
ɡāo shān bīnɡ chuān
  • alpine glacier
  1. 高山冰川前缘地带景观生态的发育与演替&以天山1号冰川前缘为例

    The Development and Evolution of Landscape in Front of Alpine Glacier ── A Case Study from the Front Area of No. 1 Glacier in Tianshan Mountain

  2. 高山冰川是一类较为独特的生态系统,其低温、寡营养环境被认为是研究生命进化和地球环境演化等重大问题的活化石,同时,也是一个天然的微生物储藏库。

    As a unique ecological system , low temperature and oligotrophic alpine Glacier is considered as a " living fossil " for the research of life evolution and environmental evolution on the earth , and it is also a natural microorganism " reservoir " .

  3. 高山冰川作用区局地环流和气温分析

    A Study on Local Circulation and Temperature in Alpine Glaciated Area

  4. 高山冰川雪线后退,冰雪储量减少;

    Snow line of glacier shrink a lot ;

  5. 最后一个冰河时代的遗迹,高山冰川正在迅速消失。

    Some are remains of the last ice-age , and alpine glaciers are quickly disappearing .

  6. 为让高山冰川继续存在,“就必须将全球气温升高的幅度降到最低”。

    For the high mountain glaciers to survive , " it is essential to minimize the global temperature increase . "

  7. 流域内无高山冰川,中山区降水是水资源的唯一来源。

    The precipitation of intermediate mountain region is only the origin of water without high mountain glaciers in the flow domain .

  8. “毫无疑问,由于受温暖气候影响,全球绝大多数高山冰川都正在渐渐消融。”在内政部发表的一项声明中,爵斯伯格如是说。

    " There is no doubt that most mountain glaciers are shrinking worldwide in response to a warming climate ," Josberger said in a statement released by the Department of Interior .

  9. 研究表明,祁连山的森林对于保护该地区的高山冰川,涵养水源,维持当地水资源状况的平衡具有十分重要的意义。

    The research expresses that the forest of the mountain could protect the mountain glacier , so it have very important meaning of self-restraint headwaters , maintain the water resources condition .

  10. 分布于高山冰川与积雪边缘、固体物质主要由新老冰碳和雪崩岩屑所补给、水源依赖于冰雪融水及冰湖溃决水的泥石流称为冰川泥石流。

    Located in the edge of mountain glaciers and snow cover , solid substances are mainly old and new ice from the debris of the supply of carbon and avalanches , water dependent on snow melt water and glacial lake outburst known as glacial debris debris flow of water .

  11. 新疆高山地区冰川阻塞湖引起的突发性洪水灾害

    Rapid Onset Flood Disaster due to Glacier-Dammed Lake in Alpine Area , Xinjiang Province , Western China

  12. 季风亚洲末次冰期可统一称为大理冰期,古冰川首次出现于东亚海岸山地,内陆高山高原则冰川规模缩小。

    On the whole , the Last Glaciation in monsoonal Asia should be termed as the Dali Glaciation which is quite in accord with the Zyryanka Glaciation in Northeast Asia .

  13. 安装在喜马拉雅山脉尼泊尔一侧的照相机将帮助解决这个高山区域的冰川正在退缩还是正在前进以及它们退缩或前进的速度的问题。

    Cameras being installed high in the Nepal Himalayas will help settle the issue of whether and how fast glaciers in the high mountain region are retreating & or advancing .

  14. 季风的发展与冰川的消失&从台湾高山末次冰期冰川发育特征说起

    Monsoon Development and Glacier Disappearance ── From the point of view of glacier revolution features during last glaciation in Xueshan , Taiwan

  15. 塔里木盆地周围群山环抱,高山上巨大的冰川雪岭是天然水库,养育了森林草原和种类繁多的动植物。

    Tarim Basin is surrounded by mountains , the huge glaciers and snow hills on the high mountains are natural reservoir , which breed the forest grassland and many kinds of animals and plants .

  16. 山地景观生态系统由居民点、耕地、山地荒漠草原、山地草原(典型草原)、山地针叶林、亚高山植被、高山植被、冰川、水系、道路10种景观组分组成;

    The mountain landscape ecosystem is made up of 10 landscape elements types , that are residence land , cultivated land , mountain desert , mountain grassland , mountain forestland , sub-mountain vegetation , mountain vegetation , ice and snow , river and road .