
yǒnɡ xiǎnɡ
  • enjoy forever
  1. 是的,无论身在何处,我愿心灵永享自由。

    No matter where this body is , the mind is free .

  2. 他写的一首诗使他永享盛名。

    He wrote one poem which ensured his undying fame .

  3. 若能永享别人便不会称之为背判

    " For if it prosper , none dare call it treason . "

  4. 他知道巧克力王国将永享安宁。

    He knew that the land of chocolate was safe forever and ever .

  5. 永享天堂之乐的许诺。

    The promise of eternal bliss .

  6. 大家必然会体谅我要向他表示热烈的祝愿:愿他在退休后能永享国家对他的感激之情,这种感情是对他的杰出才能

    I shall be pardoned for expressing my earnest wishes that he may long enjoy in his retirement the affections of a grateful country

  7. 大家必然会体谅我要向他表示热烈的祝愿:愿他在退休后能永享国家对他的感激之情,这种感情是对他的杰出才能,

    I shall be pardoned for expressing my earnest wishes that he may long enjoy in his retirement the affections of a grateful country ,

  8. 我们将继续保护我们的土地和水源,子孙后代永享我们最美丽的空间。

    And we 'll continue to protect our lands and waters so that our kids and grandkids can enjoy our most beautiful spaces for generations .

  9. 挑水吃的人放下扁担就没水吃,修管道的人修成以后永享成果。

    People carrying water have no water to drink once putting down the carrying pole . However , people building up pipelines can enjoy long-lasting success .

  10. 台湾同胞的生活方式不变,他们的切身利益将得到充分保障,永享太平。

    Our Taiwan compatriots may keep their way of life unchanged , and their vital interests will be fully guaranteed . They will enjoy a lasting peace .

  11. 祈祷有情众生仰仗三宝智慧之光,远离迷茫,早日归投佛陀座下安乐永享。

    It is hoped that all sentient beings can find their way to enlightenment and ultimate joy with the help of the wisdom light of the'Three Jewels ' .

  12. 我的灵魂为你向上帝祈祷,愿你经受时代的考验,你的子孙永享上帝的祝福,他的力量永远保佑着你的臣民。

    My soul prays to God for thee , that thou mayest stand in the day of trial , that thy children may be blessed of the Lord , and thy people saved by his power .

  13. 其实在这个煤钢共同体的计划提出之前,艾氏为著德国能够在欧洲永享和平,就向法国提议与德国同组一个联盟。

    In fact , before the European Coal and steel community plan was proposed , for the sake of enabling Germany to enjoy eternal peace , Adenauer had suggested to France that it join in an alliance with germany .

  14. 今天我们所在的文莱达鲁萨兰国,意为和平之邦,希望和平之光永远普照东亚大地,让东亚永享稳定和安宁。

    The country we are meeting in , Brunei Darussalam , means abode of peace . I hope that the light of peace will be forever upon East Asia and that stability and tranquility will always prevail in the region .