
  • 网络Hanno;Hanoi
  1. 汉诺大学的环境专家表示,使用液化石油气是可行的燃料选择。

    Environmentalist at Hanoi University of Sciences Professor Hoang Xuan Co says using LPG is a viable fuel option .

  2. 正如康德批评汉诺总是妄下结论,理性的多元性呈现自身。

    As Kant rebukes Hanno for jumping to conclusions along the way , the diversity of reason asserts itself .

  3. 本文采用两种方法探讨了C语言中递归调用中的Hanoi(汉诺)塔问题。

    Two kinds of methods are adopted in the paper to discuss the Hanoi tower based recursion calling of C language .

  4. 本文给出了汉诺(Hanoi)塔问题的一种新的解模型。

    This paper gives a new resolution model about the Tower-of-Hanoi puzzle .

  5. Hanoi(汉诺)塔问题作为一个古典的数学问题,一直以来都是数据结构中递归算法的经典案例,几乎没有介绍过其他的方法来解决此问题。

    The puzzle of Hanoi Tower , as a classical mathematical issue , is a classical case of recursive algorithm on data structures all the time , and almost no other algorithms are introduced to solve it .

  6. 汉诺坝玄武岩于中新世喷出。

    The Hannuoba basalts were erupted in Miocene .

  7. 火山气体喷发量的一种计算方法&以汉诺坝浮岩为例

    A Method for Calculation of Amounts of Volcano Eruptive Gases & Hannuoba Pumice as an Example

  8. 格利高里奥把对世界进行连贯,理性,哲学思考的大师康德与最好的专注细节的侦探汉诺结合起来让赌注翻了一番。

    Gregorio doubles the ante by combining the overarching master of a coherent , rational philosophical approach to the world , Kant , with an excellent piecemeal worker like Hanno .