
  1. 游泳池里的水排得很慢。

    The swimming pool drains very slowly .

  2. 你得先把中央供暖系统的水排净再更换散热器。

    You will need to drain the central heating system before you replace the radiator .

  3. 现在的重点是把水排走。

    Now the focus is on draining the water

  4. 把剩下的水排干。

    Drain off any remaining water

  5. 如果把这块湿地的水排干,这块地就会成为良田。

    If this wet land was drained , it would be good farmland .

  6. 火电厂循环水排污水的回收利用

    Recovery and Application of Circulating Waste Water in Thermal Power Plants

  7. 超滤技术用于循环水排污水回收的试验研究

    Research on treatment of drainage water of circulating system by ultrafiltration

  8. 纳滤脱盐处理循环冷却水排污水的应用研究

    Application Study on Desalination of Discharge of Circulating Cooling Water by Nanofiltration

  9. 我们得挖一条排水渠把水排掉。

    We must dig a drainage ditch to run off the water .

  10. 利用循环水排污水做锅炉补给水处理系统的选择

    Boiler Make - up Water Treatment System For Circulating Cooling Blowdown Water

  11. 循环水排污水回收处理中过滤工艺的选择

    Selection of Filtration Technology for Recycling of Effluent of Circulating water System

  12. 所以等水排出来还要些时日。

    So you need some time to drain it out .

  13. 压力使机器开关生效并且把水排出去。

    The pressure activates the tripper and releases the water .

  14. 炼油循环水排污水侧线回用技术研究

    Research of Reusing Waste Water of the Circulating Cooling Water of Refinery

  15. 暴风雨之后,小区里的水排得很慢。

    After the storm , the water in our community drained away slowly .

  16. 他们挖了一条水渠把营地的水排掉。

    They made a channel to take the water off the camp site .

  17. 循环水排污水处理工艺选择之管见

    Selecting Treatment Process of Recirculating Water and Blowdown Water

  18. 反渗透工艺处理回用循环水排污水技术工业应用

    Technology application in industry of RO process treatment and reuse wastewater from circulating water

  19. 排水沟把水排到这条水沟里。

    Gutters lead the water into the ditch .

  20. “我浸到大盆里以后,究竟有多少水排了出去?”他自言自语道。

    How much water I displace by getting into the tub ? @ he asked himself .

  21. 对经纳滤脱盐的循环冷却水排污水的预处理进行了研究。

    The pretreatment of desalination from discharge of circulating cooling water by nanofiltration has been investigated .

  22. 伊特鲁里亚人在卡皮托利尼山上给朱庇特建了一座大庙,并把广场地区的水排干。

    The Etruscans built a great temple to Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill and drained the forum area .

  23. 这些锯齿型沟槽能够间路面上的水排走,从而减少轮胎与路面之间的水分。

    These indentions in the concrete divert excess water from the surface to reduce the amount of water between tires and the runway or road .

  24. 深盆气成藏机理表现为典型的活塞式气水排驱成藏特征,是一种较稳定的成藏模式。

    The reservoir forming mechanism of deep basin gas shows typical gas and water drive character of piston - pattern , and it is a stable reservoir forming pattern .

  25. 种植的过程将废水处理成洁净的水排入海中,而且在收获完海藻后,那些塑料袋也是可以回收的。

    The process treats the sewage water , which is then released into the ocean , and after the algae is harvested , the plastic bags can be recycled .

  26. 用循环水排污水冲灰,会造成输灰管线结垢,改用烟道气洗涤水冲灰,可以防止结垢的发生。

    The discharge of circulating water to wash ash causes the ash transport pipe fouling . The fouling can be prevented by using the washing water of flue gases to wash .

  27. 本文以工程为实例,分析了埋地液化石油气储罐排污形式及结构,以解决储罐剩余水排净问题。

    This article takes the engineering as the example to analyze the waste removal type & structure for buried LPG tank and to solve the surplus water drainage problem in the tank .

  28. 该声波发生器与混气水排液工艺相结合,可以达到解除地层堵塞、疏通液流通道、改善油层内部流体的渗流条件、增加油水井产能的目的,而且可以将堵塞物有效携带出井筒。

    The acoustic generator combined with aerated-water-discharge technique can bring plugs out of hole effectively and remove plugs in the formation , dredge fluid channels , improve percolating environment and increase oil well productivity .

  29. 如果把这块湿地的水排干,这块地就会成为良田。99彩虹兽医诊所,香港新界屯门良田村58号地下。

    If this wet land was drained , it would be good farmland . Rainbow Veterinary Clinic , G / F , 58 Leung Tin Chuen , Area 36B , Tuen Mun , New Territories , Hong Kong .

  30. 迈塔尔表示,最终这个循环会继续下去,直到印尼依然很普遍的雨林砍伐现象受到严厉限制,并且印尼政府禁止把泥炭地的水排干开荒以用于农业。

    Ultimately , Mr. Maitar said , the cycle will continue until rain forest deforestation is severely curtailed in Indonesia , where it remains rampant , and the Indonesian government bans the draining and clearing of peatland for agricultural use .