
  1. 本文以文化语言学为理论基础,对现行汉语国际教育教材和HSK考试中所出现的熟语进行分析,从文化来源角度将高频使用的熟语分为日常生活、历史典故、宗教信仰以及地域环境四类。

    The idioms in the text books of TCFL and HSK are mainly analyzed . From a perspective of cultural origin , these high-frequently used idioms are divided into four categories of daily life , historical stories , religious belief and terrains .

  2. 随着汉语国际教育的推广,美国中小学中汉语作为第二语言的教学也开展的热火朝天,IVC教学的出现更是加大了汉语和汉文化的推广与传播。

    As soon as the promotion of Chinese international education , teaching Chinese as a second language in American elementary , middle and high school becomes more and more popular . The set up of IVC classroom increased the promotion and dissemination of Chinese language and culture .

  3. 汉语国际教育硕士专业学位面向海内外招收全日制、兼读制学生;

    The postgraduate program of Chinese International Education enrolls both full-time and part-time students .

  4. 当前汉语国际教育呈现出蓬勃发展、海外孔子学院林立的繁荣景象。

    The current Chinese international education presents the vigorous development , and overseas Confucius College is bristly prosperity .

  5. 本文统计了广西区内开设汉语国际教育专业硕士三所高校的生源情况。

    Based on the statistics of the Guangxi region opened the Chinese International Education Master three college students .

  6. 在这样的背景之下,汉语国际教育事业无疑迎来了前所未有的发展契机。

    In this context , the Chinese international education is no doubt ushered in an unprecedented opportunity for development .

  7. 教材是教学的主要媒体,它是教师和学生所依据的材料,在整个汉语国际教育教学环节中占据着非常重要的地位。

    Textbook is the main teaching media . Both teachers and students are based on it to teach and study .

  8. 总结出广西区内汉语国际教育专业硕士生三大主要生源,及生源的小专业情况。

    Summed up the Guangxi area Chinese International Education Master three major students , and students of small professional situation .

  9. 学校在多年的实践中,总结、完善课程设置,建构了相对科学,对汉语国际教育行之有效的课程体系。

    After practicing several years , we have summarized , perfected the curriculum and constructed a scientific , effective international education system .

  10. 由于各国的语言政策和教育政策不尽相同,汉语国际教育在教学各方面呈现了国别化的特点。

    Because of various language and education policies in different countries , teaching Chinese abroad is gradually characterized by " localization " .

  11. 汉语国际教育课程的开发丰富了汉语国际教育的内涵,提升了我国汉语国际教育水平,提高了我国教育国际化水平。

    The development of Chinese international curriculum enriches the internal concept of Chinese international education itself , enhances the native education internationalization level .

  12. 对于有志成为汉语国际教育工作者的我们来说,当下持续升温的汉语热给既是良机,又是挑战。

    As an international Chinese language educator , the rising trend of " Chinese fever " is both an opportunity , and a challenge .

  13. 汉语国际教育推广事业在全球范围内蓬勃发展,美国的孔子学院、孔子课堂发展如雨后春笋,整个美国的汉语教学发展势头强劲。

    With the rising momentum of the worldwide spreading of Chinese-teaching cause , Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms in the United States are spring up fast .

  14. 一学年研修生和汉语国际教育专业硕士奖学金申请者须提交经过公证的最高学历证明,汉语国际教育专业硕士申请者还需提交学校的成绩证明。

    Applicants for One-Academic Year and Master 's Degrees Scholarships should submit notarized diplomas ; and the latter are also required to submit transcripts issued by their schools .

  15. 基础教育阶段的汉语国际教育课程结构主要由必修课程、选修课程、隐性课程、活动课程四部分构成。

    Basic education phase of the Chinese international education course structure mainly includes four parts : compulsory courses , elective courses , the hidden curriculum and activities of the courses .

  16. 山东大学汉语国际教育学院的视听说课为高级层次的外国学生开设一门实验性课程,经过几个学期的探索,取得了阶段性成果。

    Shandong university Chinese international education institute for advanced audio-visual practice level of foreign students to open a door experimental course , after a few term exploration , made staggered results .

  17. 学习结束后经考核合格,可获得汉语国际教育专业硕士学位和汉办颁发的国际汉语教师资格证书。

    They will obtain a Master 's degree in ( MTCSOL ) and an international Chinese languages teacher certificate issued by Hanban upon completing the study and passing the related examinations .

  18. 此时回顾赵元任在汉语国际教育上的贡献和影响,无疑为我们解决存在的问题提供了正确的方向。

    Under such a circumstances , to review and consult the contribution and influence Mr Zhao has made on chinese international education , it will undoubtedly point out the right direction for resolving existing problems .

  19. 本文拟在结合十七届六中全会有关文化体制改革内容的基础上,探讨汉语国际教育事业在当前深化文化体制改革背景下发展的新思路。

    This article intends to analysis on the basis of seventh session of he Sixth Plenary Session of the content of cultural reform , and to investigate new ideas of the development for current Chinese international education .

  20. 在调查的基础上,以一个汉语国际教育专业的实习教师的视角对其进行分析和讨论,发现韩国大学汉语教学的特性以及对外汉语教学整体的共通性。

    On the basis of the investigation , as a Chinese student teacher majoring in international education perspective on the analysis and discussion , found the characteristic of college Chinese teaching and teaching Chinese as a foreign language is the overall convergence .

  21. 应运而生的汉语国际教育硕士专业学位作为一门独立的学科,旨在培养促进汉语国际推广工作的专业性人才,满足海外市场对汉语国际教育教师的迫切需求。

    The Degree of Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages ( MTCSOL ) came into being as an independent major in order to foster professional talents who can promote the process of Chinese internationalization , and meet the urgent needs of Chinese language teachers of overseas market .

  22. 汉语国际教育这一新兴学科作为一门独立的实践型学科,它的理论还不健全,没有形成完整的学科体系,尤其是对教学技巧的研究还涉及不深。

    As a new subject , Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Language ( MTCSOL ) is an independent practice discipline . Its theory is not perfect , and it has not form a complete subject system yet , especially the study of the teaching skills involved is not profound .

  23. 期望将来能发展成一个涉及新闻传播、外语、对外汉语、国际教育、以及商业管理沟通等领域之跨学科的跨文化传播研究中心。

    It is hoped that the Center will play a major role in the study of cross-cultural communication from an interdisciplinary perspective .

  24. 汉语课堂教学录像与汉语国际教育硕士的培养

    Chinese Classroom Teaching Video and the Cultivation of Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

  25. 观摩汉语作为第二语言课堂教学录像,是培养汉语国际教育硕士教学能力的一个有效手段,有着其他手段所不能替代的作用。

    An observation of CSL classroom teaching video is an effective means of , and by comparison , plays an irreplaceable role in cultivating MTCSL .

  26. 随着汉语国际传播事业的蓬勃开展,多所高校设立了汉语国际教育硕士专业学位。

    Many colleges and universities established Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages ( MTCSOL ) as the flourishingly development of Chinese international communication .

  27. 汉语教师志愿者是汉语国际推广事业的重要新兴力量,也是对外汉语教学师资的重要组成部分。在汉语国际教育蓬勃发展的新形势下,各界对汉语师资的要求越来越高。

    The Chinese volunteer teacher is a newly arise power to promote Chinese language to worldwide , also an important part of TCFL Teachers . Nowadays , the demand for a qualified Chinese teachers has become higher and higher .