
  • 网络pond fish;Shimaaji;Aji
池鱼 [chí yú]
  • (1) [fish in pool]∶池中的鱼

  • (2) [innocent people involved in trouble or suffering]∶比喻无辜受累遭殃。如:池鱼堂燕(比喻无辜受祸);池鱼幕燕(比喻处境危险极易遭殃的人)

  1. 气象要素与池鱼泛塘关系研究

    Studies on Relation between Meteorological Factor and Asphyxia of Pond Fishes

  2. 试验池鱼的出肉率与肌肉营养成份与对照组相比差异不显著。

    The muscle nutrition composition and the meat rate of test pool had no remarkable difference with check group .

  3. 如果穷国不能为自己提供资金,那么较富裕的兄弟国家会发现,它们也将受到池鱼之灾。

    If poor countries cannot fund themselves , richer brethren will find themselves on the hook for their collateral damage .

  4. 而另一方面,遭受池鱼之灾的约旦,则应获得更多直截了当的同情。

    Jordan , on the other hand , deserves more direct sympathy as the victim of circumstances created by outsiders .

  5. 步入一池水是再平常不过的,但是谁能想象步入一池鱼呢?

    Stepping into a pool of water is common enough , but who could ever imagine ; stopping into a pool of fish ?

  6. 贪爱自身的人,会千方百计地为了解除饥渴和疾病而不惜捕杀池鱼与飞鸟走兽,甚至埋伏于道中伺机劫夺路人。

    Wishing to relieve our bodies'ills , our hungry mouths , the dryness of our throats , we lie in wait along the road and steal the lives of fishes , birds , and deer .