
  • 网络Asthma
  1. 他的气喘病又犯了。

    He 's got another attack of asthma .

  2. 他有气喘病,呼吸很费力。

    Asthma causes him great difficulty in breathing .

  3. 我从小就患有气喘病,参加不了任何体育活动。

    I have been an asthmatic from childhood and was never able to play any sports .

  4. 甘肃省河西地区马类动物气喘病形态变化及其病理发生

    Morphological Changes and Pathogenesis of the Heaves in Horses in Gansu Province

  5. 文献上之病例大都为年轻女性,而且常被误诊为气喘病。

    The previously reported cases with VCD have been predominantly young women .

  6. 我有慢性气喘病,病情已超限度了。

    I hae chronic asthma which is more than moderate in severity .

  7. 腹直肌血肿是气喘病的一种罕见的并发症。

    Hematoma of the rectus sheath is a rare complication of asthma .

  8. 我有气喘病,我受不到一点烟味。

    I have asthma . I can 't take any kind of smoke .

  9. 甘肃省马类动物气喘病病理研究

    Pathological study on heaves in horses in Gansu Province

  10. 移居亚利桑纳州治好了她的气喘病。

    Moving to Arizona cured her of her asthma .

  11. 气喘病和慢性支气管炎都源自肺组织的慢性炎症。

    Asthma and chronic bronchitis are both caused by chronic inflammation of lung tissue .

  12. 马类动物气喘病研究临床诊断与防治部分

    Studies of equine broken wind in Gansu Province parts of clinical diagnosis and control

  13. 你的哮喘显示你可能患有气喘病或支气管炎。

    Your wheezing breathing suggests asthma or bronchitis .

  14. 碧萝芷?对于慢性支气管炎和气喘病怎么样?

    How about chronic bronchitis and asthma ?

  15. 这篇综述强调把这些知识综合到气喘病的概念之中,将其认作是一种空气污染-本体防御的失调。

    This review emphasizes the integration of such knowledge into a concept of asthma as an air pollution-host defense disorder .

  16. 本研究采立意取样,研究对象为高雄市某医学中心胸腔内科门诊之128位成人气喘病患。

    Data were obtained via purposive sampling at a medical center in Kaohsiung . A total of128 valid questionnaires were collected .

  17. 气喘病畜包括马5例、骡5例和驴2例,年龄为5&18岁。

    The animals characterized by gast include 5 horses , 5 mules and 2 donkeys , five to eighteen years of age .

  18. 1995年5月8日,邓丽君因气喘病发猝逝泰国清迈,享年仅仅四十二岁。

    May8,1995 , Teresa Teng , sudden death due to asthma attack Chiang Mai , Thailand , at the age of only forty-two .

  19. 如果这些水滴被人吸人,这些细菌将对那些有气喘病、呼吸道疾病的人构成威胁。

    If these droplets are inhaled , the microbes could pose a threat to people who are with asthma and other respiratory problems .

  20. 服用碧萝芷?能够减少血流内炎症物质的数量并且已表明可以改善气喘病症状和肺功能。

    Intake of Pycnogenol ? decreases the amount of circulating inflammatory substances in the blood stream and has been shown to improve asthma symptoms and the lung function .

  21. 此时检查急性气喘病患者的尿比重,将发现他们都处于水潴留与尿比重高的状态。

    A check of urine specific gravity at the time of admission of an acute asthmatic will invariably show a state of severe water retention with high urinary specific gravity .

  22. 这名男子说:“对不起呀,警官,我不能吹呀。我是个气喘病患者呀。如果我吹的话,我就会真的患很严重的气喘病。”

    The man says , " Sorry officer I can 't do that . I am an asthmatic.If I do that I 'll have a really bad asthma attack . "

  23. 猪支原体肺炎又称猪气喘病或者猪地方流行性肺炎,分布广泛,以慢性、高度接触性、传染性、高发病率及低死亡率等为特点。

    Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae also known as pig enzootic asthma or pneumonia is widely distributed around the world , whose characteristic is chronic , highly contagious , infectious , high morbidity and low mortality .

  24. 基因表现型态将可能有助于把患有气喘、尿病或肥胖的病人分成子群,各自有不同的治疗之需。

    Expression profiling might help distinguish subgroups of patients with such disorders as asthma , diabetes or obesity who have special treatment needs .