
  1. 这个山村的水靠使用引水槽提供。

    Water is supplied by fluming in this mountain village .

  2. 经过净化的水靠重力流到地下室的另一个集水箱里。

    The purified water then descends by gravity to a basement holding tank .

  3. 水靠著手动帮浦和注水器被注入锅炉。

    Water is fed into the boiler by a hand pump and an injector .

  4. 这些水主要靠自流灌溉到田里。

    This water was distributed to and over the fields primarily by gravity flow .

  5. 水当当先生,靠过来…

    Mr. Soggybottom , come down this here ...

  6. 实质上,这些生命体不会像人类一样依靠水生存,而是靠这些液态碳氢化合物存活。

    Essentially , these life-forms would not survive on liquid water like we do but rather on these liquid hydrocarbons .

  7. 现在著名的水上村庄是靠木筏固定在土壤里以奠定其地基的。

    The now-famous watery villages on rafts of wooden posts driven into the soil , laid the foundations for the floating palaces of today .

  8. 许多无地下水观测资料的岩溶山区,其水资源评价主要靠岩溶水文学方法。

    In many karstic mountainous areas where there are no groundwater observation data available , water resources evaluation is conducted mainly dependent on karst hydrological method .

  9. 第二天早上,白班护士来到病房给他们送洗澡水,却发现靠窗的男子已在睡梦中安然死去。

    The next morning , the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window , who had died peacefully in his sleep .

  10. 我幸而抱住一根沉重的木头,身子躺在冰冷的水里,下巴靠在木头上,双手尽量轻松地抱着木头。

    I was lucky to have a heavy timber to hold on to , and I lay in the icy water with my chin on the wood , holding as easily as I could with both hands .

  11. 目前我国在磨料水射流切割工程陶瓷机理及关键技术方面的研究还很不充分,国内磨料水射流设备主要靠进口。

    At present , China in the abrasive water jet cutting mechanism of Engineering Ceramics and key technical aspects of the research is still far from fully . Domestic abrasive water jet equipment mainly imported .