
  • 网络expressway service area
  1. 湖南省高速公路服务区配送中心管理系统

    Distribution Center Management Information System of Expressway Service Area of Hunan Province

  2. 高速公路服务区适应性评价方法研究

    Research on Evaluation Method for Adaptability of Expressway Service Area

  3. 对山东省高速公路服务区发展第三方物流的外部环境与内部条件进行系统、全面、深入地分析,采用SWOT分析法综合评价山东省高速公路服务区拓展物流服务功能的可行性。

    The paper applies systematic SWOT analysis to external environment and internal condition of expressway service zone developing third-party logistics .

  4. 因此本文开展了UTW路面在高速公路服务区新建路面工程中的设计及应用研究。

    So this article started design and application research of the new UTW pavement surface construction in the freeway service . 1 .

  5. 该工艺替代了高速公路服务区较为普遍采用的WSZ地埋式污水处理设备,解决了设备腐蚀及停留时间不足等问题。

    This process substitutes the WSZ wastewater-processing machine that is generally used in expressway service center , and also resolves the problems such as the corrosion of equipments and shortage of HRT .

  6. 论高速公路服务区运营与管理

    Talk about Operation and Management in Service Zone of Express Highway

  7. 浅谈高速公路服务区餐厅设计应注意的问题

    The Notes of Dining Room Design at Service area in Freeway

  8. 高速公路服务区消防给排水工程设计简述

    Water Supply and Drainage Design for the Service Area of Highway

  9. 某高速公路服务区污水处理站工程改造

    On engineering modifications of sewage treatment plant of highway service area

  10. 广东省高速公路服务区经营管理的实践与发展构想

    A Practice and Conception of Guangdong Expressway Service Station Management

  11. 多联式空调机组在高速公路服务区工程中应用

    Application of VRF Air Conditioning System in Service Area of Expressway Project

  12. 厌氧/微氧工艺处理高速公路服务区污水

    Anaerobic / Microaerophilic Process for Wastewater Treatment in Service Area of Freeway

  13. 高速公路服务区污水处理现状与对策

    Actuality and Countermeasures of Wastewater Treatment in Expressway Service Center

  14. 浅谈高速公路服务区单体建筑设施规模的设计

    Talking about Scale Design of Single Building in Service Area of Expressway

  15. 大运高速公路服务区辐射采暖新技术简介

    The Introduction to Radiation Heating New Technology of Da-Yun Expressway Service Zone

  16. 各层次高速公路服务区功能配置探讨

    Discussion on Function Installing for Service Area of Each - lever Expressway

  17. 高速公路服务区污水回用的技术经济可行性分析

    A Technical and Economic Analysis of Water Reuse for Expressway Service Area

  18. 生态建筑理念在高速公路服务区设计中的探索

    On Ecological Architectural Idea during Design of Expressway Service Station

  19. 高速公路服务区停车方式剖析&客车停车位的几种形式

    Several Modes of Coach Parking Space at Highway Service Area

  20. 厌氧水解-ICEAS工艺处理高速公路服务区高浓度生活污水

    The Domestic Wastewater Treatment of Highway Service Area by Anaerobic Hydrolysis-ICEAS Process

  21. 高速公路服务区建设的问题及建议

    Problems with and Advice for Construction of Expressway Service Area

  22. 西北地域文化下的高速公路服务区景观规划设计与研究

    Landscape Research and Design Theory of Expressway Service Area under Northwestern China Culture

  23. 谈高速公路服务区的建筑设计

    Discuss the Architectural Design of the Expressway Serving Area

  24. 高速公路服务区场地规划设计理论与实践

    On design theory and practice of ground planning in service area in expressway

  25. 湖南高速公路服务区物流配送体系的构建

    The Construction of Logistics Distribution System of Serving Area on Expressway in Hunan

  26. 江西高速公路服务区经营模式转变研究

    Jiangxi Expressway Service Area Study of Transforming Conduct Mode

  27. 河南省高速公路服务区改扩建设计研究

    Design of alteration and extension on service area of highway in Henan province

  28. 边界:从对峙到交流&浅议高速公路服务区场所设计

    Border , From Confrontation to Exchange : Design of Service Area of Freeway

  29. 净气沼气技术在高速公路服务区生活污水处理中的应用

    The Application of Urban Biogas Technology to Sewage Treatment at Highway Service Area

  30. 高速公路服务区设计探讨

    Study on Design about Service Area of Express Highway