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  • Daily Mail
每日邮报[měi rì yóu bào]
  1. 《每日邮报》的头版标题为“良知的声音”。

    The Daily Mail has the headline ' The Voice of Conscience '

  2. 我仔细看了一下离自己最近的那份报纸,正巧是份《每日邮报》。

    I looked in the nearest paper , which happened to be the Daily Mail

  3. 据称,那家公司将消息透露给了《每日邮报》。

    The company was alleged to have leaked the news to the Daily Mail .

  4. 我出版了《每日邮报》的女记者为他代笔的自传,写得颇具文采。

    I published his autobiography , which was very competently ghosted by a woman journalist from the Daily Mail

  5. 《每日邮报》将凯特称为“囤衣狂”,指出囤衣是王妃有意采用的策略,目的是避免引发时尚界的大规模撞衫,而且她大概也不喜欢一出门就迎面碰上和自己穿着同一款衣服的女人。

    The Mail called Kate a " wardrobe hoarder3 " , claiming that ' hoarding4 ' is now a deliberate strategy by the Duchess , who is keen to avoid causing fashion stampedes or , perhaps , coming face-to-face with women in the same outfit5 .

  6. 我的小女儿们就把它叫做TwoFace。帕克女士告诉《每日邮报》澳大利亚记者站记者。

    ' My wee girls just called it Two Face , ' Ms Parker told Daily Mail Australia .

  7. 首先,《每日邮报》(DailyMail)已经刊登了他的事迹。

    For one thing , the Daily Mail picked up the story .

  8. 所以,当我们看见《每日邮报》(DailyMail)上的照片时都倍感惊讶。

    So , we were surprised when we came across some shots on Daily Mail .

  9. 据英国《每日邮报》10月18日报道,科学家们用细菌和DNA建构了数字设备的基本组成部分,向着制造生物计算机的道路又迈进了一步。

    Scientists are one step closer to making a biological computer after building basic components for digital devices out of bacteria and DNA .

  10. 上述消息在周一发布后,《每日邮报》母公司DailyMailAndGeneralTrust的股价上涨了不到1%。

    Shares of Daily Mail And General Trust , the newspaper 's owner , rose less than 1 percent following the announcement on Monday .

  11. 移民高兴地使用各种工具跨越大陆桥,寻找更加美好的生活,根本不会理会(现在)《每日邮报》(dailymail)的谴责。

    Immigrants happily tooled across a land bridge in search of a better life , immune from denunciation in the daily mail .

  12. 这项报道在《英国每日邮报》上的研究是由荷兰空中大学科技学习中心的心理学家PaulA。

    The study , reported in the Daily Mail of Britain , was done by Netherlands psychologist Paul A.

  13. 《每日邮报》(DailyMail)进行了一项肯定完全准确的调查总结,称44岁前戒烟就没问题。

    The Daily Mail ran a surely totally accurate summary of research that said I 'd be fine if I just quit by 44 .

  14. 根据《每日邮报》发布的照片,两人先去了梅费尔区的Mark俱乐部,然后共同乘坐了一辆出租车。

    The two visited the Mark 's Club in Mayfair and shared a taxi together , according to photos published by The Daily Mail .

  15. 据英国《每日邮报》网站5月23日报道,谷物信息服务机构(GrainInformationService,GIS)的研究结果显示,现在喜欢以碳水化合物作为早餐的人数是喜欢熏肉和煎蛋早餐人数的5倍之多。

    Five times more people now prefer a carbohydrate-based breakfast to the waist-line bulging combination of bacon and eggs , according to research by the Grain Information Service ( GIS ) .

  16. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,这个31岁的艺术家为了完成一幅3D“钉子画”,竟可以花掉6个月的时间,而用掉的钉子也是上万之多!

    According to the Daily Mail , the31-year-old could spend over six months and uses up to ten thousand screws to create just one of his three-dimensional portraits !

  17. 英国《每日邮报》(DailyMail)称,科学家希望这种混合物能用于阻止乳腺癌、肠癌以及前列腺癌的发作。

    UK newspaper the Daily Mail says the scientists are looking to use food compounds to prevent the onset of breast , colon and prostate cancer .

  18. 《每日邮报》也引述了代表了艾薇儿的人才公司的CEO迈克•海勒的推特。

    The Daily Mail also cited a Tweet by Mike Heller , the CEO of the talent company that represents Lavigne .

  19. 据英国广播公司报道,《每日邮报》已就其关于J·K·罗琳单身母亲时期的一篇文章正式刊文致歉,并且进行了大量赔偿。

    The Daily Mail has printed an apology to author JK Rowling and paid substantial damages over an article about her time as a single mother .

  20. J·K·罗琳称《每日邮报》的信息有误导性,不公正,而且损坏了她的名誉,给她造成了困扰和尴尬。

    Rowling said the Daily Mail had been misleading and unfair in its story and had injured her reputation and caused her great distress and embarrassment .

  21. 他没有对《每日邮报》(DailyMail)读者展开更多调查,以查明他们希望阅读的内容。在受到质疑时,他表示,这类数据没有帮助。

    When challenged on why he did not conduct more research among Daily Mail readers to find out what they wanted , he said this type of data would be unhelpful .

  22. 该报发表的一篇文章暗示J·K·罗琳讲述了一个用来博取同情的假故事,在故事里她被描述成受到教堂礼拜者的污蔑,而J·K·罗琳为此于1月控告《每日邮报》诽谤。

    Rowling sued the newspaper for libel in January over the piece which suggested she had told a false " sob story " about being stigmatised by churchgoers .

  23. 据《每日邮报》报道,其实《哈利·波特》的作者J·K·罗琳现在是自己童年那栋房子的业主——位于切普斯托土兹希尔的教堂小屋。

    As it turns out , Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling owns her childhood home , Church Cottage at Tutshill in Chepstow , according to the The Daily Mail .

  24. 《每日邮报》驻澳大利亚记者向NAQNutrition首席高级营养师阿罗伊莎霍瑞根咨询了什么该放冰箱里、什么该常温保存。面�

    Daily Mail Australia spoke to leading senior nutritionist from NAQ Nutrition , Aloysa Hourigan , to find out what should be in the fridge and what should remain at room temperature 。

  25. 《每日邮报》报道称,英国科尔比市16岁的男孩克里斯蒂安·欧文斯,正是受了这位大胆创新的CEO启发。

    According to the Daily Mail , Christian Owens , a 16-year-old from Corby in the United Kingdom , happened to be moved by the revolutionary chief executive .

  26. 托马斯告诉《每日邮报》,本来他打算“尊重梅根,保护信件隐私”,直到她的朋友们开始对他“发起攻击”。当时,在杂志《People》的采访中,梅根的朋友们坦诚了两人之间出现裂痕。

    Thomas told The Daily Mail he originally planned to keep the letter " totally private out of respect for her " until her friends " launched their attack " on him in a shocking People magazine interview where they spoke candidly about the family rift .

  27. 然而,伦敦每日邮报报道,任天堂公司的人员正在开发刺激思维和提高儿童IQ的游戏。

    However , the London Daily Mail reports the folks at Nintendo are promoting games that stimulate the mind and improve children 's IQs .

  28. 上个月,最高法庭裁定J·K·罗琳可以做出声明,《每日邮报》的出版商联合报业没有充分的理由阻止人们阅读该声明。

    Last month a High Court judge ruled the author could make the statement , saying there was no sufficient reason for the Daily Mail 's publishers , Associated Newspapers , to refuse permission to read it .

  29. 因在乐高好朋友(LegoFriends)系列中为女孩推出粉红色玩具而成为性别抗议人士攻击的对象,并被迫停止与遭到公众抗议的荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)、《每日邮报》(DailyMail)等公司的合作。

    has been the butt of gender protests over pink toys for girls in the Lego Friends range , and stopped collaborations with Royal Dutch Shell and the Daily Mail newspaper after those companies faced public protests .

  30. 就连方济各教皇(PopeFrancis)也质疑,分离运动是否足够强大(《教皇说“不”》,翌日的《每日邮报》以此为标题)。

    Even Pope Francis has questioned whether the case for secession was strong enough ( " Pope Says Nope , " The Daily Mirror 's headline read the next day ) .