
  • 网络pipe system;plumbing;Water vascular system;water-vascular system
  1. 属Hudsonasteridae,仅一块显示腔内水管系统痕的标本,标本小,五个腕,中央盘不明显,每一腕有下缘板11&12对。

    Only one specimen shows cavity marks in the water vascular system . This specimen is small and has five arms , disc being not clear , with 11 & 12 couples of inframarginals .

  2. 求解输水管系统可靠性的一种简便算法

    A Short cut Algorithm for Finding Reliabilities of the Aqueduct System

  3. 锅炉水管系统设计数据的描述与处理

    The Designing Data Processing and Describing for the Water Pipe Systems of Boilers

  4. 水管系统、私人消防管系统及哈龙灭火系统安装标准。

    Standard for the Installation of Standpipe , Private Hydrants , and Hose Systems .

  5. 球面活管接旋转接头在将热水器接头的转接头与水管系统连接之前,先把转接头焊接在水管系统上。

    Spherical union swivel Sweat tubing to adaptor before fitting adaptor to water connection .

  6. 参数化思想在工业锅炉水管系统图程序设计中的实现

    Accomplishment of Parameterization Idea in the Design Program of Industrial Boiler Water-tubes System 's Drawing

  7. 装有固定水泵的环形水管系统

    Ring main system with fixed pump

  8. 辅助水泵及水管系统

    Ancillary pumping and piping system

  9. 近来,可采用在冷却塔的水管系统中设置旁通阀或节流阀。

    The latter may be used with bypass or throttling valves in the tower water pipework circuit .

  10. 新型海洋环保聚合醇钻井液室内性能研究海洋深水钻井隔水管系统动力特性分析

    The Development of An Offshore Polymeric Alcohol Drilling Fluid System Drilling riser dynamic characteristics of marine deep water

  11. 这样看来他们不是在改造酒店,反而破环了浴室水管系统,只有上帝知道怎么回事。

    It seemed that while renovating , they did some damage with the bathroom pipes and God knows what .

  12. 管子和槽钢按舱壁和上层结构一样处理,涂与周围环境一样的油漆.在将热水器接头的转接头与水管系统连接之前,先把转接头焊接在水管系统上。

    Pipes & channels to be treated as bulkheads and superstructure with coats as for surroundings . Sweat tubing to adaptor before fitting adaptor to water connection .

  13. 本文主要研究工作包括:1.基于有限元理论,利用面向对象的程序设计方法,开发了有限元求解器,实现了隔水管系统的静态和动态分析。

    The main works are summarized as follows : 1 . Based on the finite element theory , the finite element solver was exploited to achieve the static and dynamic analysis of riser system . 2 .

  14. CARR二次水管道系统应力分析与评定

    Piping Stress Analysis and Evaluation of Secondary Cooling Water System in CARR

  15. 水管路系统可调频消声器研究

    Study on Variably Tuned Silencers for Water Pipeline System

  16. 水管路系统压力脉动抑制装置的计算研究

    Repression of Pressure Pulse in Water Piping System

  17. 放置在水管道系统的中心位置。

    Centrally located with the water piping system .

  18. 重力流雨水管网系统优化设计

    Optimal Design of Gravity Flow Storm Sewer System

  19. 区域供冷(热)水管网系统的经济性分析与评价

    Cold Mountain Economy analyzing and appraising in cooling ( heating ) water transmission and distribution system

  20. 水泵是水管路系统中的主要噪声源之一,且其运行工况变化频繁。

    In water pipeline system centrifugal pump is the principal noise source , and the operating condition of pump is often changed .

  21. 水管路系统流体压力脉动及其引起的流噪声会降低管路系统自身工作的可靠性和舰船的隐蔽性。

    The fluid pressure pulse and flow-noise in water piping system decreased the operation safety of piping system and hiding ability of submarines .

  22. 水管路系统的压力脉动及其引起的流噪声大大降低了舰船的隐蔽性,管内压力脉动也会降低管路系统自身工作的可靠性。

    The fluid pressure pulsation in water piping system reduces marine hiding ability significantly , even leads to deterioration in operation security of the piping system .

  23. 水管路系统振动噪声问题有着广阔的工程背景,其工作过程伴随着流固耦合作用。

    There is a broad engineering background for the problems of vibration and noise of water pipeline system and its working process is attended by fluid-solid coupling .

  24. 水管理系统和棉花单作成为政治与社会控制之机制,故菁英们并无意改变之。

    The system of water management and cotton monoculture supply a mechanism for political and social control , so the elites do not have any intention to change it .

  25. 在碎石土类边坡中常常发育地下水管网渗流系统,他们控制地下水水位上升,对保持边坡稳定十分重要。

    Groundwater pipe drainage systems ( GPDS ) which important in restricting groundwater level rising and in keeping slope stability are often found in debris slopes .

  26. 该检测系统具有区段漏水检测及报警的功能,实验研究表明这种网络化水管泄漏检测系统是适用可行的。

    This measurement system has the funtions of inspecting block leakage of water and alarming , it is proved the measurement system of leakage of water supply pipeline based on network is feasible .

  27. 通过滑坡地质调查和稳定性计算分析,揭示了管网渗流系统的发育特点及其对边坡稳定性的影响,并通过物理模型试验再现了地下水管网渗流系统的形成过程及其对边坡渗透性的作用。

    The effect of pipe drainage system on slope stability is studied by investigation and calculation of a landslide , and a physical model is used to uncover the development of groundwater pipe drainage system .

  28. 对市场导向对设计的影响,供水压力的平衡在热水系统设计中的重要性,分、集水器和塑料给水管在热水系统中的运用等问题谈了一些体会和看法。

    Some personal experiences and opinions such as the market guided effect on the design , the importance of the delivery pressure balancing in hot water system design and the application of water gathering and distributing devices and plastic pipes in hot water system are described .

  29. Fuzzy控制的发电厂冷却水管网自动补水系统

    A Fuzzy Control Automatic Replenishing Water System Applied in a Power Plant Cooling Water Pipeline

  30. 长距离油、气、水管道混输系统

    Long Distance , Oil / Gas / Water Mixed Transportation System