
mín shì fǎ lǜ xínɡ wéi
  • civil juristic act
  1. 遗嘱(testamentwill),是自然人在其生前做的并于死亡时发生法律效力的处分其财产的一种民事法律行为。

    Testament will , what has been done before it is grown by the natural person and a kind of civil juristic act of its property of legally effective punishment while dying .

  2. 民事法律行为的成立与生效是两个具有本质差别的概念。

    The establishment and validity of civil juristic act are two different concepts .

  3. 房地产抵押是一项常见的民事法律行为。

    The mortgage on real estate is a civil law behavior .

  4. 论民事法律行为的成立与生效

    The Requirements of Establishment and Validity of Civil Juristic Act

  5. 民事法律行为仅为合法行为吗?

    About the legality of acts in civil law ?

  6. 我国民事法律行为合法性标准质疑

    Questioning on the Legitimacy Standard of the Civil Juristic Act in Our country

  7. 当事人诉讼行为与民事法律行为关系考

    One the Relationship Between Act of Procedure of a Party and Civil Juristic Act

  8. 无效民事法律行为转换的若干问题探讨

    The Transformation of the Invalid Civil Law Behavior

  9. 城市房屋拆迁行为本质上应属于民事法律行为。

    The lawful nature of urban housing removal should be civil juristic act essentially .

  10. 论民事法律行为的适法性

    On the Legal Appropriateness of Civil Law Act

  11. 浅述作为民事法律行为的合同

    Discussion on the contract of civil legal action

  12. 民事法律行为不应以合法行为为其要件。

    Civil juristic act shouldn 't be with its important item in legal behavior .

  13. 论我国民事法律行为的可撤销制度

    The Voidable System of Domestic Legal Civil Act

  14. 把要约定性为民事法律行为,可以使许多问题迎刃而解。

    Many problems may be solved if offer is defined as a civil legal act .

  15. 第四章民事法律行为和代理

    Chapter IV Civil Juristic Acts and Agency

  16. 公司设立的法律性质是民事法律行为中的共同行为。

    The legal nature of incorporation is one joint act of the civil legal acts ;

  17. 第五十七条民事法律行为从成立时起具有法律约束力。

    Article 57 A civil juristic act shall be legally binding once it is instituted .

  18. 第一,界定了股权转让作为一种民事法律行为的法律性质;

    Firstly , the legal character of the share is defined as a civil juristic act .

  19. 第五十六条民事法律行为可以采取书面形式、口头形式或者其他形式。

    Article 56 A civil juristic act may be in written , oral or other form .

  20. 对民事法律行为的思考

    Reflection on Civil Justice Act

  21. 第六十五条民事法律行为的委托代理,可以用书面形式,也可以用口头形式。

    Article 65 A civil juristic act may be entrusted to an agent in writing or orally .

  22. 第一节民事法律行为

    Section 1 Civil Juristic Acts

  23. 土地确权登记应定位于确认证据事实等民事法律行为的具体行政行为。

    The registration of land is specific administrative act in order to identify the civil legal act .

  24. 试析民事法律行为制度与意思自治的关系

    An Analysis of the Relationship between the System of Civil Legal Acts and the Autonomy of the Will

  25. 究竟是什么原因使得一项具体的民事法律行为会对行为之当事人产生拘束力?是当事人双方之意志?

    What is the actual cause for a specific civil action producing such a force on both parties ?

  26. 意思表示是民事法律行为的核心要素和本质特征,合法性并非民事法律行为的本质特征。

    Intention expressed , instead of legitimacy , is the essential factor and innate nature of civil juristic acts .

  27. 行政规定干预民事法律行为的再思考&刍议税务机关不给发票,可以拒付餐费的规定

    Reconsideration Administrative Regulation Interfere Civil Behavior & Modest Proposal on Rejecting to Pay for Lunch Regulation of Tax Office

  28. 其中,民事法律行为制度在民法体系中有怎样的地位及意义呢?它是如何产生发展及完善的呢?

    Among them , what kind of status and meaning are civil juristic act system in the civil law system ?

  29. 代理人在代理权限内,以被代理人的名义实施民事法律行为。

    An agent shall perform civil juristic acts in the principal 's name within the scope of the power of agency .

  30. 商行为明显不同于一般民事法律行为,理应以特殊的规范进行规范。

    That commercial act is different from common civil law act , so it should be regulated by special legal norms .