
About 10 % of the seafood caught globally is used to feed animals , including carnivorous farmed fish .
By now , China has developed so many industrial departments such as sea carriage , marine-lives-catching , oceanic mine resource .
The fishing maladies of Hani terrace break the normal ecology and the food chain , prevent the development scale of terrace fishery and cause the problem of public order and fire .
China fishery insurance provides the compensation for fishery producers when they suffer from economic losses by natural disasters or unexpected accidents during the normal production .
Red tide is a serious marine disasters , which endangers aquaculture and fishing , destructs marine environment , affects the marine tourism and threatens the marine food security .
The product is extensively used in diving travel , aquaculture , fishery , operation under water and rescue under water .
In addition to being directly engaged in fishing or aquaculture , fishing-related industries such as fishing vessels construction industry , fishing tackle industry , related equipment industry , aquatic feed industry , aquatic product processing industry and transportation , have also provided quite a lot of jobs .
China has a long history of fishing and is the largest aquaculture country in the world . With the dramatically growth of economy in China , the demand of Chinese people for aquatic food is increasing fast .