
mín sú yì shù
  • folk art
  1. 美国民俗艺术博物馆,纽约,美国

    American folk art museum , new york , usa , 2001

  2. 首先,从民俗艺术出发来研究其对创作思路的影响。

    First , from folk art to study its influence on ideas .

  3. 剑桥民俗艺术节的演员阵容很有意思。

    The lineup for the Cambridge folk festival looks really interesting .

  4. 巴渝民间刺绣民俗艺术特征研究

    A Study on the Artistic Features of the Folk Embroideries in Sichuan

  5. 秀山花灯民俗艺术的文化底蕴及其传承发展

    Cultural basis of the folk art-Xiushan Festival Lantern and its inheritance and development

  6. 民间、民俗艺术与宫廷艺术之对比

    Comparison between civil and folkway art and palace art

  7. 当然同时也反对民俗艺术与当代艺术创作简单的嫁接。

    Of course also oppose folk art and contemporary art creation simple grafting .

  8. 民俗艺术符号的生成与特征

    The Formation and Characteristics of the Folk Artistic Signs

  9. 中国民俗艺术和古代雕刻艺术风格

    China 's Folkways Art and Ancient Carving-art Style

  10. 民俗艺术尤为危险。

    Folk art is especially at risk .

  11. 俄罗斯民俗艺术展作品

    Russian Folk Art Exhibition Works

  12. 门神艺术在中国传统民间民俗艺术中祈福文化的艺术表现形式,是文化的载体。

    Blessing art form of door-god panting in Chinese traditional folk art is the carrier of culture .

  13. 民俗艺术的本土性与大众性正契合着现代景观设计发展的这一需求。

    Folk art of locality and the public are agree with the modern landscape design development of this demand .

  14. 摘要锺馗作为古代的民俗艺术,出现在唐代。

    As a folk-art in ancient china , the image of Zhongkui came into being in the Tang dynasty .

  15. 抓住传统民俗艺术与现代文化背后的系统关联性,以揭示更多纹饰创新潜在的可能性。

    Seize the correlation system behind the traditional folk art and modern culture , to reveal the more decorative innovation potential .

  16. 街头民俗艺术使得许多传统艺术得以存活,但许多人似乎只对外国艺术和习俗感兴趣。

    Street folk art keeps many of these alive , but many people seem only interested in foreign arts and customs .

  17. 希望学术界给予民间民俗艺术、传统艺术、民间戏曲艺术足够的重视、更多的关注。

    Hope that the academic community to folk arts , traditional arts , folk arts drama enough attention , more attention .

  18. 深入研究民俗艺术,我们不难发现影响作品生成的主要思维。

    They come from people 's daily experience and artistic thoughts , which becomes an art-work through some creative skills and media .

  19. 剪纸也是一种民俗艺术,它的产生和流传同农村的节令风俗有着密切的关系。

    Because papercuts are a Chinese folk art , they have close links with traditional Chinese festivals and customs in the rural areas .

  20. 中国结是一种自唐宋时期开始兴起的民俗艺术,也被称为中国传统绳结艺术。

    Chinese knotting is a decorative handicraft art that began as a form of Chinese folk art in the Tang and Song Dynasties in China .

  21. 现任《中国美术家》杂志社社长、中国书画家协会副主席、中国民俗艺术研究院院长、民革中央画院理事等职。

    Now , he is the journal proprieter of China Artist , the vice-chairman of China Artists Association and the dean of Chinese Folk-Custom Art Reserch Institute .

  22. 研究传统民俗艺术、民间戏曲艺术以至让更多的人去关注,这是一个比较大的工程,也是一个比较艰巨的课题。

    Of traditional folk arts , folk arts and drama more people to be concerned , this is a big project , it is indeed a daunting task .

  23. 中国民俗艺术拥有丰富的文化内涵,如天人合一、中和、气韵、意境以及美都是它的重要组成部分。

    Chinese folk art has a rich cultural connotation , such as the harmony between man and nature , and , artistically , mood and beauty are an important part of .

  24. 民俗艺术(含民间美术)是以特定人群、语言、种族、地域为纽带,呈纵向传播的恒定形态的原生艺术。它不具有普及性、普遍性和鲜明的时代性。

    Folk art ( including the folk arts ) is a specific populations , language , ethnic , regional as the link , the spread of present longitudinal native art constant form .

  25. 中国博大精深、占韵悠远的民俗艺术是植根于民俗文化的一朵奇葩,孕育了丰富多彩、灿烂辉煌的艺术形式。

    China broad and profound ancient remote , folk art is rooted in the folk culture of a wonderful work , gave birth to the rich and colorful , glorious and resplendent art form .

  26. 往后的道路还很长、很长,在后续的研究中,笔者将继续努力,更加深层次的对民间戏曲艺术、传统民俗艺术进行探讨。

    Future of the road ahead is still long , long , in the follow-up study , I will continue to work on a more deep-seated folk opera , traditional folk art is discussed .

  27. 并总结出民俗艺术的平面图式在景观设计中的应用实际是一种形式与功能的融合,同时也是从?维平面到三维空间的演变形式。

    And summed up the folk art print schema application in landscape design is a kind of form and function integration but also from the " two-dimensional " plane " three-dimensional " space evolution form .

  28. 惠山祠堂群传统建筑装饰不仅传承了中国传统装饰工艺,也丰富了传统装饰内容,并且为继承中华文化与宣扬当地民俗艺术文化做出了贡献。

    The Huishan Ancestral Hall Group of traditional architectural decoration not only inherited Chinese traditional decorative art , enriched the content of the decorations , but also contributed to pass down Chinese culture and local folk art .

  29. 民俗艺术是千百年来集体、个人意识和劳动积累起来的丰富经验的结晶,其中蕴含的无用之用何其之多,难以想象。

    Folk art is for thousands of years , the collective and the individual consciousness and the accumulated rich experience of labor , which contain the crystallization of how much with the useless , difficult to imagine .

  30. 在当代各种文化的冲击下,民俗艺术作为最具民族特色和本土精神的创造,它不但没有凋谢飘零,反而更加艳丽芬芳,显现着它的奥秘和真谛。

    In a variety of contemporary culture , folk art as the most national characteristics and local spirit of creation , it not only failed to shrivel , but more snowy fragrant , showing its mystery and meaning .