
  1. 基于GPRS的铁路水源地保护控制远程管理系统

    The Remote Administration System of the Conservation and Control of Railroad Water Head Sites Based on GPRS

  2. 内蒙古自治区饮用水水源地保护对策

    The Countermeasures of drinking water head Sites Protection in Inner Mongolia

  3. 金坛市饮用水源地保护方案研究

    Protecting scheme study on potable water source district in Jin Tan City

  4. 地质构造复杂区域饮用水源地保护区划分研究

    Drinking Water Source Protected Areas in the Complex Geological Structure

  5. 引水济昆饮用水源地保护对策研究

    Drinking-Water Source Protection in Introducing Water to Kunming Project

  6. 辽宁省重点饮用水水源地保护对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures to Protect Important Drinking Water Source Surroundings in Liaoning Province

  7. 水库饮用水水源地保护规划编制探讨

    Planning for the Protection of Reservior Drinking Water Sources

  8. 银川地区水文地质条件分析及地下水水源地保护区划分

    Analysis of Hydrogeology Condition and the Wellhead Protection Zoning Division in Yinchuan Area

  9. 我国饮用水水源地保护法规体系现状及建议

    Legal system for drinking water source protection in China

  10. 地下水水源地保护区划分方法研究综述

    Summary of research on the method of partition of the groundwater wellhead protection zone

  11. 甘南水源地保护与生态补偿机制的研究

    Studies on Protection of Water Source Place in Gannan and Mechanism of Ecological Compensation

  12. 水土保持在肥城市城区水源地保护规划中的应用研究

    Soil and Water Conservation Applied to Urban Water Sources Area Protection Planning in Feicheng City

  13. 临汾市土门水源地保护区划分的数值模拟方法研究

    The Study of the Numerical Simulation Method about the Partition of Tumen Waterhead Site in Linfen

  14. 丹江口库区水源地保护及利益补偿机制研究

    Study on the Protection of Headwaters Region and the Benefits Compensation Mechanism in Danjiangkou Reservoir Area

  15. 评价结论也对水源地保护和管理工作提供了重要依据。

    Meanwhile , the assessment results also provide important information to water source protection and management .

  16. 北京市村镇饮用水水源地保护现状、问题及对策

    Status Quo of Protection , Problems and Countermeasures of Drinking Water Sources in Rural Areas in Beijing

  17. 因此,从水源地保护需求出发,研究区适合采用有机农业的生产模式。

    The paper considers that it is suitable for protecting water source with organic agricultural production mode .

  18. 北京市村镇分散水源地保护措施研究不同植物护岸措施水土保持效益研究

    Studies on Beijing Rural Non-centralized Water Source Protection Measures Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation for Different Vegetation Revetments

  19. 科学地划分和建立水源地保护区是保护地下水水质的重要手段。

    To plot up and set up rational groundwater protection area is an important method for protection of groundwater quality .

  20. 仅仅四个条文不足以对山西省饮用水水源地保护进行充分有效的引导或指导。

    The four provisions are not adequate drinking water source Protection in Shanxi Province , and effective guidance or guidance .

  21. 对研究区进行了水功能区划,并划定了黄村水源地保护区。

    Water function of research region was zoned , and the protecting region of water source in Huang village was set .

  22. 当前,在高速的城市化进程之中,城市发展和饮用水源地保护之间的矛盾逐、渐显现。

    Nowadays , the conflict between urban development and drinking water source protection gradually revealed due to the winged urbanization process .

  23. 南水北调中线工程安康段水资源现状分析与水源地保护对策

    Status Analysis of Water Resource in " South-North Water Diversion " Middle Route Project in Ankang and Water Source Area Protection Countermeasure

  24. 然而纵观我国现有的饮用水水源地保护制度,尚存在着许多亟待完善的问题。

    However , there are many problems that need to be improved in the existing drinking water source protection system of china .

  25. 最后进行驱动力分析,为今后该区的水源地保护提供指导。

    Finally , it carried on the driving influence analysis and provided the instruction for this area water source protection in the future .

  26. 北京水源地保护对维持首都的可持续发展和各流域的生态平衡具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。

    It is significant for sustainable development of the Capital and ecological balance of the various river basins to protect the water source of Beijing .

  27. 加强水源地保护和用水总量管理,推进水循环利用,建设节水型社会。

    We should better protect water sources , impose a cap on total water consumption , promote water recycling , and build a water-conserving society .

  28. 退耕还草、退耕还林、建立水源地保护区等已成为我国当前及今后改善生态环境的重要举措。

    Reusing farmland for grass and tree planting and establishing water resource protection zones are important initiatives from now on for improving ecologic and environmental condition .

  29. 长寿区饮用水源地保护对策密云水库是北京市的主要地表饮用水源地,处于中等富营养化程度,磷为其富营养化的限制性因子。

    Countermeasures for Protection of Drinking Water Source Region in Changshou District As an important water source , Miyun reservoir plays a crucial role in Beijing .

  30. 这5个重点发展领域是:生态农业、生态旅游、生态型工业、生态城镇建设及水源地保护。

    Ecological agriculture , eco tourism , ecological industry , ecological cities and towns , and protection of water source are determined as the key development domains .