
  • 网络Port of Hamburg;hamburg;Hamburger Harbour;Hamburger Hafen;Hamburg Hafen
  1. 现在,汉堡以欧洲最快转运港闻名于世,汉堡港装卸的集装箱每三个就有一个往来于中欧之间。

    Today , Hamburg is known to be the fastest transshipment port in Europe . In fact , one out of every three containers handled in the Port of Hamburg travels between China and Europe .

  2. 汉堡港岸地区的转型过程

    Transformation of Hamburg Harbor in Hamburg

  3. 而汉堡港是目前欧洲最重要的对亚洲贸易的港口之一,港口规模位居欧洲第二、世界第九。

    And Hamburg Harbor is currently the most important European to Asian ports , port-scale ranks second in Europe and ninth in the world .

  4. 汉堡港是世界七大集装箱港口之一,就表面积而言,它是欧洲最大的海港。

    Hamburg 's seaport is one of the world 's seven largest container ports , and , in terms of surface area , it is the largest seaport in Europe .

  5. 进出汉堡港的导航者告诉我们,现在到港的船只减少,而且大部分重量都比往常轻,这表示,船上的货物减少。

    And the pilots who guide ships in and out of Hamburg 's Port tell us fewer vessels are arriving , most of them lighter than usual , indicating they have less cargo on board .

  6. 汉堡:自由港的重新启航

    Hamburg : Re-sailing of a Free Port

  7. 我建议您选择汉堡作为卸货港,因为它离你方用户较近。

    I suggest you choose hamburg as the unloading port , as it is close to your end user .