
  • 网络nitrogen transformation
  1. 农业废弃物对土壤中N2O、CO2释放和土壤氮素转化及pH的影响

    Effects of application of agricultural wastes on N_2O and CO_2 emissions , nitrogen transformation in soil and soil PH

  2. 用两室根箱系统法对土壤氮素转化的空间变异及N2O的产生之初探

    Use the Method of Root Chamber System with Two Compartments to Study Spatial Variability of Soil nitrogen Transformation and N_2O Production

  3. 底泥速效氮含量(x)与水体氮素转化速度常数(k)呈正相关。

    Nitrogen conversion rate in water is directly related to the available nitrogen content in the sediment .

  4. 污灌以后,随土壤含水量、氧化还原电位和pH值的变化,氨化作用、硝化作用和反硝化作用依次成为氮素转化的主要机制。

    After irrigating , with the variation of moisture , oxygen and pH value , the ammonification , nitrification and de nitrification are successively the major causes of nitrogen trasformation in the soil .

  5. 试验研究了3种酸性土壤和3种碱性土壤施入尿素后,对土壤pH值变化、氨挥发特性、氮素转化及Al元素活性的影响。

    Changes of pH , volatilization of ammonia ( NH_3 ) volatility , transformation of urea-N and activity of Al in 3 acidic and 3 alkali soils as induced by urea were studied .

  6. 结果表明,底泥的性质、水温及pH、溶解氧和藻类的生长,对氮素转化都有一定的影响。

    The results demonstrate that the nitrogen conversion in water is affected to a certain extent by the nature of the sediment , temperature , pH , DO and the growth of algae in water .

  7. 因此,硝化抑制剂DMP与尿素配合施用是调控氮素转化、缓解氮肥污染的有效措施。

    DMP application might be an effective means for regulating urea-N transformation and mitigating nitrogen pollution .

  8. 研究在猪粪、米糠强制通风堆肥过程中,堆体中氮素转化特点和NH3挥发规律。

    During the forced aeration composting with swine manure and bran , the characteristics of nitrogen transformation and NH3 emission are studied .

  9. 两种硝化抑制剂对不同土壤中氮素转化的影响

    Effects of Nitrification Inhibitors on Transformation of urea in Different Soils

  10. 有机碳源物对淹水土壤中氮素转化的影响

    Effects of Organic Materials on Nitrogen Transformation in Flooded Paddy Soil

  11. 培肥方式对黑土区土壤氮素转化的影响

    The Effect of Fertilizing Management on Nitrogen Transition in Black Soil

  12. 好氧反硝化菌的分离及其在土壤氮素转化过程中的作用

    Isolation of aerobic denitrifiers and their roles in soil nitrogen transformation

  13. 植烟土壤中的氮素转化及对烤烟生长的影响

    Nitrogen Form Converted in soil and Effects on Tobacco Growth

  14. 本文综述了森林土壤氮素转化与循环的研究历程和现状;

    In this paper , the research history and status were summarized .

  15. 东北典型温带森林生态系统氮素转化释放过程的研究

    Nitrogen Transform and Release in Typical Temperate Forest Ecosystems in Northeastern China

  16. 葡萄糖存在下选择性抑菌剂对土壤氮素转化的影响

    Effects of specific microbial biocides on N transformation in soil with glucose amendment

  17. 土壤脲酶活性对稻田田面水氮素转化的影响

    Influence of Soil Urease Activities on Nitrogen Conversion in Floodwater in Paddy Field

  18. 生物脱氮处理过程中氮素转化规律的研究

    Study on the transforming rules of nitrogen in the biological nitrogen removal treatment

  19. 土壤氮素转化与运移理论的研究进展

    Progress of research on soil nitrogen transfer and movement

  20. 强化垂直流人工湿地运行效果及氮素转化研究

    Study on the Performance and Nitrogen Transformations in Enhanced Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland

  21. 酸化改变了土壤的生境,影响了氮素转化过程。

    Acidification changed the habitat in soil and influenced the nitrogen transformation process .

  22. 农肥和化肥对东北黑土土壤氮素转化作用的研究

    Effects of Manure and Chemical Fertilizers Application on Nitrogen Transfer in Black Soil

  23. 不同耕作方式下,稻田的氮素转化应具有不同的特点。

    Under different tillage , nitrogen transformation in rice fields has different characteristics .

  24. 兔生产系统中氮素转化效率的研究

    Conversion Efficiency of Nitrogen in Rabbit Production System

  25. 土壤有机质含量对化肥氮素转化的影响

    Effect of the Content of Organic Matter on the Translation of Nitrogen in Fertilizer

  26. 秸秆还田对土壤氮素转化的影响

    Effect of straw returning on soil nitrogen transformation

  27. 紫色土氮素转化与作物施氮效应研究

    Study on the nitrogen transformation and response of nitrogen fertilizer to crop in purple soils

  28. 氮肥缓释剂对水稻土壤脲酶活性、氮素转化及产量的影响

    Effect of Urease Inhibitor on Urease Activity , N - Transformation and Yield of Rice

  29. 灌水定额对玉米膜孔灌氮素转化影响试验

    Experiment research on irrigation quota effect on nitrogen transformation under film hole irrigation for corn

  30. 脲酶活性降低将影响土壤的氮素转化和供给。

    The decreased activity of urease might have some effects on nitrogen transformation and supply .