
  • 网络Yongshou County
  1. 永寿县沙棘人工林生长规律初探

    Study on the Growth Principle of Seabuckthorn Plantation in Yongshou County

  2. 第三章,永寿县古城镇的保护性开发与再利用。

    Chapter ⅲ, Protective development and utilization on Yongshou ancient-Town .

  3. 永寿县小麦叶锈病的发生因素与防治对策

    The Occurrence Factors and Control Measures of Wheat Leaf Rust

  4. 在这样一个大环境下,永寿县自然也存在一个农业结构调整的优化期。

    In such a backdrop , Yongshou actually have an optimal period of Agriculture Structure adjustment .

  5. 咸阳农业产业发展现状问题及对策研究&以咸阳市永寿县为例

    Status , Problems and Countermeasures of Agricultural Industry Development in Xianyang & A Case of Yongshou County

  6. 永寿县豆家镇位于渭北旱塬丘陵沟壑区,属于典型的农业大镇,在经济发展水平上属于欠发达地区。

    Yongshou town is located Weibei Plateau of hilly and gully region , is typically a major agricultural town in the level of economic development in underdeveloped areas belonging .

  7. 分别从永寿故城的规划特色、传统民居和多元的文化景观三个方面来展示永寿县的特色风貌,并形成一个整体认识。

    The chapter elaborates from three aspects of Yongshou ancient-town . They are the planning characteristics of Yongshou Ruins and traditional dwellings , diverse cultural landscape . According to a complete cognition , we shall form a whole understanding .