
sǐ jì yìng bèi
  • cram up;learn by rote;read without thinking;memorize mechanically;memorize by rote;rote
死记硬背 [sǐ jì yìng bèi]
  • [memorize by rote] 常指不用理解力去使用记忆力而一味死板地背诵书本

  • 一个反复死记硬背的傲慢少年

死记硬背[sǐ jì yìng bèi]
  1. 相比之下,整数,以及我们强加于整数的线性标尺,都是当我们的父母教我们如何数数时,我们靠死记硬背才学到的。

    In contrast , integers , and the linear scale we place them on , is something that we have to learn by rote when our parents teach us how to count .

  2. 目前的中学汉字教学方法主要是依靠死记硬背,学生普遍认为汉字教学枯燥乏味,对汉字缺乏一种内心的喜爱之情。

    At present , its key teaching method is to memorize mechanically as a result , a majority of students feel it boring and dull to learn , which leads the fact that most students have no affection for Chinese character learning .

  3. 你只是在背诵自己死记硬背下来的东西。

    You are merely reciting facts that you have learned by rote .

  4. 他非常怀疑死记硬背是否有用。

    He is very sceptical about the value of rote learning

  5. 他死记硬背的学习方法使他在工作中不能灵活处理问题。

    His poor method of learning by rote made him unable to deal with the problems in his work flexibly .

  6. 哈里斯表示,美国教育正在遭遇“虚假数学”的泛滥——强调死记硬背公式和步骤,而不是理解数学如何影响我们看待世界的方式。

    Harris says that American education is suffering from an epidemic of " fake math " — an emphasis on rote memorization of formulas and steps , rather than an understanding of how math can influence the ways we see the world .

  7. 2014年,在一封致OECD的公开信中,学者们指责Pisa扼杀创新、鼓励死记硬背,而且过于狭隘。

    In a 2014 open letter to the OECD , academics accused Pisa of stifling innovation , encouraging rote learning and being too narrow .

  8. 对于需要按部就班与死记硬背的科目,INJ儿童通常表现不佳。

    INJ children don 't do well with tasks that require following prescribed steps in a plan or rote memorization .

  9. Pisa明确表示不提倡死记硬背,但那些渴望提高排名的专家们纷纷转向这种方式来实现目标。

    Pisa is explicit about not encouraging rote learning , yet the experts who prize high positions in the rankings are nevertheless turning to it to achieve their ends .

  10. 最后一点是关键:施莱歇表示,俄罗斯在考察死记硬背能力的评估中表现出色,在Pisa调查中则不然。而中国在考察死记硬背能力和考察综合学习能力的评估中均表现优异。

    The last point is key : Russia performs well in rote-based assessments , but not in Pisa , says Schleicher , head of the indicators and analysis division at the OECD 's directorate for education .

  11. 死记硬背的传统的单词记忆方法已经过时。

    Traditional way of learning words : rote memory is outdated .

  12. 教育旨在发展心智,而非填鸭式死记硬背。

    Education means developing the mind , not stuffing the memory .

  13. 复习还是要有好方法,切忌死记硬背!

    Review or have a good way , avoid rote !

  14. 中国的教育体制仍注重死记硬背。

    The Chinese system still suffers from an emphasis on rote learning .

  15. 在学校里,我们学的是如何死记硬背,如何更好地接受老师的教诲。

    In school , we learn how to memorize or be taught .

  16. 他们说,哦,这是死记硬背啊。

    They say , oh , this is rote learning .

  17. 死记硬背有很多的局限性,这一点我们必须承认。

    We should admit that rote learning has a number of limitations .

  18. •学习方式–人们更多是靠死记硬背,缺少“创造性学习”的引导。

    • learning style – more rote learning than ' creative learning .

  19. 今天晚上我得死记硬背准备英语考试。

    I have to cram for an English test tonight .

  20. 经过两个月辛辛苦苦的死记硬背,莫利总算勉强通过了期终考试。

    By two months of hard cramming Moley squeaked by the finals .

  21. 但对他们而言,解剖学不是死记硬背的东西,

    But for them , anatomy isn 't just something to memorize ,

  22. 每个字都要死记硬背,每个句子都要符合造句规则。

    Every character requires memorization ; every sentence must conform to structural imperatives .

  23. 孩子们还靠死记硬背来记乘法表。

    Childen still learn their times tables by rote .

  24. 在学习上,死记硬背是一种低效的方法。

    Rote memorization is an inefficient way to learn .

  25. 加拿大死记硬背的功课少,老师主要是通过讲解来传授知识。

    There is less memory work in Canada and more teaching by explaining .

  26. 学生靠死记硬背来通过考试。

    Children learn it by rote to pass examination .

  27. 然而,死记硬背是一个极耗时的方法。

    However , rote learning is a time-consuming process .

  28. 勤奋学习是孩子们变成死记硬背的人这限制孩子们的想象力。

    Studying hard makes children become rote learners , which constrains their imagination .

  29. 这所学校不鼓励死记硬背的学习方式。

    Learning by rote is discouraged in this school .

  30. 研究人员发现,死记硬背的学习是非凡有用的青少年学生。

    Researchers have found that rote learning is particularly useful for young learners .