、海藻等筑巢。渔人常用来捕鱼。又名乌鬼,水老鸦

鸬鹚[lú cí]
  1. 鸬鹚是一种长脖子黑颜色的大鸟,生活在海滨而且以吃鱼为生。

    The cormorant is a large , long-necked , dark-colored bird which lives near sea coasts and eats fish .

  2. 乌苏里江普通鸬鹚(Phalacrocoraxcarbo)繁殖生态的研究

    The Research of Breeding Ecology of Common Cormorant ( Phalacrocorax carbo ) in Wusuli River

  3. 自然爱好者要密切留意鹰、鸬鹚和偶尔出现的鲸鱼。

    Nature lovers will be on the lookout for eagles , cormorants , and the occasional whale .

  4. 鸬鹚又下去捉住鱼,再返回竹筏。

    The cormorants swim down and catch the fish , and bring them back the raft .

  5. 那些鸟是受过训练的鸬鹚。

    The birds are trained cormorants .

  6. 普通鸬鹚刚出壳体重对它们的成长不造成任何影响。

    The weight of fresh nestling did not influence their growth .

  7. 温度必须高,让小鸬鹚温暖。

    The temperature must be high , to keep the baby warm .

  8. 他们(鸬鹚渔夫)将不会在世界上存在。

    They won 't exist in the world any longer .

  9. 是捕鱼者和他们训练有素的鸬鹚最爱的捕获点

    a favorite spot for fishermen with their trained cormorants .

  10. 盛夏已过,秋天来临,鸬鹚捕鱼也将告一段落。

    When the brilliant summer passes and autumn , ukai also comes to an end .

  11. 鸬鹚的狩猎本能暴发

    the cormorant 's hunting instinct kicks in

  12. 日本传统的夜间捕鱼方法是使用驯养的鸬鹚捕捉河鱼。

    A traditional method of night fishing in Japan uses tame cormorants to catch river fish .

  13. 歧阜长良川养鸬鹚的传统已经有1300年的历史。

    Cormorant fishing in the Nagara River in Gifu Prefecture has a long history of1300 years .

  14. 两个月后,被放到筏上,和别的鸬鹚一起捉鱼。

    After tow months , it is sent to join the other birds on the raft .

  15. 与众不同的中国鸬鹚

    Chinese cormorant differing from others

  16. 鸬鹚饲一种长脖子黑颜色的大鸟,生活在唬宾而怯以吃鱼为生。

    The cormorant is a large , long-necked , bird which lives near sea coasts and eats fish .

  17. 鸬鹚村共有12位村民花了1美元投票,其中至少有九张选票是投给杜克的。

    All 12 Cormorant villagers paid $ 1 to vote in the election , with at least nine voting for Duke .

  18. 鸬鹚潜入水中捕鱼,但是不能把鱼吃下去,因为脖子上系着带子。

    The birds dive for fish , but can 't eat them due to the ties that are around their necks .

  19. 这些感觉就像红树林和沼泽,吸引了大批鸟类,像火烈鸟、鹈鹕、苍鹭和鸬鹚。

    Those views include mangroves and marshes , which attract thousands of birds , such as flamingos , pelicans , herons and cormorants .

  20. 经常出现在沿海和远海的鸟;海鸥;鹈鹕;塘鹅;鸬鹚;信天翁;海燕;等。

    A bird that frequents coastal waters and the open ocean : gulls ; pelicans ; gannets ; cormorants ; albatrosses ; petrels ; etc. .

  21. 鸬鹚的颈部被绳子系住,他们只能吞食小鱼,更大和更易出售的鱼将无法吞下。

    Strings tied around their necks mean they can only swallow the smallest & anything larger and more saleable get no further than their throats .

  22. 鸬鹚出海后的飞行路径,应是连接觅食区域、休息区域、及夜栖区域之间的最短距离,但若会切到陆地,则常会沿海岸迂回前进。

    Cormorant foraging flocks directly flew among foraging areas , resting site , and roosting site but usually flew along coast if their path cuts land .

  23. 我们近日再到访南生围视察,发现一月一日山火非常接近一片鸬鹚夜栖的林木。

    We have visited Nam Sang Wai again recently , the second fire on1st Jan is very close to a known roosting site for Great Cormorants .

  24. 这周末,大白熊犬杜克在鸬鹚村村长选举中以压倒性优势获胜,只有两三张选票没有投给他。

    Duke , a Great Pyrenees , won the mayoral election in Cormorant this weekend by a landslide , taking all but two or three votes .

  25. 这样做是为了减少鸬鹚在米埔和内后海湾邻近的商业鱼塘觅食。

    This is part of a larger Government programme to reduce Cormorant predation on commercial fish in the fishponds around Mai Po and Inner Deep Bay .

  26. 世界科学大会的支持下,阿根廷宣布新的沿海海洋公园,以保护50万企鹅,鸬鹚,蛎鹬,和其他罕见的海鸟。

    With support from WCS , Argentina declares a new coastal marine park to protect half a million penguins , cormorants , oystercatchers , and other rare seabirds .

  27. 鸬鹚的脖子被线系住,因而无法吞咽自己抓住的那些较大的河鱼,那是属于他们主人的收获。

    The cormorants have their necks tightened by string so they cannot swallow the larger fish they catch . Their master then takes the big fry for his haul .

  28. 渔民逮鱼不是用钓竿,而是用训练有素的鸬鹚。鸬鹚潜入水中捉鱼,然后回到竹筏上把鱼交给渔民。

    Instead of rods , they fish with trained cormorants , which dive into the water for fish and return to deliver them to the fisherman on the boat .

  29. 在中国南部和东部部分地区,你仍然可以看到渔民驯服鸬鹚捕鱼,但在今天鸬鹚却越来越难见到。

    In some parts of southern and eastern China you can still see fishermen catching fish using tame cormorants , but even cormorants are becoming rare in China today .

  30. 一位冲绳历史学家曾这么写道:冲绳人就像是长良川内经过训练的鸬鹚一样,“他们被派去捕鱼,却不准吞下自己捕到的鱼。”

    Okinawans , one of their historians wrote , were like the trained cormorants of the Nagara River : " they are made to catch fish which they are not permitted to swallow . "
