
  • 网络THE NEW YORK TIMES;NYT;NewYorkTimes;ny times
  1. 《纽约时报》发文谈及你的隐退,文中对你大加赞扬。

    The New York Times has this very laudatory article about your retirement

  2. 《纽约时报》有理由称自己是一份全国性报纸。

    The New York Times has a legitimate claim to be a national newspaper .

  3. 我感兴趣的是看一份旧的《纽约时报》。

    What got me interested was looking at an old New York Times

  4. 他是个记者,为《纽约时报》和其他一些报刊撰稿。

    He was a newspaperman for The New York Times and some other journals .

  5. 无论我走到哪儿,总有人想要顺走我的那份《纽约时报》。

    Everywhere I went , people kept trying to swipe my copy of The New York Times .

  6. 如果你想找工作,可以在《纽约时报》上登一则广告。

    If you want a job , put an adviertisement in New York Times .

  7. “几乎我认识的所有人都多多少少有些痴迷于因特网,”托尼·施瓦兹在《纽约时报》上这样写道。

    " Nearly everyone I know is addicted in some measure to the Internet , " wrote Tony Schwartz in The New York Times .

  8. 在过去的一年半里,《纽约时报》的系列文章《巨大的分歧》列举了大量的例子,削弱了资本主义存在真正根本规律的观念。

    Over the past year and a half , The Great Divide , a series in The New York Times , has presented a wide range of examples that undermine the notion that there are any truly fundamental laws of capitalism .

  9. 为了测试这种可能性,伯杰博士研究了人们如何传播一组特定的新闻故事:《纽约时报》网站上的数千篇文章。

    To test for that possibility , Dr . Berger looked at how people spread a particular set of news stories : thousands of articles on The New York Times ' website .

  10. 纽约时报》在法国、德国和其他国家都有特派〔驻外〕记者

    The New York Times has correspondents in France , Germany , and other countries . 《

  11. 这种事在你身上时有发生:在会上和领导正说着一半话,正玩着《纽约时报》上的字谜游戏,写着毕业论文,甚至和你妈在讲电话时,却忽然忘记要说什么了……

    It happens to you all the time . You 're mid-sentence during a meeting with your boss , working on The New York Times ' crossword puzzle , typing up an essay for grad school , or even talking to your mom on the phone -- and the next word you 're looking for just doesn 't ... come .

  12. 他曾经对《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)表示,这是一种不可能的幻想。

    It was the impossible fantasy , he once told The New York Times .

  13. 我们将要为天花板吊顶(b纽约时报)

    We 're going to sheetrock the ceiling ( bNew York Times )

  14. 你激进的邻居可能与纽约时报(NewYorkTimes)争相评述伊拉克战争。

    Your activist neighbour could compete with The New York Times in documenting the Iraq war .

  15. 上月底,《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)刊载了一篇文章,让我觉得既有趣又惊讶。

    Late last month , the New York Times published an article that both interested and surprised me .

  16. “时报内情”(TimesInsider)专栏为读者呈现《纽约时报》所发报道的幕后故事。

    Times Insider delivers behind-the-scenes insights from The New York Times .

  17. 据《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)报导,她现在的生活极其忙碌、充实,常常是孤身一人。

    These days , her life is'frantically busy , fulfilling and often aloof , 'according to the New York Times .

  18. 最近,这位66岁的亿万富翁被传有意收购《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)。

    A billionaire many times over , the 66-year-old was this week linked with a bid for The New York Times .

  19. 比方说,《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)就曾报道称,苹果将于2012年年末宣布推出电视机产品。

    The New York Times , for instance , reported that Apple was set to announce a TV set by late 2012 .

  20. 《纽约时报》(TheTimes)本周开始就毕业生疲于偿还助学贷款所造成的各种影响而发表系列报道。

    This week , the New York Times began its series on the implications of graduates struggling to pay off student loans .

  21. 但是,一年前,她在接受《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)的采访时曾暗示二人各过各的生活。

    However , a year ago , she gave an interview to the New York Times suggesting that they were living independent lives .

  22. 今天《纽约时报》援引DNA分析研究人员的话表示,该男孩的DNA似乎与西欧人相匹配。

    According to article in today 's New York Times , citing DNA analysis researchers say appears to match western Europeans .

  23. 我们已将有关这场攻击的情报散发给成员,该组织在《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)援引的一份声明中表示。

    We have disseminated intelligence on this attack to the members , the group said , in a statement quoted by the New York Times .

  24. Facebook死磕智能手机(来源:《纽约时报》)

    Facebook tries , tries again on a smartphone [ the New York Times ]

  25. 弗雷德•格雷厄姆(FredGraham)于1965年开始担任《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)最高法院事务的记者,此后一直从事法律新闻工作。

    Fred Graham has been a legal journalist since becoming Supreme Court correspondent for The New York Times in1965 .

  26. 它们得简单易懂,但又得独特到能登上《财富》或《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)这些媒体的潮流版块。

    They need to be simple enough to understand , yet unique enough to pitch a trend piece to say , Fortune or the New York Times .

  27. 《纽约时报》(newyorktimes)上的分类广告这样写道:“拥有无限资本的年轻人寻找有趣合法的投资机会和商业项目。”

    The New York Times classified ad ran thus : " young men with unlimited capital looking for interesting , legitimate investment opportunities and business propositions . "

  28. 尽管《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)和IndependentNewsandMedia等报纸集团目前不得不为生存而挣扎,但通讯社却蓬勃发展。

    While newspaper groups such as the New York Times and Independent News and Media are having to fight for survival , the wires are buzzing .

  29. 在进入1914年之际,《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)预计“德国、法国和英国(围绕巴尔干地区)的争执会日趋缓和”。

    As the year 1914 began , The New York Times looked forward to a " growing rapprochement between Germany , France and England " over the Balkans .

  30. 而且,并非只有女人才这样。本专栏和《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)都报导过,男人也有类似的生物钟。

    It 's not just an issue for women ; as the Juggle and the the New York Times have reported , dads have biological clocks , too .