
  • 网络Climate evolution;ACE;climatic revolution
  1. 近2000年来南极菲尔德斯半岛西湖沉积物中稀土元素1/δEu特征与气候演变

    The Characteristic of 1 / δ Eu in the Sediments of West Lake with Respect to Climate Change during the Past 2000 Years , Fildes Peninsula , Antarctica

  2. 长江三峡中坝遗址地层中Rb和Sr的分布特征及其古气候演变

    The characteristics of distribution of Rb and Sr and paleoclimatic changes in the stratigraphy at the site of Zhongba of the Three Gorges

  3. 对云南昆明地区近40a的气温及降水资料和太阳黑子相对数资料进行了初步的分析与研究,结果显示:云南滇中地区气候演变与太阳活动准11a振荡和准2a振荡之间有一定的联系。

    The observational sunspot , temperature and precipitation data for 40 ? a in Kunming area have been analyzed and studied . The result shows that there are some relationship between Yunnan climate and the solar 11 ?

  4. 福建晋江科任(KR)老红砂分布区地处我国东南沿海,属于东亚季风影响的典型区域,较好的记录了东亚季风控制区古气候演变过程。

    The distribution area of KR " old red sand " of Jinjiang in Fujian locating in the southeast coast of China is the typical region strongly influenced by the East Asian monsoon which can nicely record the paleoclimate evolutionary process of the East Asian monsoon .

  5. 另外对偶极子型降水主要模态的周期分析表明,偶极子型降水距平还存在1.5a和4a左右的变化周期。东北印度洋沉积岩芯热释光与古气候演变研究

    The period analysis also finds that the dipole like a precipitation pattern in the tropical Indian Ocean has dominant periods of not ony 1.5 years but also 4 years . Thermoluminescence and Paleoclimatic Change of Sedimentary Cores in the Northeast Indian Ocean

  6. 黄土地区气候演变的有机地球化学标志

    Organic geochemistry markers of climatic evolution in loess region of China

  7. 太阳黑子活动对滇中地区气候演变特征的影响

    The Effect of Sunspot Activity on Climatic Change in Central Yunnan

  8. 中国第四纪气候演变与庐山冰川遗迹问题

    Quaternary climatic changes in China and problem of Lushan glaciation remnants

  9. 树木年轮所标志的气候演变过程的动力学特征

    Dynamic character of climatic evolutionary process for tree growth-ring Mark Design

  10. 气候演变与自然灾害自动化技术在家庭防灾报警中的应用

    Application Taking Precautions Against Natural Calamities in the Family in Automatic Technology

  11. 现代冰川过程与全球环境气候演变

    Present process of glacier and global climatic and environmental change

  12. 河北阳原盆地粘土矿物特征与古气候演变

    Clay minerals and paleoclimate evolution in the Yangyuan basin , Hebei Province

  13. 目的从根田鼠动物地理分布探讨西北地区气候演变及其特点。

    Aim To discuss the climate character and tends in northwest of China .

  14. 倒数第二次冰期晚期东亚季风气候演变的石笋δ~(18)O记录

    East Asian monsoon climate during the late Penultimate Glaciation based on stalagmite records

  15. 过去50年西安气候演变趋势的研究

    The Variation of Local Climate in Xi'an City During the Past 50 Years

  16. 青藏铁路沿线永冻土区近千年的气候演变特征

    Characteristics of Climatic Evolution in Recent 1000 Years of Permafrost Region along Qinghai-Xizang Railway

  17. 气候演变的周期性与黄道倾斜的关系地质时期的黄赤交角

    Obliquity of the ecliptic in the geological time

  18. 气候演变中的冰和碳

    Ice and carbon in climate evolution

  19. 大洋钻探与全球变化(一)&南极地区显生宙晚期气候演变历史及对全球的影响

    ODP and global changes (ⅰ) the Antarctica climate evolution during the latest Phanerozoic and its global influence

  20. 20世纪天水干旱气候演变对农业影响及对策分析

    Analysis on effects of evolution of dry climate in Tianshui in 20th century on agriculture and countermeasures

  21. 历史上冷冬出现的气候演变有连续性,一般≥4年;

    There is some continuity of climatic evolution in cold winter and it is more than 4 year .

  22. 在古气候演变上,成矿作用发生在干旱气候条件下,或由潮湿向干旱的气候转变阶段。

    On paleo-climate evolution , the uranium metallization occur during arid climate condition or transition from humid to arid .

  23. 这些孢粉化石资料说明区域性植被响应气候演变、海进、海退等所发生的变化。

    These fossil data indicate the changes in regional vegetation in response to climate variations and marine transgressions and regressions .

  24. 本文用粘土矿物特征来论述阳原盆地古气候演变。

    This paper is to discuss the paleoclimate evolution by analysing clay minerals in eight samples from the Yangyuan Basin .

  25. 晚第四纪气候演变有3个主要阶段:最后间冰期、大理冰期和冰后期。

    There were three main stages in Late Quaternary climate changes : last interglacial , Dali-ice age and post glaciation .

  26. 地球轨道变化驱动冰期旋回的理论是气候演变研究在20世纪的最大突破。

    The theory of orbital forcing of glacial cycles is an outstanding breakthrough of paleoclimate research in the 20th century .

  27. 然而我们有大量的气候演变的历史观测资料,其中蕴含着关于气候系统的信息。

    Nevertheless , there is a quantity of historical observed data of climate evolution in which the information of climate system is contained .

  28. 陕西北部三趾马红粘土成土碳酸盐碳、氧稳定同位素特征及所记录的古气候演变

    Composition of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes and evolution of paleoclimate recorded in soil carbonate from Hipparion red clay in Northern Shaanxi Province

  29. 应用昆明近300年历史旱涝指数和近百年降雨观测资料,研究了旱涝历史气候演变、气候周期变化和年际变化的规律,探讨了厄尔尼诺、太阳黑子、大气环流因子对旱涝气候变化的影响。

    Considering the dryness and wetness index of Kunming in recent 300 years and the rainfall data of Kunming in the past 100 years .

  30. 苏北盆地是我国西部内陆与东部海洋之间的过渡地区,该地区的气候演变历史对揭示东亚季风的时空变化有着重要意义。

    Northern Jiangsu basin lies in the transitional region from ocean to continent and its climate is dominated by the East Asian monsoon system .