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  • 网络Yongjia;Yung-Chia;Charles Jonga;Yunchia
永嘉 [yǒng jiā]
  • [a prefecture in ZheJiang province] 永嘉郡,治所在今浙江永嘉县

  • 展转四明天台,以至 永嘉。-- 宋. 文天祥《指南录后序》

  1. 浙江省永嘉县并殖吸虫DNA序列分析、形态及核型研究

    Study on DNA sequence and karyotype of Paragonimus westermani in Yongjia county , Zhejiang Province

  2. 对原产乐清、永嘉以及文成引种的“金银花”进行原植物鉴定,并利用HPLC法对样品绿原酸和木犀草苷含量进行检测。

    Meanwhile , it also determined the contents of chlorogenic acid and luteolin-7-O-glucoside of flos Lonicerae by using HPLC method .

  3. 永嘉县HFC网技术过渡方案

    The Transition Scheme of HFC Network in Yongjia

  4. 在中国全面加入WTO的时代背景之下,本文以浙江省永嘉县为个案,对其文化管理的现状进行深入剖析;

    As China is entering WTO , the author attempts a thorough analysis of cultural administration by citing Yongjia , Zhejiang Province as a case for demonstration .

  5. 通过MAPGIS软件平台及其二次开发的滑坡灾害分析系统,采用半定量和定量两种方法对浙江省永嘉县区域滑坡进行了预测。

    On the basis of MAPGIS software and its customizing , two methods , semi-quantitative and quantitative one , are adopted to forecast regional landslides in Yongjia County of Zhejiang Province .

  6. 浙江省永嘉县滑坡灾害风险预警研究

    Early warning of landslide risk in Yongjia County , Zhejiang Province

  7. 永嘉学派与泰州学派思想渊源的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Origin of Yongjia School and Taizhou School

  8. 2005-2008年浙江省永嘉县风疹发病年龄特征分析

    Age distribution of rubella cases in Yongjia county , Zhejiang , 2005-2008

  9. 永嘉城镇绿化中乡土树种应用探讨

    Inquiry into Application of Native Tree Species in Urban Greening

  10. 晋永嘉乱后南迁流民地域选择述论

    Regional Selection of the southward Immigrants after Yongjia Turmoil

  11. 永嘉县2004~2008年艾滋病流行病学分析

    Epidemiological investigation on AIDS in Yongjia County during 2004-2008

  12. 第四章则介绍了永嘉后学的衰落及其原因。

    The fourth chapter describes the decline of Yongjia school and the reasons .

  13. 浙江省永嘉县滑坡灾害危险性区划

    Landslide hazard zonation of Yongjia County , Zhejiang Province

  14. 永嘉学派与南宋温州区域文化的进展

    Yongjia School and the Progress of Wenzhou Region Culture in Southern Song Dynasty

  15. 浙江省永嘉县农村中小学师资队伍建设现状与分析

    Investigation of Teaching Staff Construction in Primary and Secondary schools of Yongjia County

  16. 永嘉县广电双向接入网改造方案选择

    Yongjia County CATV Bidirectional Access Network Transforms Scheme

  17. 二是关于开禧北伐中永嘉诸子的贡献。

    The two is about to open in their contribution to Yongjia Jubilee expedition .

  18. 永嘉县;乡镇卫生院;护理人员;职业接触;医院感染;

    Yongjia County ; rural hospital ; nursing staff ; occupational exposure ; hospital infection ;

  19. 浙江省永嘉县林地资源的可持续利用

    Sustainable forestry land resources in Yongjia country

  20. 永嘉县农村高血压流行病学调查分析

    Epidemiological investigation on hypertension in Yongjia County

  21. 古村落:在永嘉境内散布着无数大大小小的古村落。

    Ancient Villages : In Yongjia scattered in numerous large and small , ancient village .

  22. 永嘉四灵研究

    The Study on Four Poets in Yongjia

  23. 永嘉文派论略

    Verification of the Yongjia Literary Faction

  24. 青岛永嘉盛工贸有限公司,是从事生产加工经营铅板为主的企业。

    Company : Qingdao Yongjiasheng Industry & Trading is engaged in design and manufacture lead plate .

  25. 其为学讲求经世致用,倡导事功,是南宋永嘉学派重要代表人物。

    The school advocates feats , Southern Song Dynasty is the important representative of Yongjia school .

  26. 宋元南戏与永嘉学派

    Nan Drama and Yongjia School

  27. 永嘉四灵是南宋时期的一个诗歌流派。

    Four brilliant poets in Yongjia are members of a poetic school during the South Song Dynasty .

  28. 本文讨论了永嘉文派的产生、永嘉文派的功利思想。

    The thesis analyzes why Yongjia Literary Faction had come into being , and its utilitarian thought .

  29. 永嘉珠片厂是集生产、销售、服务为一体的专业生产压克力珠品系列的厂家。

    Yongjia film-plant production , sales , service as one of professional production line of acrylic-goods manufacturers .

  30. 论文摘要:“永嘉学派”是南宋时期重要的学术流派。

    Yongjia School was an important academic fa ( omitted ) h formed in the South Song Dynasty .